Friday, June 29, 2007

Secure Fence Act of 2006

Secure Fence Act of 2006
Mandated 854 miles of border fence.

DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff last week said he expects 150 miles completed by the end of September. According to ICE worksite enforcement data, there have been 613 criminal arrests and 3,226 administrative arrests FY 2007 through May.

According to ICE, it has tripled its Fugitive Operations Teams to 61 today, on target for 75 by the end of FY 2007. In FY 2006, ICE apprehended 17,817, fugitive aliens. This year, it is on track to double that.

In May and June, according to ICE's Deportable Alien Control System (DACS), there were 632,189 fugitive aliens in the United States.

see Lou Dobbs at.........

Thursday, June 28, 2007

send a vegetable to DHS Director Michael Chertoff ?

send a vegetable to DHS Director Michael Chertoff ?

as a political staement/opinion ?

mailing address is................

Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
Michael Chertoff
Department of Homeland Security
245 Murray Lane, SW
Washington, DC 20528-0300
source = as of 6/28/07



June 28, 2007

Dear Friends,

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for standing up for what you believed in. Thank you for proving that our grassroots voices can be heard. Thank you for supporting our party with your emails, letters, calls, and even contributions and support.

Here in Arizona, we are pro-legal immigrant. We very strongly believe in the American dream and the hope and blessings of liberty for all legal immigrants. We are, after all, a nation of immigrants who came to this land in search of a better life, prosperity, freedom, security and peace. But we also believe in the Rule of Law and hope our Congress will begin by securing the borders. Only then can we seek to reform our immigration system by not having made more unfulfilled promises to the American people, but having actually gotten the job done.

Today, because of you, we can begin to talk about real border security and urge Congress to pass legislation that will truly secure our borders and make America safe and free from gangs, drug dealers, human traffickers, and terrorists. Together, we will continue to work to keep America’s families safe, secure, and free.

Friends, while we’ve taken time over the last several weeks to have a healthy discussion and debate over immigration policy, it’s time for our great party to come together and stop Janet Napolitano, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Gabrielle Giffords, and Harry Mitchell from enacting their extreme left wing agenda on the American people. On the horizon we see taxes hikes, uncontrolled pork spending, limits on free speech, and socialized medicine. YOUR Arizona Republican Party stands as the last, best hope to stop the Democrat’s liberal march in its tracks!

Today, I am calling for the party to stand together and fight the Democrats on the local, state, and national level. We have a tremendous amount of work ahead, but with your enthusiasm, support, and most importantly, your voice; our great party will win election after election in every corner of Arizona. Together, we can elect a veto-proof majority in the state legislature. We can win important mayoral, council and county offices around the state. We can play an important part in retaking control of Congress in 2008. And, we can make sure that Arizona votes to send another Republican to the White House next year.

So join me as we prepare to fight in the Democrats in every precinct, in every town, and in every county across Arizona. We have 501 days until Election Day 2008… Let’s make them count!



REp Tancredo Sends DHS Chertoff a head of Lettuce

REp Tancredo Sends DHS Chertoff a head of Lettuce

very interesting ideal, one wa to express your opinion?

Tancredo Sends Chertoff Lettuce

Rep. Tom Tancredo, Republican from Colorado, to show his disagreement with Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff's recent comments on how failure of passing immigration reform might affect the agricultural industry is sending the cabinet officer a head of lettuce, according to a CNN report.

Reportedly included with the head of lettuce is a fruit basket and a card saying, "Much, much more where this comes from.”

"The administration has taken hyperbole to a whole new level this time," Tancredo said in a statement. "They are now trying to convince the public that without amnesty, the American people are going to starve?"

"The agriculture industry and the free market has managed to keep producing through floods, droughts, and $3.00 per gallon gas," Tancredo added. "I doubt very seriously that a nominal increase in labor costs is going to be the end of lettuce as we know it."

Wednesday, June 27, 2007



JUNE 27, 2007

Dear Friends,

As you are probably already aware, the Senate was able to pass a vote of cloture by a margin of 64-35 yesterday. Like you, I was very disappointed with allowing the “Kennedy Amnesty Bill” to proceed. It is clear that this legislation is weak, unfair, and expensive. I am still very optimistic about the defeat of this bill as it moves through the legislative process.

We still have ample opportunity to stop the “Kennedy Amnesty Bill,” below you will find a list of the 64 U.S. Senators that voted for cloture yesterday. I urge everyone to call, e-mail, and fax these Senators and urge them to reconsider their vote.

Beyond that, if this bill makes it through the Senate, we still have an opportunity to defeat this bill when it moves to the House. Already a coalition of Republicans, led by Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) and supported by several key Republicans including Arizona’s own John Shadegg and Trent Franks, as well as House Republican Leader John Boehner are working to derail and defeat this bad piece of legislation once and for all. Yesterday, the House Republican Conference voted on a resolution simply stating “Resolved the House Republican Conference disapproves of the Senate immigration bill.” The resolution passed by an overwhelming margin, 114-28. This vote is the first step in having a unified Republican front in the House to stop the Kennedy Amnesty Bill.”

The fight continues and the Arizona Republican Party will remain on the front lines of the immigration debate. Remember, your voice is our voice. It was your voices that rose up and stalled this legislation and now I truly believe it will be your voices heard from coast to coast that will ultimately send the “Kennedy Amnesty Bill” to the ash heap of history.

As always, it is honor to serve as your state chairman.





AK Ted Stevens R 522 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-3004; 202-224-2354

AK Lisa Murkowski R 709 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-6665; 202-224-5301

AR Blanche Lincoln D 355 Dirksen Senate Office Building 202-224-4843; 202-228-1371

AR Mark Pryor D 257 Dirksen Senate Office Building 202-224-2353; 202-228-0908

AZ John McCain R 241 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-2235; 202-228-2862

AZ Jon Kyl R 730 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-4521; 202-224-2207

CA Dianne Feinstein D 331 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-3841; 202-228-3954

CA Barbara Boxer D 112 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-3553; 415-956-6701

CO Ken Salazar R 702 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-5852 ;202-228-5036

CT Christopher Dodd D 448 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-2823 ;202-224-1083

CT Joseph Lieberman D 706 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-4041; 202-224-9750

DE Joseph Biden D 201 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-5042; 202-224-0139

DE Thomas Carper D 513 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-2441; 202-228-2190

FL Bill Nelson D 716 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-5274; 202-228-2183

FL Mel Martinez R 317 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-3041; 202-228-5171

HI Daniel Inouye D 722 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-3934; 202-224-6747

HI Daniel Akaka D 141 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-6361 ;202-224-2126

IA Tom Harkin D 731 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-3254 ;202-224-9369

ID Larry Craig R 520 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-2752 ;202-228-1067

IL Richard Durbin D 332 Dirksen Senate Office Building 202-224-2152; 202-228-0400

IL Barack Obama D 713 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-2854 ;202-228-1372

IN Richard Lugar R 306 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-4814; 202-228-0360

KS Sam Brownback R 303 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-6521; 202-228-1265

KY Mitch McConnell R 361A Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-2541; 202-224-2499

MA Edward Kennedy D 317 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-4543; 202-224-2417

MA John Kerry D 304 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-2742; 202-224-8525

MD Barbara Mikulski D 503 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-4654 ;202-224-8858

MD Benjamin Cardin D B40B Dirksen Senate Office Building 202-224-4524 ;202-224-1651

ME Olympia Snowe R 154 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-5344; 202-224-1946

ME Susan Collins R 461 Dirksen Senate Office Building 202-224-2523; 202-224-2693

MI Carl Levin D 269 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-6221; 202-224-1388

MN Norm Coleman R 320 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-5641; 202-224-1152

