Friday, July 23, 2010


On today's podcast, Americans for Prosperity's Erik Telford joins us to discuss the RightOnline conference coming up this weekend (July 23-24) in Las Vegas.

According to AFP, RightOnline "is an annual gathering of thousands of citizen activists, leading conservative voices, and the nation's foremost new media experts from across the country."

(Note: Liberal bloggers will also be holding their Netroots Nation in Vegas this weekend.)

This year's RightOnline will feature top conservative speakers, including Fox News' Judge Andrew Napolitano, Senate candidate Sharron Angle, Reps. Mike Pence and Michelle Bachmann, RedState's Erick Erickson, HotAir's Ed Morrissey and more.

visit the RightOnline website

Kentucky 9/12 Project

Kentucky 9/12 Project and We Surround Them
This is a true grassroots movement based on 9 principles and 12 values (9/12), as well as an idea to bring us back to the people we were September 12, 2001. The day after America was attacked when we were not from Red States or Blue States but the United States. When we were united as Americans, standing together to protect the greatest nation ever created..... This is the 9/12 Project!

visit the Kentuckey 912 Project website

as mentioned on glenn beck show and fox news

Vacation Liberty School

Vacation Liberty School

Educating, enlightening, and exciting the Youth of America about the principles, beliefs, and fundamentals on which this country was founded "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." II Corinthians 3:17

see the Vacation Liberty School web site

as mentioned on the glenn beck show 7/23/10

RESET 2010.ORG is a nationwide grassroots

RESET 2010™

RESET 2010.ORG is a nationwide grassroots (GROs) initiative to replace members of Congress who, like computer viruses have corrupted the American political system.

RESET 2010.ORG is about Principles not Party:about American Exceptionalism:
Limited Government
Individual Liberty
Fiscal Responsibility
Lower Taxes

RESET2010.ORG represents ONE UNITED VOICE - it represents ACTION to return our Republic to the Representative form of government intended by our Founding Fathers -

visit the actual reset2010 web site

as mentioned on fox news / glenn beck show 7/23/10