Wednesday, April 19, 2006

proposition 200 times 200? new anti-illegal laws for Georgia

proposition 200 times 200? new anti-illegal laws for Georgia

In Georgia, Governor Sonny Perdue this week signed into law what is being called the toughest piece of anti-illegal immigration law in the country. This law will deny state services to adults whose can't prove they're in the country legally. Employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens under this legislation will be subject to state penalty. And state police will be required to check the immigration status of every criminal suspect. Joining me now, the sponsor of the legislation, Georgia state Senator Chip Rogers who says this is the strongest bill in America dealing with illegal immigration. Good to have you with us, Senator.

CHIP ROGERS (R), GEORGIA STATE SENATE: Lou, it is great to be back again.

DOBBS: We talked with you back in March, and, frankly, it was unclear as to whether or not this legislation would pass. First, congratulations as the author of it.

ROGERS: Thank you.

DOBBS: The governor signing it into law. When will it actually go into enforcement?

ROGERS: This is such a comprehensive bill, Lou, that we have actually had the enactment date on July 1st of 2007. But when you consider what we've accomplished here with law enforcement, with public benefits, with public contracts, with private employers all across the board, it is a major, major undertaking. We are going to give those agencies a little time to get ready for it, but it is a big, big bill.

DOBBS: It's a big bill. Both sides, the pro-amnesty crowd, the pro-open borders folks, the anti-illegal immigration folks, all are upset with the legislation. What does that tell you?

ROGERS: We probably got it right because everybody was upset. But the reality is, Lou, there are some people who would like to go further. We're in a political process, but I can assure you this bill has been characterized as proposition 200 times 200.

So at the end of the day, those who realize that illegal immigration is destroying this nation and destroying our state in Georgia have come away very happy, because they realize what we've accomplished.

DOBBS: Well the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, MALDAF, is threatening legal action, as you know, against the law. They call it unjust, unfair. How do you react?

ROGERS: Look, you know, if I legislated worrying about what some fringe group was going to do after the bill was passed, I wouldn't get much accomplished. I realize there are fringe groups out there that are going to try to take anybody and everybody to court. But look, we do what's right and we worry about what happens after that.

DOBBS: Well the Mexican government, some might call it a fringe group, blasting your legislation, now law, saying it discriminates against Mexicans, it's a half measure. How do you react to a government taking you on?

ROGERS: Well, I immediately challenged President Fox to read the bill again, and if he can find the word Mexico or any nation mentioned in that bill, next year I would move to repeal the bill. If he can't find it, I would ask him to worry about his problems in his country, problems which by the way are causing millions of his own citizens to leave his country. I would suggest, Lou, he's got more problems happening in his country that he needs to deal with rather worrying about what's happening in Georgia.

DOBBS: Well that is probably a sound and valid point. And again, we want to congratulate you, Senator Rogers, on the legislation. We thank you very much for joining us here tonight.

ROGERS: Thank you, Lou.

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