Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tucson Unified School District Revolutionary Council ?

Tucson Unified School District Revolutionary Council ?

The Tucson Unified School District Revolutionary Council, led by Comandantes Adelita Grijalva and Dolores Huerta Burns, stormed the District's 1010 Compound Tuesday night. They drove democratically elected President Mark Stegeman from his post.

Miguel Cuevas was given the president's gavel, a Cuban cigar, and a beret that matches his eyes. Grijalva announced a Revolutionary Tribunal will determine what speech is permissible in the new regime and who is a racist. The U.N. will vote on sanctions next week.

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NOPE 2012 Bumper Sticker

NOPE 2012 Bumper Sticker A New Spin On a Classic Anti-Obama Bumper Sticker Campaign. America, there is absolutely no way we are going to allow this President to get reelected. Not after apologizing for our country, creating bailouts and stimulus packages that have only burdened our country further, forced Obamacare on us, and sent our economy into the dumps.

NOPE 2012 about sums it up. It ain't happening again!