Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mccain wearing a Navy baseball cap? if the Navy could do it over........

Mccain wearing a Navy baseball cap? if the Navy could do it over........

would the Navy take back Senator Mccain as a Navy pilot ,

if they knew what they know now?

He trashed 5 jets and was captured by the enemy.

what this piss, he's out there now selling himself as a hero.

but daddy was an Admiral.

Mccain using the old lady's private jet?

Mccain using the old lady's private jet?

I think his current wife, Cindy, got busted for stealing drugs in 1999 in Phoenix.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Boeing drops technology ball again in securing the border fence?

Boeing drops the technology ball in securing the border fence?
Boeing seems to be making millions on DHS contracts to secure the border, now it looks like a joke.

Boeing wont' talk, refers all questions to DHS.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

bummer Hillary wins a black and blue PHILADELPHIA victory


Hillary Rodham Clinton wins a black and blue PHILADELPHIA primary victory Tuesday night.

"Some counted me out and said to drop out," the former first lady told supporters cheering her triumph in a state where she was outspent by more than two-to-one. "But the American people don't quit. And they deserve a president who doesn't quit, either."

"Because of you, the tide is turning."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Senator John McCain doesn't have an effective plan

Senator John McCain doesn't have an effective plan to turn around the faltering U.S. economy Howard Dean said Saturday.

Senator John McCain remarks about the economy this week, I heard more of the same Republican policies that george Bushhas brought us for the last eight years," Dean said in the Democrats' weekly radio address.

Among those policies, Dean said, are "privatizing Social Security, denying our children health care, adding $8 trillion in new deficits, no plan to turn our economy around or help people keep their homes."

Despite the nation's current economic woes, including rising unemployment, lower wages and record gas prices, Senator McCain believes we are better off," Dean said.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

are your tax dollar paying for that polygamist sect in ELDORADO, Texas?

are your tax dollar paying for that polygamist sect in ELDORADO, Texas?

Who really paid for that 1,700-acre ranch with that massive temple/ church, all those homes the school, even a dairy, and community gardens ?

looks like a puppymill for children
for food stamps and other state and federal funds.

ICE finally makes a serious raid on illegal aliens and employers

Immigrations and Customs Enforcement conducted raids yesterday on 12 businesses in nine states. The biggest targets were Pilgrim’s Pride chicken plants in Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee and Florida. ICE made more than 280 arrests, including more than 60 on criminal charges of identity theft. Illegal aliens were also arrested for immigration violations at Mexican restaurants and a doughnut factory. In many cases, they were working 72 hours per week and receiving slave wages.

see more at

oh no Hillary Clinton drags out her family's vaginas

oh no Hillary Clinton drags out her family's vaginas in a desperate move to get some female votes.

Shes brings her mother and daughter on stage in Penn.

will this alienate the men ?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

will David Letterman make $$$ as a Manhattan farmer ?

will TV's David Letterman make $$$ as a Manhattan farmer ?

Farm Bill being worked on now............

in the Farm Bill that your favorite congress is working on, TV personality David Letterman could make mega bucks for not growing fram products.

Mccain looking for a black vagina for as a running mate VP?

Mccain looking for a black vagina for as a running mate VP?

senator john Mccain looking for a black vagina for as a running mate VP?

The rumor mill has it that senator John Mccain is
trying to appeal to the black and female voter.

His demographics show him to be weak in this voting group.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


My Friends,

Last week, I embarked on a "Service to America" tour visiting various places that have had great importance in my life. I have always considered service to our country the greatest duty and highest honor, and I continue to encourage others to answer her call, as I believe it is everyone's duty to serve a cause greater than oneself.

Like so many American men and women today, I answered our nation's call to duty early in my life. From the time I entered the U.S. Naval Academy at the age of 17, through the years I spent in Vietnam, and during my tenure in both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve our nation.

I am convinced that every challenge I have confronted during my years of serving our country and its ideals has made me better able to lead and ready to serve as President from Day One. And I humbly ask you to join my campaign for President of the United States today, so that I may be so fortunate as to serve our country a little while longer.