MN Amy Klobuchar D C4 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-3244; 202-228-2186

MO Claire McCaskill D 825A Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-6154; 202-228-1518

MS Trent Lott R 487 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-6253; 202-224-2262

NC Richard Burr R 217 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-3154;202-228-2981

ND Kent Conrad D 530 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-2043 ;202-224-7776

ND Byron Dorgan D 322 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-2551; 202-224-1193

NE Charles Hagel R 248 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-4224 ;202-224-5213

NE Benjamine Nelson D 720 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-6551; 202-228-0012

NH Judd Gregg R 393 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-3324; 202-224-4952

NJ Frank Lautenberg D 324 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-3224; 202-225-4054

NJ Robert Menendez D 502 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-4744 ;202-228-2197

NM Pete Domenici R 328 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-6621; 202-228-3261

NM Jeff Bingaman D 703 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-5521; 202-224-2852

NV Harry Reid D 528 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-3542 ;202-224-7327

NV John Ensign R 356 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-6244 ;202-228-2193

NY Charles Schumer D 313 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-6542; 202-228-3027

NY Hillary Clinton D 476 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-4451; 202-228-0282

OH George Voinovich R 524 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-3353 ;202-228-1382

OH Sherrod Brown D C5 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-2315;202-224-6519

OR Ron Wyden D 230 Dirksen Senate Office Building 202-224-5244; 202-228-2717

PA Arlen Specter R 711 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-4254 ;202-228-1229

PA Bob Casey D B40C Dirksen Senate Office Building 202-224-6324; 202-228-0604

RI Jack Reed D 728 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-4642; 202-224-4680

RI Sheldon Whitehouse D B40D Dirksen Senate Office Building 202-224-2921 ;202-228-6362

SC Lindsey Graham R 290 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-5972; 202-224-3808

SD Tim Johnson D 136 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-5842 ;202-228-5765

UT Robert Bennett R 431 Dirksen Senate Office Building 202-224-5444 ;202-228-1168

VA John Warner R 225 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-2023; 202-224-6295

VA James Webb D C1 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-4024; 202-224-5432

VT Patrick Leahy D 433 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-4242; 202-224-3479

WA Patty Murray D 173 Russell Senate Office Building 202-224-2621; 202-224-0238

WA Maria Cantwell D 717 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-3441; 202-228-0514

WI Herb Kohl D 330 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-5653;202-224-9787

WI Russell Feingold D 506 Hart Senate Office Building 202-224-5323 ;202-224-2725

does democratic Senator Harry Reid, of Nevada, look like a shithead to you too?

does democratic Senator Harry Reid, of Nevada, look like a shithead to you too?

I think he personally dragging down public opinion of the senate even further.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

where's the 834 miles of border security fence that was passed last year?

where's the 834 miles of border security fence that was passed last year?

IRS question, if I get a Z visa will the IRS forget the thousands I owe too?

IRS question, if I get a Z visa will the IRS forget the thousands I owe too?

Monday, June 25, 2007

Bush-Kennedy Bill Will Only Reduce Illegal Immigration by 13

CBO Estimates that Bush-Kennedy Bill Will Only Reduce Illegal Immigration by 13 Percent!
On June 4th, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a cost estimate of S.1348 (now S.1639) which estimated that the Bush-Kennedy bill would not do much to solve the illegal immigration crisis facing the United States. Specifically, the CBO report estimated that even if fully funded, the Bush-Kennedy bill would reduce illegal immigration at the border by 25% but would at the same time actually increase the number of illegal aliens through aliens who overstay their Y guest worker and H-1B visas (increased in the bill). Thus, the net reduction in illegal immigration will only be about 13 percent over the next 20 years!

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) last week sent a letter to his Senate colleagues summarizing the CBO report and pointing out the importance of its findings. He wrote, "I believe you will be as shocked as I was" when reading the report. Sessions lamented that while proponents of the Bush-Kennedy legislation claim the bill will secure the border, decrease illegal immigration, and restore the rule of law to our immigration system, the CBO report demonstrates that the Bush-Kennedy bill will not fulfill these promises.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Arizona Republicans looking for a replacement for Mccain?

Arizona Republicans looking for a replacement for Mccain?

time for that senile old fart to retire ?

McCain could pull out of race by autumn

McCain could pull out of race by autumn

Presidential hopeful drops campaign staff as Republican consultants
predict he'll be gone by September

THE former presidential front-runner, John McCain, may drop out of the
2008 race by September if his fundraising dries up and his poll
ratings continue to drop, according to Republican insiders.

The speculation, vigorously denied by McCain’s camp, is sweeping Republican circles after a disastrous few weeks in which the principled Arizona senator
has clashed with the party’s conservative base on immigration and
also alienated independent voters by backing President George W Bush’s
troop surge in Iraq.

Randy Pullen, chairman of the Arizona Republican party, said: He’s a
battler, so I’d expect him to carry on, but everyone is waiting to see
what his new fundraising totals are. That’s pretty critical.
If he doesn’t have the money, he won’t be able to run.

The second fundraising quarter for candidates closes at the end
of June and McCain’s results should be known by mid-July.

Related Links
Old girlfriends cast their vote for Thompson
Dan Schnur, McCain’s communications director during the 2000
presidential campaign, said it was possible that he could drop out:
There are all sorts of challenges McCain is facing, from fundraising
to Fred Thompson and the Iraq war, but the biggest single boulder in
his path is the immigration issue.

One veteran Republican consultant put the odds of McCain remaining in
the race beyond the autumn at 3-1 against. He’ll be gone by September,
predicted Tom Edmonds, who is not affiliated with any campaign.

The wheels are coming off his wagon and it’s hard to see how he can
recover. He won’t be able to pay all the good talent he has hired
and they’ll want to drift away from a loser.

A poll by Rasmussen Reports last week showed McCain lying joint third
with Mitt Romney, the Mormon former governor of Massachussetts, with
the support of just 10% of Republican voters. This compared with 28%
for Fred Thompson, the former Tennessee senator, and 27% for Rudy
Giuliani, New York’s mayor at the time of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Another poll in Iowa, a crucial early voting state, put McCain in
fifth place behind Mike Hucka-bee, the former governor of Arkansas, with only 6%.

McCain has already shed some high-level staff to save money and could slim down further, according to Schnur.

If another difficult fundraising report forces McCain to retool his campaign and run again as an insurgent and outsider, it might not be a bad thing, he said. His best days as a campaigner in 2000 came when he faced extremely formidable opponents on a shoestring budget and a skeleton staff.

Feelings are running so high against Bush’s immigration bill, which opponents decry as an amnesty for illegal immigrants, that McCain may not win the support of Arizona, his home state on the border of Mexico.

It looks to me like Arizona will be in play, Pullen said. The immigration issue is clearly hurting him with the base of the party.

Supporters and critics agree that McCain’s resolute, battle-tested character could prevent him leaving the race, no matter what the difficulties.

Given his disposition and his history, it’s more unlikely for him [to drop out] than other candidates facing the same situation, said Schnur.

A McCain campaign insider said: Reports of his death are greatly exaggerated. We’re in the precampaign phase when everybody is trying hysterically to read the tea leaves, but after September the lights will go on and everybody will see that we’ve got a candidate who has stood before, doesn’t need on-the-job training and has the resources to compete.

McCain recently decided not to stand in a straw poll to be held in Iowa in August, fearing an embarrassing defeat.

Giuliani is forgoing the event for the same reason, but has managed to cling on to the lead in most polls despite a turbulent few weeks. Thomas Ravenel, who chaired Giuliani’s campaign in South Carolina, was charged last week with conspiring to distribute crack cocaine.

