Thursday, October 15, 2009

How about a beer summit Glenn Beck and Robert Gibbs ?

How about a beer summit Glenn Beck and White House press man Robert Gibbs ?

Glenn Beck outs a another leftwing radical commie in the White House ?

Glenn Beck outs a another leftwing radical commie in the White House ?

Anita Dunn, White House communications director

anita dunn calls Mao one of her most political heros

see glenn beck at fox news.

White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs calls Fox network liars ?

White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs calls Fox network liars ?

Isn't Fox the most popular cable news network?

How about a personal appearance on FOX news by Gibbs
to show the transparency promised.

White House has recently appointed a dedicated watchdog anita for
FOX news and political commentators

"I have watched many stories on that network that I found not to be true,"White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said of the cable network.

Fox News Glenn Beck has installed a dedicated red phone for exclusive use from the White House staff.
On his show, Beck installed a red phone which the White House
was supposed to call if he uttered an untruth
and "correct anything on this program."

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