I have had the honor to share my five decades of service to America with many great men and women. Most inspiring of all was Ronald Reagan. Today, I am as sure as I was when I first entered public life as a foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution that the principles of the Republican Party are always in the best interests of the American people - and I've fought relentlessly in Washington for conservative change to cut taxes, put an end to wasteful spending, and strengthen our military.

On issue after issue, never in recent memory has there been such a stark difference in the direction the candidates want to lead America. I intend to win the war in Iraq and bring our troops home with honor in that victory. Senators Clinton and Obama want to surrender and withdraw our armed forces. When I'm your President, I will continue my fight to end wasteful spending and restore fiscal responsibility to Washington. My Democratic opponents will raise your taxes. In these challenging economic times, the last thing we need is a Democratic president raising our taxes as both Senators Clinton and Obama will do.

When I'm your President, I will promote market-based solutions and consumer choice in order to provide families with affordable and quality health care. Senators Clinton and Obama will offer a big government solution to health care coverage.

As your Republican candidate for President, I have an enormous sense of responsibility and duty. That's why I am not in the habit of making promises to my country that I do not intend to keep.

Therefore, I come to you offering leadership, experience, judgment - and real solutions based on my commitment to the conservative agenda - for that is what separates me from my Democrat opponents. And these are the qualities that I firmly believe have prepared me to guide our nation forward.

But I cannot win this election alone - I need your help.

I stand before you ready to continue my service to our great nation - and prepared to uphold the conservative values that millions of Americans hold dear. I hope you will join me in this fight by following this link to make a campaign contribution of any amount you can afford - up to the legal limit of $2,300.

Thank you,

John McCain
P.S. I have never forgotten what it means to be an American. Even during the toughest of times, when I was a POW in Vietnam, what sustained me during those five and a half years of captivity was my faith in God. Faith in country. Faith in my fellow prisoners. And I'll never forget that day, 35 years ago, when I and many other very happy prisoners of war were returned to freedom.

My friends, we are so fortunate to live in the greatest nation on earth. I am running for President of the United States because I believe in the greatness of this nation as a beacon of goodwill throughout the world. Please consider making a generous contribution to my presidential campaign of $50, $100, $500, $1,000, or $2,300 today. Thank you.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Condi Must Go campaign

It's been only 24 hours since we started our Condi Must Go campaign and thanks to you it's taken off. Already 22,793 of you signed our petition for Secretary of State Rice to resign for approving torture, and the media has turned its eye towards Condi. Now, we need to turn up the heat.

Next week, the eyes of the world will be on Pennsylvania as the Democratic and Republican primaries approach and the candidates debate. This is our chance to bring our campaign to the attention of the political establishment. Next week we will launch an advertising campaign in Pennsylvania with one simple message-- Condi Rice must resign as Secretary of State. But, we need your help.

Contribute $35 right to turn up the heat:



The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program to track arrival and departure of foreign visitors has been mired in technical problems, cost overruns and delays ever since it was a gleam in Congress’ eye more than a decade ago. We wrote about the aimless program in 2005, and unsurprisingly not too much has changed except that we now have spent more than $2.2 billion on it.

The original plan for U.S. Visitor and Immigration Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT) was to use stuff like digital facial recognition, voice recognition and retinal scans to track foreign nationals arriving at and departing the nation’s airports, seaports and land points of entry. This would allow DHS to detain persons of interest at the border and detect visa overstays. Rather than use this new gadgetry, however, the agency settled on good old-fashioned fingerprint scans. Hooray.

But the fingerprint scans have had problems. Originally, DHS was only going to use thumb prints, which didn’t meet the FBI’s 10-digit identity and accuracy standards. Eventually, common sense prevailed and now fingerprints will be scanned from all 10 digits. The system will also connect with the FBI database and nine other informational programs tracking foreign nationals coming to this country. The first 10-digit scanner was deployed at Dulles Airport late last year and is supposed to deploy to all points of entry by the end of 2008.

