Friday, August 06, 2010

Virginia Nun killed by illegal alien driver out on dui bail

Virginia Nun killed by illegal alien driver out on dui bail. where is DHS/ ICE?

see complete story at

see the complete story

General Motors To Invest $500M In Mexico Plant

More Obama Jobs Creation: General Motors To Invest $500M In Mexico Plant

That's the new and improved -- Obama government-run -- General Motors for you.

MEXICO CITY (Dow Jones)--U.S. automobile giant General Motors Co. said Tuesday it plans to invest close to $500 million in its Ramos Arizpe plant in northern Mexico to produce a new line of engines as well as a new vehicle.

Of that amount, the company is investing $284 million to manufacture eight-cylinder engines with spark-ignition direct-injection technology, known as SIDI, Grace Lieblein, chief executive of GM de Mexico, said at an event.

"We estimate that these technologies allow for a 9% improvement in fuel efficiency from current engines," Lieblein said, adding that the investment will directly create 390 jobs in Coahuila state, where Ramos Arizpe is located.

Another $215 million will go toward upgrading the factory's production lines to build a new vehicle for the domestic and international markets, she said, noting that the investment will be key to maintaining 400 jobs.

Assembly of the vehicle, which wasn't named, is set to begin in the last quarter of 2011. GM plans for it to "give long-term viability to this plant by gradually substituting some production volumes."

Lieblein said General Motors has invested $4.1 billion in Mexico over the last four years.

Laura Ingraham info

Laura Ingraham info

click to visit the Laura Ingraham web site

Editorial Reviews
Product Description
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) On May 20, 2010, Laura Ingraham received a package from an anonymous source that will change the history of the United States and the legacy of President Barack Obama. While retrieving her automobile from the underground garage at the Watergate complex (where she had just enjoyed her weekly pedicure), Ingraham discovered a manila envelope on the hood of her car. When she picked it up, a deep baritone voice called out from a nearby stairwell: "Just read it. You’ll know what to do." The shadowy figure then disappeared into the darkness without another word.
The envelope contained copies of what appeared to be diary entries written by President Barack Obama, his family, and high-ranking administration officials. Because the "diaries" are so revealing, Ingraham felt compelled to release them to the American public and the citizens of the world.

Major media outlets love to describe the president as "no drama Obama," but The Obama Diaries tells a different tale. Through these "diary entries," readers will see past the carefully constructed Obama faƇade to the administration’s true plans to "remake America."

In The Obama Diaries, Ingraham hilariously skewers the president and his minions. She takes aim at:

•the cynical "razzle-dazzle" marketing of Obama’s radical agenda

•the use of the Obama "brand" and family to obscure Obama’s true aims

•Michelle Obama’s gardening and anti-obesity initiative; and much more.

Informative and hugely entertaining, The Obama Diaries will inspire both laughter and critical thinking about the future of the nation and the man currently at the helm.

Excerpts from Laura Ingraham’s The Obama Diaries

Obama on Sarah Palin:

"Hell, doesn’t Palin have anything better to do than criticize me? Shouldn’t she be back home shooting some endangered wolf species from a helicopter?" (April 9, 2010)

Michelle on being First Lady:

"I’ll be damned if all this fabulosity is going to go to waste reading Dr. Seuss to snot-nosed kids all day." (January 23, 2009)

Vice President Joe Biden on Michelle Obama:

"She’s kind of like a black Hillary Clinton. I mean that in a good way." (May 5, 2009)

Obama on his visit to the Vatican:

"If I can ingratiate myself with a few more of these red-hats, the pope thing might not be a bad follow-up to the presidency." (July 10, 2009)

The Obama Diaries