Border fence funding hoax exposed? Alliance We have the "smoking gun" on why the government
isn'tbuilding the double-layered fence mandated by law.
Please read below and forward to your friends.
As we reported to you last week, our government has built just fivemiles of the 854 miles of double-layer border fence mandated bythe Secure Fence Act of 2006. This outrageous fact begs a question... Why? If the law mandated a double layer fence covering 854 miles,then how come such little progress has been made? + + Border fence funding hoax of 2006 and 2007's research staff has blown the lid off a deceptiveand convoluted border fence funding sham being perpetrated onthe citizens of our nation. Warning -- reading this report will enrage you. It willinfuriate you. Go here to access the full report:
As you will see in this report, Congress and the Administrationare pretending to support a real border fence but then workingbehind the scenes to ensure that the Secure Fence Act is neverreally implemented. It happened last year, and as I write, Congress is trying to repeatits Border Fence Funding Hoax on us again! Here's how... As you may know, last week an amendment providing $3 billion forborder security was stripped from the DOD appropriations bill. We fully expect that bill to be added to the DHS funding billin the next few days. But even if they pass the $3 billionfunding amendment, DHS may not be required to use any of thatmoney for the border fence. Not ONE DIME! That's because of another amendment by Sen. Hutchison that saysDHS does not have to build the fence! Sen. Hutchison's staff toldus this amendment (also removed from DOD appropriations) will alsobe re-attached to the DHS appropriations bill. + + Action Items: Help expose the Funding Hoax ed, I need your help to expose Congress’ Fence FundingHoax. We need to flood every House and Senate office with faxesdemanding action. Specifically, we are calling for an amendment (or amendments) tobe added to the DHS appropriations bill to fully fund thedouble-layer fence and directly tie that funding to the actualbuilding of the fence mandated by the Secure Fence Act. I am asking you to take two actions today:
1. Send faxes to your Senators, your Congressman and otherkey leaders exposing the Fence Funding Hoax Go here: (As always you can use our FaxFire system or send your own faxes.All the information is provided at the above link.)
2. Call your Senators and Congressman today: Sen. McCain 202-224-2235Sen. Kyl 202-224-4521 To reach your representative, call the House Switchboard: 202-221-3121. Talking Points: 1. I am disappointed that Congress has not tied the border securityfunding directly to the double-layer fence mandated by the SecureFence Act. 2. I call on Congress to reject any amendments (such as theHutchison Amendment, SA 3176 to H.R. 3222) that gives HomelandSecurity total discretion over whether or not to build aborder fence.
3. I call on Congress to amend the DHS appropriations bill tofully fund 854 miles of DOUBLE-LAYER fening and directly tiesuch funding to the Secure Fence Act's two-layer fence mandate. Again, please read our full report. You will be outraged when yousee how the "fix was in" last year even before the Senate voted onthe Secure Fence Act -- and how Congress is trying to repeat thefunding hoax this year. The DHS appropriations bill is in House-Senate conference rightnow and could move quickly. Thank you for taking action. Steve Elliott, P.S. Again, you can access Grassfire's complete Special Reporton the Fence Funding Hoax here: P.P.S. I really want our feedback on this message and report.Please go here to post your comments/thoughts on a page:
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. Thise-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.To contact with comments, questions or to changeyour status, see link at the end.)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Feedback or comments on this update? Go to and post your comments so that the Grassfirestaff along with thousands of citizens can benefit from yourthoughts and opinions:
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
invite to see Fred Thompson in Phoenix
Please join the Arizona Republican Party as we welcomePresidential Candidate
Former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson
For a Trunk and Tusk Speaker Series Event
November 29th, Phoenix Airport Marriott
1101 North 44 Phoenix, Arizona 85008
12:00 p.m. Lunch with Senator Fred Thompson
Registration will open at 11:00 a.
$2,300 Table Sponsor – includes 2 tickets to a private reception, 10 tickets to lunch
$150 Individual
Please RSVP to Amilyn Gordon at mailto="" or Please specify if you are a Trunk and Tusk member; you admission is included in your membership dues!
Please join the Arizona Republican Party as we welcomePresidential Candidate
Former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson
For a Trunk and Tusk Speaker Series Event
November 29th, Phoenix Airport Marriott
1101 North 44 Phoenix, Arizona 85008
12:00 p.m. Lunch with Senator Fred Thompson
Registration will open at 11:00 a.
$2,300 Table Sponsor – includes 2 tickets to a private reception, 10 tickets to lunch
$150 Individual
Please RSVP to Amilyn Gordon at mailto="" or Please specify if you are a Trunk and Tusk member; you admission is included in your membership dues!
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