But a new report by the Government Accountability Office has found that while the entry identification capability is present and improving at roughly 300 points of entry across the country, the back end – tracking the exits of those foreign visitors – is virtually nonexistent. As the GAO writes, “Despite long-standing legislative requirements and a sizeable investment of time and resources, DHS has yet to clearly define the second major component of its strategic solution – exit.”

just say "no" to Nancy Pelosi

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's hometown, San Francisco, just launched an $83,000 PR media campaign that will actively encourage waves of illegal aliens to sneak across the border.

The massive media blitz will include television and radio ads, billboards and bus signs, and brochures distributed at police stations and hospitals.

The simple and sinister purpose... to assure illegal aliens that they will have safe access to ALL city services -- no questions asked, no IDs checked... services that are supported by the tax dollars of hard-working Americans and legal immigrants all over the country.

Or to put it in the words of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom:

"We're inviting people to come out of the shadows and take advantage of services."

Of course, these ads -- written in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Russian -- really say, in effect:

Come one, come all. And when you sneak across the border, make your way to San Francisco because hard-working American citizens and legal immigrants will pick up your bills from cradle to grave!

Don't worry about working, we'll give you welfare. Don't worry about hospital bills, hard-working American taxpayers have got that covered for you.

Don't worry about educating your children; you won't have to pay a dime and we'll even instruct them in YOUR language so there's no need to worry about something as silly as assimilating.

And if hard-working taxpayers don't like it... TOUGH... They don't have a thing to say about it because we can act with impunity!

What else would you expect from the nation's most in-your-face sanctuary city?

But more importantly, how long will it take for other sanctuary cities across the country to follow San Francisco's example!

It doesn't have to be this way. YOU CAN SAY SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Urge Congress to pass the Clear Act of 2007, which will CUT OFF FEDERAL FUNDS to so-called sanctuary cities!




Published on on April 11, 2008.

Forget about her claim to have dodged sniper’s bullets in Bosnia, or that she was named after Sir Edmund Hilary, or that she met a woman who was denied health care and died.

All of these Hillary Clinton fibs and exaggerations are basically harmless. But her current attempts to lie about her record and to pretend that she always opposed free trade agreements and disagreed with Bill on NAFTA is a serious distortion of her record as she searches for blue collar support in Pennsylvania.

Hillary was a strong supporter of NAFTA. Her official schedule reveals that she attended meetings designed to promote its passage and her memoir, Living History betrays no hint of any opposition to her husband’s key legislative accomplishment of his first two years in office — the ratification of NAFTA.

Hillary and I spoke frequently through all of 1993 and 1994 and together we plotted to help NAFTA ratification. She was deeply involved in the decision to enlist past presidents in supporting the bill and followed the vote count with heightening anxiety as it appeared closer and closer.

That she could totally reinvent her record, turn it around 180 degrees, and expect us to fall for it, shows her arrogance and her continuing belief that she can sell us on anything, no matter how obviously false.

Trade was no side issue in the Clinton administration; it was central to his key worldview — that he had to lead America to compete successfully in the new global economy. His refusal to submit to protectionism or to legislation to reduce layoffs — his commitment to the free market — was a singular badge of courage in his presidency. For Hillary to indicate now so fundamental a disagreement with a policy so integral to her husbands’ presidency is transparently phony.

And when Hillary entered the Senate, before she started to run for president, she was a reliable vote for free trade, supporting a host of bi-lateral agreements negotiated by her husband and by the Bush Administration. She even took the lead in urging the admission of China to the World Trade Organization, the key counter-protectionist step of the past two decades.

Hillary spoke at a meeting to promote NAFTA in November of 1993. Participants told ABC News that Hilary was “100 percent pro-NAFTA” and expressed “not a hint of waffling” on the deal. In 1996, she said that NAFTA was giving Americans a chance to compete. “That’s what a free and fair trade agreement like NAFTA is all about. I think NAFTA is proving its worth.”