McCain faces a further challenge if Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, decides to stand and courts the same independent voters as the former Vietnam prisoner of war, as well as using a predicted $1 billion of his fortune.

see more at............

Saturday, June 23, 2007



Dear Friends,

In 96 hours, the Senate is due to take up the comprehensive immigration reform bill again. Two weeks ago, because of your calls, emails, faxes and letters, two things happened:

First, our collective voices were heard and we won the first round by stopping passage of this bill in the Democrat-controlled US Senate. Second, we demonstrated to ourselves, to other state Republican parties, to our national party and to the rest of the nation that we are strongest when we unite behind the will of the American people, behind the rule of law, behind the promises we have already made and must now keep. Today, we are a stronger party than before because our voice has grown with new Arizona Republican voters, new donors and new activists within our ranks!

Please, call (202) 224-3121 and tell Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, Trent Lott, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the US Senate that we need real border security and real immigration reform… but this bill just isn’t it.

Then, please CLICK HERE and send a make a secure online donation today to YOUR ARIZONA REPUBLICAN PARTY. To keep our voices heard loud and clear, YOUR party needs YOUR support today. Your contribution of $25, $50, $75, $100 or even $150 today. This is our party, our state and our nation – and all three are worth fighting for.

Thank you in advance for your generous support!


numbersusa web site

Click Here to see Report Cards

see your congressional voting record

Thursday, June 21, 2007




Arizona Republicans,

As the U.S. Senate reintroduces the immigration bill that was defeated last week, Oklahoma Senator Inhofe is leading the charge to ensure that our borders are secure and no amnesty is granted to illegal immigrants. As a part of his effort to show his fellow Senators how concerned the American people are about the issue, he announced an online petition at to send a message to the Senate.

Please click here to visit Secure Borders Now and sign the petition to support Senator Inhofe and all Republicans who agree: secure the border and no amnesty.

The petition reads:

Members of the United State Senate,

I am one of the millions of Americans who believes our first priority as a nation should be to secure our borders by enforcing existing laws. Amnesty is not the solution.

I urge you to vote against the immigration reform bill currently being considered in the Senate and to oppose any future effort that undermines our national security or grants amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

Click here to sign the petition now and show your support. We need to gather signatures as quickly as possible before the debate begins early next week, so please pass the link along to your friends and family who agree on this important issue.

Below is the full release from Senator Inhofe's office:


(JUNE 15, 2007) - U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) today announced “Secure Borders Now” (, a new website for Americans to urge the Senate to consider immigration reform that focuses on enforcing existing border security laws and opposition to amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants.

“Unfortunately it appears many in the Senate remain deaf to the voices of the American people, as yet another backroom deal has emerged designed to revive the fatally flawed immigration bill and its immediate path to amnesty. The ‘Secure Borders Now’ petition gives Americans an opportunity to voice their opposition. I hope my constituents and citizens from all across our country will take action, sign the petition and show how many Americans are strongly opposed to this bill.”

“Despite the promise of increased funding for border security and additional votes on a handful of amendments, the proposed legislation will continue to shortcut the current naturalization process and grant amnesty to 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants currently in our country. That is a trade off that I simply cannot support.

“The first step in any significant immigration legislation must be securing our borders and enforcing existing laws. It is unconscionable to make border security conditional on the guarantee of amnesty. Even with the promise of additional funding for border security, the Senate bill focuses far too much on controversial and irresponsible programs such as the ‘Z-visa’ (which I voted to eliminate), and far too little on ensuring that our borders are no longer porous.

“I have stated from the outset of this immigration debate that I will vehemently oppose any legislation that guarantees amnesty for illegal immigrants, unfairly burdens taxpayers or fails to secure our borders.

“It is time that we deal with real immigration reform beginning with border security. This is the best way to restore trust with the American people and facilitate future improvement of our immigration policy.”

On Tuesday, Senator Inhofe joined eight Senators in writing a letter to President Bush urging him to fulfill the border security provisions listed in the Senate immigration bill whether the legislation passes or not. Each border security trigger in the bill can be implemented under current law without any need for new legislation from Congress.

A Rasmussen Reports national phone survey conducted June 11 and 12, found that only 20 percent of voters wanted Congress to try and pass the Senate bill that failed last week. Sixty-nine percent favored an approach that focused “exclusively on securing the border and reducing illegal immigration.”


Jun 4 2007 Email This Article | Category: Dick's Articles | Leave a Comment Published on on June 1, 2007.

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton was challenged by the press about the Clinton family’s acceptance of more than $900,000 in free private travel from Infousa, a company linked to scamming the elderly.

Her reply? She said that she had complied with all Senate ethics rules and reimbursed the company for the amount of a first class air ticket usually about 1 percent of the cost of the luxurious private jet travel. According to Hillary, Those were the rules. You’ll have to ask someone else if it’s good policy.

In other words, get lost.

Is there anyone out there who would say it’s good policy for a U.S. senator and presidential candidate to accept apparently tax-free gifts of almost a million dollars from a corporation especially a corporation involved in providing lists of vulnerable elderly people to scam artists?

And it’s not like the Clintons couldn’t afford to buy an air ticket the family income since 2001 has been more than $63 million! So why do they have to freeload from rich friends?

Well, evidently Hillary doesn’t think that she should be the one to consider whether it makes ethical sense to have rich pals pay for a U.S. senator’s family vacations.

That’s up to someone else…

But, Hillary has decided it is up to her and not someone else to determine whether corporate policies that allow huge payments and perks to CEOs make good policy. And her answer is a resounding, NO … unless, it seems, if she’s benefiting from the perks.

When Senator Clinton condemns corporate greed and attacks over-the-top CEO compensation, she’s not talking about her close friends in the business world. No, to her, they’re different. In the Clintons’ case, it’s OK to use corporate assets to fly her and her husband to jet-set vacation spots all over the world, including a $146,000 plane ride to Acapulco for a Clinton family holiday in January of 2002.

It’s the other corporations and CEOs out there that she’s targeting. They’re the greedy ones that have to be regulated.

Last week, we revealed that former president Bill Clinton was on the payroll of Infousa, the Nebraska company that supplied lists of vulnerable elderly people to con artists who then defrauded the unsuspecting victims. Internal e-mails suggest that employees of Infousa were aware that some of their clients were under investigation for these revolting predatory practices.

Since 2001, Infousa has paid Bill Clinton $3.3 million, although it’s not at all clear what he was supposed to do for the money other than fly on the company’s jet for vacations and golf games with Infousa’s CEO. Infousa CEO, Vin Gupta, has made the Infousa corporate jet available for the Clintons to travel in style to Hawaii, Switzerland and Jamaica at a cost of more that $900,000.

Some of the shareholders of the company agree wholeheartedly with Hillary’s public position about overpaid CEO’s. Here’s what the Senator had to say:

We need to open up CEO compensation to public scrutiny and public challenge and ensure that boards of directors are independent when determining CEO pay.

In a lawsuit filed earlier this year, shareholders of Infousa claimed that the payments to Bill Clinton and the use of the corporate jet by the Clintons were a waste of corporate assets and were not business related. Infousa actually claims that all of the Clinton trips even the vacation excursions were business related.

Of course.

Hillary Clinton has no words of criticism for the man who contributed at least $1 million to the Clinton Library and $2 million towards her incredible $16 million millenium New Year’s Eve party, and hundreds of thousands to her campaigns and the Democratic Party.

Clinton’s financial disclosure forms never mention the trips provided by Infousa and until the lawsuit was filed, the Clintons released no information about how much Bill was paid only declaring that it was more than $1000.

A lot more!

Hillary just doesn’t get it and never will.

