Sunday, October 11, 2009

can a sitting president accept a $1.4 million award?

can a sitting president personally accept a $1.4 million award?

such as the recent Nobel peace prize.

will any public healthcare plan will be considered a freebie/right by the Supreme Court?

will any public healthcare plan will be considered a freebie/right by the Supreme Court?

watching the Bill O'reily show on Fox, they discussed that any proposed healthcare plan would most likely be treated like free public education, a freebie right for anyone within the US borders.

Health care for illegals if Obama-care passes?

President Obama has denied that health care reform will cover illegal aliens, but some legal experts disagree. The Factor was joined by FNC's Judge Andrew Napolitano, who theorized that illegals will be covered because of the Constitution's "equal protection" clause. "The last time the Supreme Court looked at this," Napolitano said, "is when Texas tried to prevent municipalities from educating the children of illegals. The Supreme Court said the government can't do that because the
Constitution doesn't distinguish between 'legal' and 'illegal' when it comes to education or health care. The court will invalidate any provision that tries to punish people." Constitutional attorney Shannon Goessling agreed with Napolitano's analysis. "You have the President of the United States, a graduate of Harvard Law School, suggesting that he doesn't know the consequences of the public option. President Obama is playing politics and the public should be forewarned."

see more on this issue at....

Tucson Tea Party rally at TEP

Tucson Tea Party rally at TEP

They came with signs, T-shirts and petitions expressing skepticism, fear and anger. About 6,000 people descended Saturday on Tucson Electric Park for the Tucson Tea Party event,
billed as "Tucson's Last Stand."

The event kicked off with Tucson Tea Party organizer Trent Humphries expressing his own brand of hope
for the future: "I love the smell of freedom in the morning."

By 8:07 a.m., nearly two hours before the speeches began, the main parking lot of TEP was filling up.
A random survey of one aisle found a car with a bumper sticker for limited-government
advocate Ron Paul,next to another with an "I'm NRA and I vote" sticker, adjacent to one with a fading "W 04" sticker. Folks were serving coffee out of thermoses and handing out muffins and doughnuts.Vendors were selling small American flags and Kettle Korn.

see more at
By Rhonda Bodfield
arizona daily star

Canadians seek health care across New York border?

Canadians seek health care across New York border?

news show a booming business in health care for providing
Canadians with MIR scans and procedures?

will these crossover patients be included in Obama Care ?

Obama to donate the $1.4 million Nobel prize to US Treasury to offset his spending sprees?

Obama to donate the $1.4 million Nobel prize to US Treasury to offset his spending sprees?

will make a tiny dent in his deficit spending

The president, who will travel to Oslo to receive the award on December 10,
current plans to donate the prize money of 10 million Swedish crowns
roughly $1.4 million -- to charity, the White House said.