And in 2002, the AP reports that she told the Democratic Leadership Council praising Bill’s economic policies: “The economic recovery plan stands first and foremost as a testament to both good ideas and political courage. National service. The Brady Bill. Family leave. NAFTA. Investment in science and technology. All of these came our of some very fundamental ideas bout what would work. The results speak for themselves.”

Does she really believe that we are about to forget history and buy that Hillary was opposed to NAFTA all along?

NAFTA has worked very well. It has improved Mexico and the United States. Without it, we would be burdened by millions of more immigrants from Mexico. It was one of the stellar achievements of the Clinton administration. For Hillary to try to sell us on a revised history speaks to her confidence that she can make us believe anything.

Go To to read all of Dick's columns!


they get bitter.......... or are americans pissed ?

Obama said the small towns are bitter.

they get bitter.......... or are americans pissed ?

popular opinion polls record lows fro President Bush and all of congress.

I feel thae the american voter is pissed at all politicans. They just see them as self serving politicans, who are selling out the individual voter for the dollars of
business interests.

time will tell

Monday, April 07, 2008

"none of the above" ballot idea from Jesse Ventura

"none of the above" ballot idea from Jesse Ventura

this ideal has potential.

if the voter doesn't like either of the 2 current parties they would
now have an option.


Congressional Record: April 2, 2008 (House)

Page H1944
From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access []


The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the
gentleman from Colorado (Mr. Tancredo) is recognized for 5 minutes.
Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, on March 25, President Bush pardoned 15
people and granted one commutation to crimes that ranged from
falsifying records, conspiracy, bank embezzlement, dealing in firearms,
distributing marijuana, conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud,
heroin importation, selling migratory bird parts in violation of the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act, aiding and abetting the escape of a
prisoner, distributing more than 50 grams of crack cocaine, and a
variety of other crimes.
This brings to about 157 the number of pardons and/or commutations
that President Bush has distributed in his administration in his term
in office. And although that number is fewer than other presidents, it
in fact is reflective of something that I consider to be a serious
problem, and that is this, that although the President has been
compassionate or for whatever reason chosen to commute or pardon 157
people up to this point in time, he leaves two Border Patrol agents in
jail today because I believe of the misbehavior of the U.S. Attorney in
that particular district. And this is unconscionable.
This House actually voted last session unanimously to in fact deny
funding to the Department of Justice to continue to hold Border Patrol
agents Ramos and Compean in the Federal prison where they have been
incarcerated now for well over a year. And their terms are for 11 and
12 years. This is because they have been sentenced because of the
testimony of a known drug smuggler by the name of Osvaldo Aldrete-
Davila, who was given immunity from prosecution by U.S. Attorney
The SUV that Aldrete was driving was found to contain 743 pounds of
marijuana. The jury in the Ramos-Compean trial was never told of
Aldrete's criminal background. They were led to believe that Aldrete
was a one-time smuggler trying to make money to help a sick relative.
In fact, he was a professional drug smuggler, and his history was known
to the DEA and to Johnny Sutton, who was the prosecuting attorney, at
the time of the trial, but this history was kept from the jury.
It has been revealed in documents since the trial that U.S. Attorney
Johnny Sutton deliberately delayed the arrest of Aldrete for a
subsequent drug smuggling incident that occurred while Aldrete was
under the grant of immunity but before the trial date. All of this
information, of course, was withheld because it would have revealed
Aldrete as a professional smuggler, not an innocent victim of the
Border Patrol agents. This is a flagrant abuse of prosecutorial
These mistakes were compounded by asking for a mandatory 10-year
sentence for Ramos and Compean for the use of a firearm in the
commission of a ``crime.'' The law was never intended to apply to law
officers who use their weapons in the performance of their jobs.
The key question at the trial was whether the drug smuggler Aldrete
had a weapon and had pointed it at one of the Border Patrol agents. Mr.
Aldrete denied having such a weapon. It was his word against the
testimony of the Border Patrol agents, so the credibility of each
witness was critical to the jury's evaluation of the incident, yet the
jury was kept in the dark about Aldrete's other arrests and his history
as a drug smuggler.
The mistakes made by Ramos and Compean in trying to apprehend Mr.
Aldrete should have been handled as a violation of agency rules, the
failure to write and file a report of an incident involving Aldrete,
and punished by a 5-day suspension, not by criminal prosecution. For
that reason alone, this conduct rises to the level of reprehensible,
the conduct I believe of the U.S. Attorney in this case and of the
President of the United States.
To compound the injustice in this case, it is widely known that the
U.S. Attorney is a friend of the President, going back to his days as
Governor. But Bush's refusal to issue a pardon or a commutation amounts
to a coverup I believe of this misconduct in this trial.
Ramos and Compean have appealed their conviction to the U.S. Circuit
Court and a decision on that appeal is due shortly. At the very least
they deserve a new trial. President Bush has it within his power to end
this injustice now by issuing a pardon or a commutation. I sincerely
hope that he takes that responsibility seriously and offers this to Mr.
Ramos and Mr. Compean, who are languishing in prison for literally no
good reason.