Just yesterday, she actually lectured about the need to control corporate pay to executives unless, of course, they’re providing freebies to her and her family.

from see

Wednesday, June 20, 2007



Anyone who wonders why Congress has a job approval rating of 23 percent, seven points lower than even Bush’s, need only look at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) failure to change the ethics of the Congress. Having pledged to make Congress full-time and put the lackadaisical members to work, she then announced a schedule for 2007 in which House members will have 20 weeks off (and when they work, it’s Tuesday to Thursday most of the time).

Now Pelosi has come up with her own version of the No Child Left Behind program by asking the Defense Department to allow adult children of members of Congress to accompany them on their taxpayer-funded travel abroad if their spouses can’t make it. Such heartfelt concern for the lonely congressman on a publicly paid junket may be her version of family values, but it is a waste of tax money.

To understand the depth of the abuse of taxpayer-funded travel, look at one of Pelosi’s favorites, Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.). Miller has been to the following places for free on the taxpayer’s dime between 2000 and 2006:

Mexico, Lebanon, Cambodia (twice), Israel (twice), Vietnam (twice), Jordan, South Africa, Iraq, France, Italy (twice), Hong Kong, Sudan (twice), Taiwan, Ghana, Laos, Liberia, Egypt and Cape Verde.

And Miller does not belong to any congressional committee that deals with foreign relations! During the same period, he has been to 20 other countries for free, paid for by the Aspen Institute. In all, Miller has spent 161 days traveling courtesy of Aspen.

Pelosi’s proposal and the abuse of free travel by members like Miller explains why voters can’t stand Congress and illustrates how little improvement there has been under the Democrats.

When his dad became Speaker of the House, Joshua Hastert, son of
Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), moved to Washington, closed his record store back
home and joined a lobbying firm. He found latent skills at lobbying members
like his dad that he never knew he had. Google, recognizing these mythical abilities, hired him as their lobbyist. The Democrats went crazy criticizing
abuses like these.

Now that Sen. Harry Reid (Nev.) is the Democratic floor leader, he has not just one but three sons and a son-in-law who are lobbyists. One of Reid’s sons,
and his son-in-law, has lobbied in Washington; a second son lobbies for
the same interests in Nevada; and a third son is an attorney who litigates for them in court. Reid’s lobbyist-sons worked to promote federal land swaps, mining interests and the University of Nevada at Reno.

Not to be outdone, House Minority Whip Roy Blunt’s (R-Mo.) wife, Abigail Perlman, is director of federal government affairs for Altria the former Philip Morris corporation. Their relationship is one that was hatched in lobbying. While
Blunt was dating Abigail, he quietly drafted language to benefit
Altria/Philip Morris and tried to sneak it in the bill that established the Department of Homeland Security without alerting the Republican leadership. Blunt’s mission was to minimize the sale of cigarettes on the Internet,
a thorn in the side of Altria/Philip Morris. Fortunately, Hastert killed the amendment.

Of the 100 senators, the sons, daughters, husbands or wives of 20 of them are registered as lobbyists, whose job often boils down to lobbying Mom or
Dad. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) is typical of the conflicts that can arise in such a situation. His son Scott Hatch lobbied for the makers of ephedra while his
father sponsored legislation to exempt the diet supplement from federal
regulation. Scott got paid $2 million in lobbying fees, while Dad got more than $137,000 from the diet supplement industry.

While Pelosi is working on cleaning up Congress, here are a few suggestions for her:

Ban anyone who is an immediate relative of a member from lobbying Congress.

Ban members from hiring spouses and other immediate relatives on their official, campaign committee or political action committee payrolls.

Ban taxpayer-paid travel by anyone but the member himself.

Get Congress to stay in session full time, not just 32 weeks a year.

If she adopted measures like these, perhaps the American voter would respect her and her party more than they apparently do.


Published on on June 20, 2007.

Hillary Clinton Booed, Again

Hillary Booed, Again

Hillary Booed, Again

The Nation -- Last summer, when she criticized the idea of setting a
to withdraw US forces from Iraq, Hillary Clinton was met with a chorus of
boos at the annual Take Back America conference.

This year was supposed to be different. Hillary now pledges to end the war
on her first day in office. But yet again she experienced boos at Take
Back America when she put the blame on the Iraqi government for the mess
in Iraq.

"The American military has succeeded," she said midway through her speech.
"It is the Iraqi government that has failed." That line has become a
standard talking point for politicians of both parties, especially
Republicans. But the disingenuousness of the argument didn't sit right at

The reception caused Hillary to go off-script for a moment. "I like
speaking here every year," she said. "I see the signs that say get
us out of Iraq. That is what we are trying to do."

That seemed to mollify the crowd. And the rest of the speech, where she
ticked off a laundry list of Democratic priorities--like achieving universal
healthcare, cleaning up government and strengthening unions--played well.

All in all, she did better compared to last year. But it was no honeymoon,

how to email that shithead Senator Mccain

how to email that shithead Mccain. hopefully this will be his last term in any public office

Arizona How to register as an independent or "no party preference"

Arizona How to register as an independent or "no party preference"

see sec of state for arizona at

How can I register to vote?


Online : You may register online using Service Arizona EZ Voter Registration by clicking ( here) and follow the instructional steps. Note: In order to use this link you must have an Arizona Driver License and/or an Arizona non-operating Identification Card issued by the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) on or after October 1st, 1996. Upon successful completion of the online EZ Voter registration, you will receive a confirmation number. The confirmation number is your receipt the information you entered has been accepted and changed.

Print a Form: You may obtain a printable form online, fill in the form, print the form, sign and date it, affix the proper postage and mail the form to the County Recorder of the county in which you are a legal resident.

By Mail : You may request an Arizona Voter Registration form from the County Recorder in the county in which you are a legal resident.

In Person : You may visit the County Recorder in the county you are a legal resident and complete an Arizona Voter Registration form.

Q: What are the qualifications to register to vote?


Must be a Citizen of the United States of America
Must be a resident of Arizona
Must be 18 years of age or more on or before the day of the next regular General Election
Must not be a convicted felony, unless your civil rights have been restored
Must not been adjudicated incompetent

Senate can't deliver on simple passports, now they want to do more?

Senate can't deliver on simple passports, now they want to do more?

no wonder popular opinion is in the shitter.

register independent next time to remove some of the shitheads.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Harry Reid really pimping his 3 sons ?

is Senator Harry Reid really pimping his 3 sons
to mining interests in his home state?

Senate Immigration Update — June 15, 2007

Senate Immigration Update — June 15, 2007

All indication is that Harry Reid has chosen to resume consideration of immigration sometime next week, possibly as early as Wednesday. It is his folly — a curious political choice designed to avoid the “do-nothing” label he so richly deserves.

But as much as he should be blamed personally for choosing to bring the bill back, it is the Republican leadership and Republican “grand bargainers” who are deserving of America’s contempt. Grand bargainers Graham, Kyl, Martinez and McCain made their deal with the devil a long time ago. And now, after a week of deal-making and arm-twisting, Senator Lott and McConnell have joined forces with them and with Democrats to pull together the 60 votes needed to pass an immigration bill that not only has no chance of working, but undermines our nation’s rule of law, damages our national security and will cost billions of dollars.

They do so knowingly and firmly over the objections of the American people. They have done so with great contempt for those who dare to question the decision or put up a fight. It is now up to the American people to demonstrate at a level never seen before in American politics that this is an unacceptable breach of faith with them and will not be tolerated. It is the only hope at this point that this terrible legislation — that has no chance of working — does not become law.

Up to now, a handful of Senators have been able to fight for amendments — and more, to fight for the transparency necessary to expose this bill’s fatal flaws. Senators Sessions and DeMint properly objected to a sham amendment process that was limiting the rights of Republicans. Other members offered amendment after amendment designed to target the bill’s many weaknesses - but few were granted votes. Their efforts and of those other members who didn’t just “accept the grand bargain” have exposed the bill to the American people.

