Thursday, November 10, 2005

di Senator Mccain ever have a non government job?

a job in the private sector?

Mccain out pimping his books/dvd? again ?

I thoought his wife had mega bucks.

How Senator Teddy Kennedy uses offshore trusts to shelter his money from U.S. taxes

How Senator Teddy Kennedy uses offshore trusts to shelter his money from U.S. taxes

New book..........

Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy."

Ann Coulter makes crystal clear how she feels about Peter Schweizer's new book, "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy."

Ann announced today on her Web site that she believes this book yes, this book alone is the "Book of the Century!"

Ann has been battling hypocritical liberals for years and
she has, no doubt, found profound solace in a book that
proves her liberal opponents more times than not dont
practice what they preach.

Ann recommends this must-read book because, as she says,
you’ll even "learn how to shelter your money in the Cayman Islands like liberals!"

How Teddy Kennedy uses off shore tax shelter to aviod millions in taxes.

Of course you will. Because Peter Schweizer exposes big-name liberals like Teddy Kennedy and George Soros who have used offshore trusts to shelter their money from U.S. taxes while they complain that the rich are not taxed enough!
This is just the tip of the iceberg of what Schweizer uncovered.

There’s more, including:

Air America radio host Al Franken says conservatives are
racist because they lack diversity and oppose affirmative action. But fewer than 1 percent of the people he has hired over the past 15 years have been African-American.
It gets worse.

Bill and Hillary Clinton have spoken in favor of the estate tax, and in 2000 Bill vetoed a bill seeking to end it.
But the Clintons have set up a contract trust that allows them to substantially reduce the amount of inheritance tax
their estate will pay when they die.
Hillary, for her part, has written and spoken extensively
about the right of children to make major decisions
regarding their own lives, such as having an abortion
without parental consent. But she barred 13-year-old daughter Chelsea from getting her ears pierced and forbade her
to watch MTV or HBO.

Barbra Streisand has talked about the necessity of
unions to protect a "living wage." But she prefers
to do her filming and post-production work in Canada,
where she can pay less than American union wages.

Schweizer sums up his book this way: "The reality is
that liberals like to preach in moral platitudes.
They like to condemn ordinary Americans and Republicans
for a whole host of things - racism, lack of concern
for the poor, polluting the environment, and greed.
But when it comes to applying those same standards to themselves, liberals are found to be shockingly guilty of hypocrisy.

"The media and the American people need to hold them accountable."

Ann Coulter: This Is ‘Book of the Century’