Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Rush rejects Senator Mccain

Rush Limbaugh Recommends Virginia Senator George Allen As 2008 Republican Nominee

Local: Wed, Oct 19 2005 7:46 am
Subject: Rush Limbaugh Recommends Virginia Senator George Allen As 2008 Republican Nominee
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Last night on the Fox TV Sean Hannity show conservative talk-radio host
Rush Limbaugh advised that the Republicans reject moderates like John
McCain and Rudy Giuliano and nominate a right-wing candidate like
current Virginia Republican senator George Allan for president in 2008.

Limbaugh said that there in now a state of war between the Left and
Right in the U.S. and there is no possibility of compromise. The base of
the Democratic Left is radical, hate- America and its middle-class
capitalist republic.

Limbaugh stated that the Republicans best chance for political victory
is reaming well to the right like Ronald Regan and not try to appease
the Left in any way. This has been the mistake of George Bush, primarily
in his second term, of believing that there can be some kind of
compromise, that he could win some "liberals" over by granting
concessions. Bush tried that with disastrous results e.g. in allowing
Ted Kennedy to write his education policy, "Leave No Child Behind".

Limbaugh mentioned that talk radio which he more or less initiated back
in 1988 has been a decisive force in the rejuvenation of
U.S.conservatism, whose revolution actually began back in the 1960s
with William F. Buckley, National Review and Barry Goldwater. Now the
charge is being led by talk radio and Fox News for the battle of the
hearts and minds of the American people.