But now, those members are not the hope. They are going to be limited in their ability to do anything to stop this bill. In short — the very Senate leadership who repeatedly asks that the Republican caucus stick together are now rolling their conservative members to do a deal with Democrats — to do a deal with Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton.

The hope now lies with the American people. The American people have been speaking — and Senators are beginning to listen. Don’t give up now. It is clear that Senators are beginning to understand that this bill is not supported by a sizable and important segment of the American public — middle America. There are many Senators still on the fence that are being counted on to pass this bill. This is why today it is up to the people. If there is any hope — the American people must speak, and must speak loudly. Make phone calls to Senate offices, repeatedly, and non stop until the bill is defeated. Faxes and email — flood their offices. Fax in voided checks to the NRSC and the RNC with letters saying you won’t support them — and if you have ever given money before, ask for it back. Make very clear that this is the ultimate breach of faith and that there will be consequences.

Spread the word, America — there are a handful of Republican Senators who can stop this — and it is up to you to hold them accountable. It is up to you to tell them that you refuse to take this — you refuse to be sold a bill of goods. You are on to them — you know the bill cannot work. You know that this bill is “not better than the status quo” as the powers-that-be would have you believe. You know that this bill will cost YOU billions of dollars. You know that this bill harms our national security and undermines the rule of law. You know.

If you speak, they will listen. Go.

Members of Congress pay relatives with campaign cash, report says

Members pay relatives with campaign cash, report says

18 Jun 2007 // A report released Monday by an ethics watchdog
group highlighted the nexus of members of Congress and their relatives through campaign funds and lobbying.

Titled Family Affair, the 151-page report outlines what House committee and subcommittee chairmen and -women all 337 of them have done for
family members over the past three election cycles.

It shows that many more members of Congress are paying their family members
than people realized. Now we have learned that this happens all the time, said Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and
Ethics in Washington (CREW), which released the report.

The document names 41 Democrats and 55 Republicans from 33 different states.
Among the findings, CREW learned that 64 lawmakers paid relatives through
their campaign committees or political action committees (PACs); 24 have
relatives who lobby Congress; 19 used campaign or PAC money to pay a
business where a family member is employed; and 17 used campaign funds to
contribute to relatives’ campaigns.

Though many of the payments are legal, CREW hopes the report will trigger
action to modify the Federal Election Commission Act as well as changes
to and stronger enforcement of existing House rules.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) introduced legislation roughly two weeks ago
that would prohibit PAC and campaign money being paid to candidates’
and members’ spouses, except to reimburse travel costs, while disclosing any payments to
immediate family members. Prominent Democratic leaders, such as
Reps. Rahm Emanuel (Ill.) and Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), have cosponsored the bill.

I hope it is going to lead to stronger enforcement ... we want to shine
the light on these practices so constituents can see for themselves.
It seems to me all the facts should be out, said Sloan.

Another bill, authored by Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), would disclose
associations between lawmakers and their leadership PACs, which are
often obscured to the public.

Source URL:

Published on Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington ( By Kevin Bogardus, The Hill, June 18, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Silent Amnesty ?

McCain Does Not Want Silent Amnesty on Immigration

True to his reputation as a maverick, Sen. John McCain is obviously fed up with the jabs he's taking from conservatives on the immigration issue. And he's hitting back - hard.

It's about time. Since the beginning of this debate, McCain has been both correct and courageous. But now he has made it clear that he's not going to be anyone's punching bag.

McCain is correct about the need for comprehensive immigration reform as opposed to what's behind door No. 2: the "faith-based" enforcement-only approach of building walls, hoping illegal immigrants self-deport and calling it a day. Congress did something similar with immigration reform in 1996, and - as Sen. Sam Brownback noted in last week's presidential debate - all we have to show for it is a population of illegal immigrants nearly twice as large now as it was then.

And McCain is courageous for confronting the nativist fringe of his own party, telling voters what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear, and challenging other candidates to either lead or get out of the way. If they don't like the bipartisan Senate compromise that he helped craft, they can suggest something better, McCain tells them - provided that whatever they have in mind can get through Congress.

McCain zeroed in on one of his most vocal critics, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. On immigration, as on other hot-button issues, Romney has held nearly as many positions as there are days in the week. Recently, McCain told the Miami Chamber of Commerce that voters should come down hard on candidates who find it easier to criticize the solutions of others than to offer solutions of their own. While the Arizonan didn't mention Romney by name, the McCain campaign made clear it was Romney the senator was criticizing.

"To want the office so badly that you would intentionally make our country's problems worse might prove you can read a poll or take a cheap shot, but it hardly demonstrates presidential leadership," McCain told the group.

"Pandering for votes on this issue, while offering no solution to the problem, amounts to doing nothing. And doing nothing is silent amnesty."

By Ruben Navarrette Jr., The Salt Lake Tribune
June 11, 2007

Article Excerpt

The McCain Update - June 15, 2007

The McCain Update - June 15, 2007

John McCain was on the road throughout the week, talking to voters in California, Texas, Georgia, and Alabama about the big challenges facing our country. He also took the fight to leading national Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, for tucking millions of dollars in earmarks to a defense bill, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, for his harsh criticisms of both the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Peter Pace, and the commander of our forces in Iraq, David Petraeus. John McCain called on Harry Reid to clarify his criticisms, given the two generals' distinguished records of service. Also this week, Cindy McCain made the rounds on the morning talk shows to discuss her work with Operation Smile, while Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty made his way to Iowa to talk about why John McCain is the candidate most prepared to lead our country in these challenging times.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

some more dirty democrats



House Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey (D-Wis.) has
handed Republican lawmakers a golden (literally) opportunity to end
earmarking during the current session of Congress. (In our new book,
Outrage, we highlight how abuse of earmarking costs taxpayers $64 billion
three times what it was just a few years ago.)

According to Tuesday's New York Times, Obey warned Republicans
that he would ban earmarking completely if Republicans attacked
individual projects to score political points. What an
opportunity for the GOP!

Republicans forgot how to act like the fiscal conservatives they were
supposed to be when they controlled Congress and permitted earmarks
to proliferate. Now, they can atone for their sins by attacking
individual earmarks issued by specific Democrats, and by challenging
Obey to make good on his threat.

Republicans need go no further than attacking the earmarks of Congressman Alan Mollohan (D-W. Va.), who's currently under federal investigation.
Until the FBI started looking at him, Mollohan was the ranking
Democrat on the House Ethics Committee! (Is it any wonder why Congressional approval now stands at 23 percent in the polls?)

Mollohan has a cute racket going. He gets earmarks inserted into spending bills for non-profit organizations in his home state some of which he helped to set up and then he goes into real estate deals with the heads of these same organizations and makes a killing.

For example, Mollohan got $30 million of tax money since 1999 for the Vandalia Heritage Foundation, which redevelops dilapidated buildings. Then, he and his wife bought five empty lots on Bald Head Island, N.C. worth $2 million with Laura Kurtz Kuhns, the head of the Vandalia Heritage Foundation, and her husband!

He pulled the same trick by buying a farm for $900,000 with
Dale R. McBride as his partner after getting McBride’s company,
FMW Composite Systems, $4.4 million in earmarks to make equipment
for NASA and the Marine Corps.

Of course, stopping Obey from putting earmarks in appropriations bills
will require some earmark addicts among the Republicans to quit cold turkey.
Specifically, the two leading earmarkers in Congress Senators Ted Stevens of Alaska and Thad Cochran of Mississippi, both Republicans will have
to stop their massive spending of taxpayers’ money.