Sunday, April 06, 2008




Published on on April 4, 2008.

He’s the guy who was running for president before all the national attention shifted to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Now, McCain seems to be only an afterthought, at best, or an anachronism, at worst. He has got to get back into the game, otherwise he will never be in contention.

Forget that he leads in the polls. That means nothing. His lead is only the consequence of the division among Democrats. Supporters of Hillary are quite incapable of uttering the “O” word to a pollster and Obama backers won’t admit that they’d ever back Hillary. But once the they settle on a nominee — provided there is no super delegate larceny involved — Democrats will be Democrats and McCain’s lead will vanish. He has got to use this period, when he is not under attack, to flesh out his image and begin his campaign.

To do that, he can’t wait on the sidelines and only put out carefully controlled stories — like his biographical tour which he has just begun. He has to wade into the midst of current controversy, carve out his message, demonstrate his relevance, and make the headlines he needs to become a center of attention and interest.

What should be his message? Populism. Many will urge that he fortify his base. But with Republican Party identification at an all time low, there isn’t enough base out there to win. He needs to attract swing voters. Not by going to the left of the Democrats, but by transcending their liberalism by attacking the forces of privilege their party is bent on protecting.

Here are a few choice targets:

• McCain should go after those who have caused the subprime crisis and demand justice. He should press for recapture of the fees and commissions they made by making loans they knew were no good. He should demand that their licenses be ended, their institutions closed, and their ill gotten gains confiscated.

• He should attack credit card companies for their abuse of consumers through usurious interest rates, high penalty fees imposed at the drop of a hat, and interchange fees that add to the cost of everything we buy.

• McCain should take up the case against Congressional perks, building on his efforts to curtail earmarks, cracking down on Congressional ethics, and taking aim at the day to day practices (as opposed to the speeches) of his two fellow senators who are running for office.

• He should go after regulators who don’t regulate, beginning with those who let unsafe toys into the U.S. He should condemn the FAA for its weaknesses. He should go after the Fed and other regulators for their laxity in the face of the emerging credit crisis.

• McCain should blast China for its abuse of Tibet. While governments are cowed into silence, McCain should speak out for human liberty and against the repressive tactics of Beijing even as China wants us to celebrate their Olympic games.

Strong, vigorous, populist advocacy can bring the spotlight back to McCain, draw attention to the integrity and strength which has always made him a unique public figure.

As he sought the GOP nomination, this muckraking McCain had to be bottled up inside a national security conservative façade. But no matter how deeply McCain believes in national security, it is his populism that has earned him the plaudits that got him to where he is today.

It’s time for the bleached out McCain to exit and for the hearty, embattled, opponent of falsity and privilege to take center stage. And, to show the Democrats how to do it.

Go To to read all of Dick's columns!

Help Bring the SAVE Act to the House Floor!

