Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mexico's President Calderon Tours U.S. Cities

Mexico's President Calderon Tours U.S. Cities To Promote Changes In U.S. Immigration Policy

There's another political campaign taking place across the United States this year, as Mexico’s President Calderon and Mexican Consulates in cities across America attempt to influence U.S. Immigration Policy.

"[W]e should have made (President Calderon) register as a lobbyist before he ever came into the United States, because, of course, that is what he is doing here. He is lobbying for an open-borders bill." Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) 2/12/2008

As Mexico's President tours cities across the U.S.,
FAIR wants all Americans know that he is here to campaign for changes in U.S. immigration laws.


Be sure to visit the FAIR website this week for updates on the Calderon tour of the U.S. at www.fairus.org/calderonvisit

Mexican consulates stationed here in the U.S. are lobbying our local, state and federal governments to change U.S. immigration laws!

The Mexican consuls are working out of 47 consulate offices in the U.S. lobbying for illegal immigrants and operating sophisticated public relations campaigns.

The fact is they are directly engaging in American politics.

"Wherever there is a Mexican, that is Mexico"
Mexico's president Calderon September 2, 2007

Dallas Morning News, 10/4/2007
This blatant interference by the Mexican government in our
internal policy debate is something the Mexican government would never tolerate in its country.

We cannot allow another government to defend and promote the
interests of its people who have illegally entered our country
and broken our laws.

It's time for all Americans everywhere to join together and
DEMAND that Mexican Consular officials stop lobbying to
change United States policies and end this practice immediately!

Take Action Now!
Your action is needed immediately. So take a moment now to:

Contact your elected officials and ask them to get the State
Department to demand that Mexican consular officials stop
lobbying against U.S. immigration policy AND

Support FAIR's efforts to alert and inform all Americans about these
activities, and other attempts by pro-amnesty and open-border advocates to change U.S. immigration laws and reward illegal activity, with a generous
Granting amnesty to illegal aliens has been the goal of open-border
advocate groups for many years. Now they have unified and enlisted the support of the Mexican government ... and here's what they're planning to do:

Create an anti-defamation league for illegal immigrants;

Increase spending by Mexican Consulates in the U.S., especially
in areas like North Texas where illegal immigration from Mexico has been overwhelming local towns;

Launch a media campaign aimed at undermining anyone who opposes
uncontrolled illegal immigration. (source: Dallas Morning News 10/4/2007)

The only way this scandal of the Mexican government interfering with American immigration policies and enforcement of our laws will be stopped
is the same way we stopped destructive amnesty legislation from
being passed in 2007 and the lack of U.S. government border security...


Thank you for your support!

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