Senator Stevens got $325 million in earmarks in the 2006 appropriations
cycle, which works out to $500 for every man, woman, and child in Alaska. He lavished our money on a $1.3 million program of berry research,
$1.1 million for alternative salmon projects, and $500,000 for
fruit and berry crop trials.

Senator Thad Cochran, who postures as a fiscal conservative, spent our money for a $5.7 million grant for the Wildlife Habitat Management Institute,
$1.4 million for Mississippi Valley State University, $936,000 to
study advanced spatial technologies, $517,000 for aquaculture research, and $50,000 for cotton ginning research (presumably to supplement
the efforts of Eli Whitney who invented the cotton gin in 1793.)

Republicans need to start acting like Republicans, not drunken,
big spending Democrats, and stopping earmarks is a good way to start.
As Dave Obey might say, "be his guest!"

Friday, June 15, 2007

2 many vaginas at the head ofDepartment of State ?

2 many vaginas at the head ofDepartment of State ?

too many vaginas at the Department of state ?

Have we caused more problems by sending 2 female
spokepersons to the mideast.

North Korean is still nuclear,
Iran working on its nuclear options
Iraq is a mess
China is arming itself to the teeth
Mexico is exporting its poverty and drugs to the US.

I dont think they appreciate skirts and painted women.
after Rice and Albright

have I missed something ?

Pres Bush now wants a surge on border security?

Pres Bush wants a surge on border security?

shithead, he has been sitting on his hands for his last 6 years

New immigration plan ignores history's lessons

Dobbs: New immigration plan ignores history's lessons
By Lou Dobbs
Editor's Note: Lou Dobbs' commentary appears weekly on

NEW YORK (CNN) -- There are times when reason carries the mind no further, when the mind is carried from the rational across the penumbra of the absurd. That is where the leadership of the U.S. Senate now resides.

What many once regarded as the world's great deliberative body looks more like a clamorous bazaar in which senators feverishly hawk duplicity and deceit as bright jewels of public policy. Comprehensive immigration reform is just such a bauble, and buyer beware.

Most beguiling among those merchants of mendacity is none other than Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, who has been peddling his wares at the Senate bazaar for more than four decades. Kennedy's counterfeit immigration views reach all the way back to his championship of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

In signing that legislation into law, President Lyndon Johnson promised it would not be revolutionary or affect the lives of millions, even as it overturned 60 years of U.S. immigration policy of national origin quotas and led to the creation of explosive chain migration.

Twenty-one years later, President Ronald Reagan signed into law amnesty for more than three million illegal aliens who had entered the country. President Reagan then promised the new employer sanctions would "remove the incentive for illegal immigration by eliminating the job opportunities," and that the law's amnesty provision would allow millions who were hiding in the shadows to "step into the sunlight."

And now, another 21 years later, we hear the same language as the pro-amnesty and open borders advocates demand that American citizens ignore history, reason and the national interest. They are again marketing the same false assurances about border enforcement and insist there will be no social or economic cost to the taxpayer or the nation. More than four decades of disruptive and destructive immigration policy initiatives should be a sufficient history lesson for all Americans.

The essential truth is clear: We cannot reform immigration law until we control immigration, and we cannot control immigration until we control our borders and our ports. This president and the congressional Democratic leadership refuse to recognize that reality and will not honor that truth.

President Bush and Sen. Kennedy pass for political stars in our tortured times, and that is sad enough. But if we follow the course they've set, true tragedy awaits us. And the fault will be ours.

see more at



In addition to our own Sen. McCain, the 2008 GOP race for President means numerous other top contenders are spending time in Arizona. Gov. Romney, now leading in Iowa and New Hampshire polls, has visited the state numerous times. Mayor Giuliani was here in March. And Fred Thompson may join us for an upcoming visit, too. On June 20th Gov. Romney will be back in town for a fundraiser. Sheriff Arpaio and numerous other supporters invite you to join them for an evening reception on Wednesday, June 20, 2007. For details and information please contact Corinne Lovas at (602) 885-6223.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

heads up, shit head senator try to revive the new 900 page amensty bill

heads up, shit head senator try to revive the new 900
page amensty bill.

wonder why the opinion of congress and the president is in the toliet ?

Bush pledges tougher border security again ?

Bush pledges tougher border security By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer
32 minutes ago

President Bush, trying to salvage an immigration overhaul legislation, endorsed a plan Thursday that would lock in money for border security as way to win over conservative lawmakers and a skeptical public.

"We're going to show the American people that the promises in this bill will be kept," Bush said in a speech to the Associated Builders and Contractors.

Bush got behind a proposal to set aside money collected through fees and penalties for tougher border security and workplace enforcement. Two Republican senators, John Kyl of Arizona and Lindsey Graham (news, bio, voting record) of South Carolina, have proposed such an amendment.

Bush said the measure would "show the American people that we're going to do our jobs of securing this border once and for all."

The provision would immediately divert $4.4 billion toward border security, with that amount to be paid back once new fees are in place. The point would be to ensure that border security would not be subject to the whims of the yearly budget negotiations.

The move is also part of a White House effort to cobble together a winning coalition, vote by vote. Some lawmakers are withholding support for the broad-based bill because of deep skepticism that border security will actually improve.

With many questions unanswered, it was unclear how much of a concession the move amounts to for Bush.

The White House did not have an estimate of how much money the provision would generate yearly toward border security. It also could not say whether the money would be in addition to currently planned border security funding levels or just a way to dedicate funds to that purpose. And it wasn't clear what budget account would be drawn down to pay for the initial $4.4 billion.

A bipartisan group of senators crafted a fragile compromise on the
immigration bill that Bush supports. But the deal is in deep trouble,
because many Republicans oppose that it provides a way for millions of
immigrants who entered the country illegally to become legal.

The group behind the compromise was hoping to reach agreement to allow
votes on a limited set of changes from the Republican and Democratic
sides in exchange for a commitment from GOP holdouts to let debate on
the bill resume. Architects have argued that their so-called
"grand bargain" could collapse under the weight of too many amendments,
or those designed as "poison pills."

Bush said the bill emphasizes security by requiring tougher border and
workplace measures before new options for immigrants and guest workers
could begin. Already, he said, border agents are capturing and sending
home huge numbers of people trying to cross illegally.

"They're working hard down there, and they're making progress,"
Bush said. "People are doing the jobs we expect them do, and now
we're going to build on that progress."

The legislation stalled last week when only seven GOP senators
supported a Democratic bid to limit debate called a cloture vote
and expedite a final vote.

White House press secretary Tony Snow said the White House feels
good about its chances for bringing the bill back to the floor now.

"We feel confident there are going to be enough votes for cloture," he said.

see more at.


AZ Janet Napolitano politics

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Dear Friends,

In the past few weeks you have probably heard a lot about gridlock in Washington , D.C. when it comes to addressing the challenges at the border. But this week in Tucson, leaders from Arizona and the Mexican state of Sonora will work together to make progress on issues important to our states, including border security, economic development and efficient travel between our states.

Sonoran Governor Eduardo Bours will join me at the Arizona-Mexico Commission (AMC) Plenary Session to address common issues we encounter. The AMC and its sister organization, the Comisión Sonora-Arizona, bring together regional stakeholders to enhance the economy and quality of life for Arizona residents through a positive, cooperative relationship with Mexico .

A priority issue at this meeting will be the increased violence along the Arizona-Sonora border. We will hear the latest on cross-border law enforcement partnerships, and discuss our regional approach to drug trafficking, human smuggling, and theft that is now all too common. This continues our effort with Sonora to cooperatively address this problem.

