Monday, July 04, 2011

Liberals Redistricting Arizona ?

 Liberals Redistricting Arizona ?

How to take action and new info on Liberals Redistricting AZ

The responses I have received after sending out a copy of my press release to you have been overwhelming. Thank you all for contacting me and asking what you can do to help. Since the press release I have found out some additional information that I would like to share as well as give you a process in which your voices may be heard loud and clear.

New information:

Strategic Telemetry and Ken Strasma as you know have been linked to several democratic campaigns. The new information we have found is Mr. Strasma's involvement directly with the DNC. (Democratic National Committee). Mr. Strasma has been very involved with NECE (National Committee for an Effective Congress) . As stated directly on their web site: an organization that would pool the resources of small contributors from across the country and spend those funds in the most efficient way to elect progressive candidates to the U.S. Senate and House.

NCEC also talks specifically about Arizona on their web page. Indicating that our 2010 Census data could "alter democratic presidential strategy".

stated in the Democratic Underground, you can find Mr. Strasma listed on this web page, identified as a trainer from NCEC for a Democrat training group.

In addition to these things being uncovered, it was brought to our notice that the contract for this company has not yet been written or signed. In fact, the Arizona State Procurement Office has bowed out of working with the contracting of this company and so the Executive Director, Ray Bladine, has to write the contract himself.

It was also brought to my attention that the chairman of the redistricting commission has a conflict of interest that she did not disclose. Her husband was the Treasurer for Nancy Young Wright, who was an incumbent in LD26 until she was ousted by voters last election cycle.

According to Article 4 of the Arizona State Constitution, Colleen Mathis needs to be removed as chairman of our Independent Redistricting Commission for Gross Misconduct, Neglect of Duty and Conflict of Interest. Her vote was the deciding vote in brining in the Liberals to Map the Congressional Districts here in Arizona.

There are two Republicans that sit on the redistricting commission that have been fighting this. Thank you to both of them and please keep up the good fight for the people of Arizona. I am sure I am not alone when I say NO party affiliation when it comes to mapping is acceptable in this State. Republican or Democrat.

What you can do:
Attend the meetings and speak. If you cannot attend a meeting, pass the word around to someone who can. Contact groups to alert them when the meetings are. There were about 100 people present at the last meeting in Tucson; we need the same show of solidarity at all the meetings. As many as possible.

Here is the link for the Redistricting Web site and meeting notice lists. You have to sign up to receive emails. Please note that they often change meeting times, dates and locations, since they set things as "tentative".
For those of you who cannot attend a meeting, we must start contacting our elected officials every day through phone calls and in writing demanding that an injunction be put against this as well as the removal of the Chairman for the reasons stated above.

Here is a list of contact information for you:

Governor Jan Brewer:

Attorney General Tom Horn:

Contact our House Representative:

I am so proud to be standing with all of you against those who would take away our liberties! Happy 4th of July!


Christina Cruz, Press Secretary