Our strong relationship with Sonora and our efforts of past AMC sessions have led to real results including:

Meeting with Mexican President Felipe Calderón to seek greater support from Mexico ’s federal government on security issues
Securing more than $55 million for infrastructure improvements for Arizona ’s ports of entry
Creating the Arizona-Sonora 511 traveler information hotline to provide cross-border travelers with real-time traffic and construction updates in Arizona and Sonora
In this session, we will also work on our partnerships to inspect agricultural products moving between our states efficiently, improve infrastructure in our ports of entry, and increase cross-border investment to develop our regional economy.

The Arizona-Sonora region is an example to the world of what international partnership should be and successful regional collaboration.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact my office at 1-800-253-0883 and ask to speak to Constituent Services.

Yours very truly, Janet Napolitano Governor

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tracking Earmarks is Nice -- But What About Phonemarks?

Tracking Earmarks is Nice -- But What About Phonemarks?

The Hill reports that OMB director Rob Portman is pledging to
track earmarks in all spending bills enacted for 2008:

The White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) stated Thursday that it will keep track of earmarks during the 2008 fiscal year appropriations process.
In a memo to all executive branch agency heads, OMB Director Rob Portman asked all agencies to report to OMB the number and dollar value of earmarks within seven days after an appropriations bill is either reported by the House or Senate appropriations committees or passed on the House or Senate floor.
We are going to be more aggressive on earmarks going into the appropriations cycle, said Portman at a meeting with reporters. The notion is not that every earmark is bad or there shouldn’t be any earmarks. The notion is that this has gotten out of control.
Good government groups will join fiscal conservatives in welcoming this good news. But perhaps your optimism will be tempered when you find out who else is enthusiastically backing this development:

A spokesman for Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) said that OMB should have no problem in finding earmarks, thanks to new transparency requirements.
They should have a very easy time in identifying those earmarks, said spokesman Tom Gavin. All of that information will made be available and in a very upfront fashion.
This sounds suspiciously like the fox giving compliments on the security
at the henhouse. Can there be any explanation other than that he's
figured out a way to pick the lock?

In the case of Senator Byrd, it might be that he's pleased with the way 'phonemarking 'is going:

When the new Democratic majority in the House of Representatives passed
one of its first spending bills, funding the Energy Department for the
rest of 2007, it proudly boasted that the legislation contained no money
earmarked for lawmakers' pet projects and stressed that any prior
congressional requests for such spending "shall have no legal effect."

Within days, however, lawmakers including Senate Majority Leader
Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) began directly contacting the Energy Department.
They sought to secure money for their favorite causes outside of the
congressional appropriations process -- a practice that lobbyists and
appropriations insiders call "phonemarking."

The truth is that phonemarking is a sign of important progress in the effort to squelch earmarked spending. 'Phonemarks' cannot be made legally binding;
it's up to the Executive Branch to decide whether to cooperate in the process.

The next logical step for earmark opponents may be to push federal
agencies to monitor and disclose all efforts by members of Congress
and their staffs to 'lobby' for specific spending items--whether
that lobbying occurs by phone, E-mail, letter, or other means.

see more at............

is Hillary flying high on corporare jet charters ?

is Hillary flying high on corporare jet charters ?

Hillary publicly denounces the wasteful spending of chief executives
in corporate America, but then she and her husband accept
corporate jet charters worth almost one million dollars
from InfoUSA Inc. She needs to practice what she preaches!

Hillary didn’t violate any Senate rules accepting corporate
jet charters from Vinod Gupta, chief executive of the data
company InfoUSA Inc. All flights were reimbursed and disclosed
according to Federal Election Commission and Senate ethic rules!

Outrage the book by Dick Morris

"Outrage" by Dick Morris and his wife Eileen McGann, looks like a very enlightening book.,

Half of all illegal immigrants came into this country legally and we have no way of knowing they’re still here!

Congressmen are putting their wives on their campaign payrolls so that campaign contributions are really personal bribes!

The ACLU won’t allow its own directors free speech.

Liberals want to strip us of the tools to stop terrorism.

The UN is a cover for massive corruption and eighty countries, who pay 12 percent of the budget, are blocking reform.

Drug companies pay off doctors to write scripts whether we need them or not.

Teachers unions block the firing of bad teachers and battle against higher education standards!

Katrina victims are being stiffed by their insurance companies!

Special interests cost our consumers $45 billion through trade quotas that save only a handful of jobs!

Never heard of these abuses? You won’t in the mainstream media. That’s why Dick Morris and Eileen McGann wrote Outrage. Their proposals:

Ban immigration from terrorist countries
Ban Congress putting spouses on their payroll
Ban lobbyists who are related to senators or congressmen
Ban nicotine additives to cigarettes
Ban trade quotas that drive up prices and save few jobs
Ban drug company bribes to doctors
Ban teachers unions’ work rules that stop education reform
Ban insurance companies from backing out on Katrina coverage

In Outrage, you’ll get the facts and learn what we can do about them. You won’t read about these outrages anyplace else; too many people are working hard to cover them up. Get them here instead and learn how to fight the special interests of the left and right.

About the Author Dick Morris and Eileen McGann:

Dick Morris served as Bill Clinton's political consultant for twenty years.
A Fox News political analyst, he is the author of five New York Times bestsellers, including Rewriting History and Condi vs. Hillary.

Eileen McGann, an attorney and consultant, is CEO of and

She works with Dick on campaigns around the world, specializing in using the Internet to win elections. They live in Florida.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Colin Powell, I would be ashamed to show my after that UN show !

Colin Powell, I would be ashamed to show my after that UN show !

waveing that little vial of white powder.

Either he was too stupid and was played or he did he play us ?




Published on on June 8, 2007.

The son of former House Speaker Dennis Hastert moved to Washington when his father became speaker and landed a lush lobbying contract for Google.

When Nancy Pelosi was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, she promised to change things — to enact serious, and long overdue, ethical reforms — to stop the growing trend of legislators and their families accepting gifts, trips, and jobs from lobbyists and corporations.

Well, some things never change.

Several days ago, disclosed that in February, shortly after his mother became the first woman speaker, Paul Pelosi Jr., was hired by InfoUSA for $180,000 a year as its vice president for Strategic Planning. Pelosi also kept his other full-time day job as a mortgage loan officer for Countrywide Loans in California. And, unlike all of the other InfoUSA employees, he did not report to work at the company's headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska.

InfoUSA is the same company that has been cited by the New York Times for creating marketing lists that were used by con artists to fleece vulnerable elderly people. The lists had provocative names and offered the names of elderly people with cancer, elderly people with Alzheimer's and gamblers over 55 years of age who think their luck will change. After purchasing the lists, the con artists would call and convince the elderly person that they had actually ordered an expensive item. Once they received the victim's financial information, they often emptied their bank accounts, leaving many people penniless. Some of InfoUSA's internal e-mails suggest that company employees were aware that several of the companies they sold the lists to were under investigation.

And InfoUSA is also the same company that Bill Clinton works for as a consultant, and for which the former president was paid $3.3 million over the past five years. In addition, the Clintons got $900,000 worth of free travel.

Pelosi insisted that the unusual job opportunity had nothing to do with his relationship with his famous and influential mother. He just sent in an application for a job and they hired him.

Of course.

History seems to be repeating itself here. For the past several years, Josh Hastert, the son of former Republican Speaker Dennis Hastert, was a registered lobbyist for Google. What were his qualifications for lobbying for such a huge and influential company? Well, to put it bluntly, he had good connections.

Before entering the world of corporate lobbying, Josh ran a music store in northern Illinois. But he decided that he could make more money and work less in Washington. And apparently, he was right.

Although Pelosi's son is not lobbying Congress, the unorthodox payment of such a large fee for a second job to someone with no experience at all in the basic business of InfoUSA — managing data and creating marketing lists — should certainly raise eyebrows. (Also note, that this job offer came immediately after his mother became Speaker.)

And, furthermore, it is likely that Congress will eventually address privacy issues involved with the selling of data that InfoUSA sells. Pelosi would be directly involved in that legislation, and her son should not be involved with the company in any way. In addition, the company apparently sells voter lists that could be extremely valuable to the Democratic Party and could mean lucrative contracts for Infousa.

And then, there's the issue of what InfoUSA does and how its president operates.

Several members of Congress have asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate Infousa and its clients.

The chairman of InfoUSA, Vin Gupta, is a large donor to Democratic candidates. Minority shareholders have questioned his payments to Bill Clinton and his gifts of free travel to Hillary. The shareholders claim that Gupta has been improperly using corporate resources to further his own political goals. Gupta gave over $1 million to the Clinton Library and $2 million towards Hillary Clinton's $16 million millennium New Years' Eve Party.

So, there's no question that Gupta likes to be close to the powerful. He's stayed in the Lincoln bedroom and hosted the Clintons on a $146,000 vacation trip to Acapulco on his corporate jet. Lately, Pelosi's son has been accompanying Gupta on his jet. He claims that it's been strictly business and is “nothing like the Clinton situation.”

His payment to Pelosi's son can only be viewed as an investment and should be stopped.

Nancy Pelosi should put on her “mother of five voice” that she brags about and tell her son to go back to his day job.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Top 5 Dumbest Things in the Immigration Bill

Lou's Top 5 List
Top 5 Dumbest Things in the Immigration Bill

5) Taxpayers will pay for the immigration lawyers for illegal aliens if
working in agriculture.

4) Illegal aliens would be given legal status just one day after their
application is filed even if a background check is not completed.

3) Gang members are eligible for amnesty if they renounce their gang status.

2) Borders do not have to be secure before the amnesty program begins.

1) $2,600,000,000,000 -- That is the cost the Heritage Foundation estimates
to cover the retirement benefits of 12,000,000 illegal aliens if this
amnesty bill becomes law.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

new web site for Fred Thompson

new web site for Fred Thompson

democrat's William "dollar bill" Jefferson indicted.

democrat's William "dollar bill" Jefferson indicted.

will democratic house leaderNancy Pelosi allow him to continue ?

senator kyl

> OFIR members and supporters:
> Senator John Kyl, (R-Ariz), one of the chief architects of the Senate
> amnesty bill, said on the Lou Dobbs show today that phone calls to his
> office have lessened and are not as angry as before.
> We urge you to disabuse him of that notion. Call (202) 224-4521 and
> let Kyl know your anger over the amnesty bill and the fact that he has
> teamed with Senator Ted Kennedy in selling out America.
> If you want to use a toll free number use (866) 220-0044 or (866)
> 340-9281.
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did Mccain really have illeals doing contruction on his new Sedona home?

did Mccain really have illeals doing contruction on his new Sedona home?
June 4th, 2007
did Mccain really have illeals doing contruction on his new Sedona home?

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Spotlite on Senator John Mccain home in Sedona in 2001?
June 4th, 2007
Spotlite on Senator John Mccain home in Sedona in 2001?

Spotlight on McCain
Published: June 3, 2001

For the second time in about a week, Senator John McCain asserted today that he had no intention to bolt the Republican Party and run for president as an independent. All the while, some of his closest advisers floated that he, indeed, was mulling a third-party bid.

And they were hardly bashful about stoking speculation by spreading the word that Mr. McCain was playing host today to Senator Tom Daschle, the Democratic leader, at his cabin in Sedona, Ariz.

So what is Mr. McCain really up to?

Even President Bush wanted to know. He was so curious that knowledgeable Republicans said he called Mr. McCain today, presumably seeking reassurances that he was staying put.

Reached by telephone in Sedona, Mr. McCain said: ”I’ve said repeatedly that I have no intention of running for president nor do I have any intention or cause to leave the Republican Party. I hope this will put an end to further speculation.”

To the contrary, the speculation is only intensifying, and many Republicans say that is just what Mr. McCain wants.

Few Republicans expect Mr. McCain to defect, at least any time soon. But many think that at this precarious moment for Mr. Bush and for his party, which is still reeling from its loss of control of the Senate, Mr. McCain is doing his best to thrust himself onto center stage.

For all his denials, many Republicans argue that the whispers about Mr. McCain toying with an independent bid are intended to enhance the senator’s growing influence in the Senate and draw more attention to issues he is pushing, like the tightening of regulations for sales at gun shows and regulation of managed health care. He also could be trying to put Mr. Bush on notice that he had better sign his signature bill on campaign finance.

Marshall Wittmann, a scholar at the Hudson Institute who met with other McCain loyalists this week to discuss an independent bid, said he had not raised the possibility with Mr. McCain. But he noted that the senator has not told him or others to stop talking about the prospect.

And, he said, it can only help Mr. McCain politically to keep the threat alive. ”It makes both Republicans and Democrats feel that they have to pay attention to him,” Mr. Wittmann said. ”It may force Bush or the people around him to reconsider their neglect of the McCainiacs and the McCain phenomenon.”

After Senator James M. Jeffords caught his fellow Republicans off guard a week ago by deserting the party, Senate Republicans are extrasensitive to restless nonconformists.

”The Jim Jeffords move has caused a lot of discussion within the Senate that we need to encourage people to be willing to work and stay within the party,” said Senator Sam Brownback, a conservative from Kansas.

Beyond drawing more attention to his issues, many Republicans say Mr. McCain is trying to draw attention to himself. They argue that despite all the attention for his campaign finance package and the stroking he has received from Mr. Daschle and other Democrats, Mr. McCain has tense relations with many fellow Republicans and has felt incidental in a city that is dominated by Mr. Bush, the man who defeated him after a bitter struggle in last year’s primaries. Mr. McCain is finding that even the campaign finance legislation is now stalled in the House.

It is hardly a secret in the capital that Mr. McCain thrives on press attention and, in fact, built his presidential campaign on favorable publicity from the news media. When he identifies Mr. McCain, Paul Gigot, a conservative columnist for The Wall Street Journal, puts the word ”media” beside his name instead of ”Arizona.”

Mocking Mr. McCain, Alex Castellanos, a media consultant who is close to the White House, said: ”Last week there was another senator who was in the news more than John McCain, and we certainly can’t have that. He certainly doesn’t turn down opportunities to stand in front of the cameras and make news.”

Told of Republicans who grouse that he is a publicity hound, Mr. McCain said, ”I cannot respond.”

Yet there is a danger that Mr. McCain’s thirst for more respect will only further strain his relationships in the Republican Party.

”A number of people get quite irritable about discussions taking place,” Mr. Brownback said. ”We’re trying to work together cohesively, and some might think that this is pulling us apart rather than pulling us together.”

For all their talk, Mr. McCain’s aides and closest advisers are sharply divided over whether a third-party candidacy is even mechanically feasible because of the complexities of fund-raising and ballot access.

One McCain confidant noted that the senator was not a long-range planner but tended to be reactive and impulsive. ”I don’t think he’s going to leave the party imminently,” he said. But the adviser left open the prospect that Mr. McCain could become disaffected, and said his loyalists wanted to make sure that no options were prematurely closed.

William Kristol, the editor of The Weekly Standard who promoted Mr. McCain during the primaries, said the viability of a third-party bid depended on how events unfold over the next few years.

”The truth is everything depends on the objective circumstances and the conditions that would make an independent candidacy possible,” he said. ”There would have to be an obviously failed Bush presidency and a liberal Congressional Democratic Party and a general sense that the two party agendas are exhausted and we need something new.”

Whatever his career trajectory, this much is assured about Mr. McCain: The speculation about his future is not about to simmer down. His loyalists will see to that.