Help Bring the SAVE Act to the House Floor!
Call Your Representatives Now!

For over five months, House Leaders have ignored the SAVE Act (H.R. 4088), an important piece of enforcement-only legislation introduced by Congressman Heath Shuler (D-NC). Even though the legislation has 149 co-sponsors from both parties, House Leaders refuse to give it a hearing in the Judiciary Committee!

The reason the SAVE Act has such wide support in Congress is because it both provides more resources to secure the border and contains critical interior enforcement measures. These include:

Mandating that all employers use the E-Verify electronic employment verification program mandatory within 4 years of enactment (SAVE Act §201);
Requiring employers who receive no-match letters to inform employees that they must correct the no-match within 10 days or be terminated. (SAVE Act §202(a)); and
Prohibiting employers from deducting wages paid to illegal aliens. (SAVE Act §211).
To learn more about the SAVE Act, click here.

Now, a growing group of Representatives who support enforcement of our immigration laws are trying to force a vote on the SAVE Act by using a discharge petition filed by Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA). Under House rules, if a discharge petition receives at least 218 signatures, the bill will bypass the normal committee process and go directly to the floor.

Currently the SAVE Act discharge petition has 185 signatures—meaning only 33 more are needed to bring the bill to the floor! To see if your Representative has signed the discharge petition, click here.

Please call your Representatives now and urge them to bring the SAVE Act to the floor immediately!!!!

If your Representative has signed the discharge petition, please thank him/her and let them know you will be watching its progress.
If your Representative has not signed the discharge petition, tell him/her you want enforcement first and that Congress must pass, fund, and implement enforcement legislation before entertaining guest worker amnesty legislation that rewards special interest groups.

San Francisco launches outreach for illegals‏

San Francisco launches outreach for illegals‏
From: (

From the Desk of:Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is launching an $83,000outreach campaign designed to attract illegal aliens. Using television, radio, posters and brochuresin five different languages, Newsom says, "We'regoing to spend resources, time and energy to doPSA's, to do campaign outreach into community clinics,into public schools, into our police stations tolet people know what a sanctuary city is all about... Newsom says illegal aliens answering his call need not feardeportation. "We are doing the right thing," he said. ed, this arrogant thumbing of the nose by SF Cityofficials to the established laws of our land and the blatantdisrespect for those citizens who will be required to footthe bill for these illegals is reprehensible, and demandsa strong reaction! That's why I'm asking ALL members of our Grassfire team to takea few minutes to contact Mayor Gavin Newsom and City SupervisorTom Ammiano.

Action Item--Contact SF City Leadership Mayor Gavin Newsomphone: 415-554-6141Email: Tom Ammiano, City Supervisorphone: 415-554-5144Email: Please contact both of these city leaders and express youroutrage over their public outreach effort welcoming illegal aliens. Let them know that their plan is a "ringing dinner bell" thatwill attract even more illegals--increasing the burden forthose living in San Francisco legally! Urge them to do the right thing by enforcing our laws.
++Action Item #2--Alert your friends Forward this message to 30-40 friends and familymembers urging them to follow your lead bycalling city officials as well. Also encourage them to sign our national petitionto secure our borders by clicking here: Thank you for taking immediate action. Steve ++Help Grassfire Secure the Border: + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. Thise-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.To contact with comments, questions or to changeyour status, see link at the end.)

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Feedback or comments on this update? Go to and post your comments so that the Grassfirestaff along with thousands of citizens can benefit from yourthoughts and opinions: + + Technical questions only: For technical questions regarding this email, go here:(Not for comments/feedback on this update)

10 things you should know about John McCain (but probably don't

10 things you should know about John McCain (but probably don't):

1. John McCain voted against establishing a national holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now he says his position has "evolved," yet he's continued to oppose key civil rights laws.1

2. According to Bloomberg News, McCain is more hawkish than Bush on Iraq, Russia and China. Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan says McCain "will make Cheney look like Gandhi."2

3. His reputation is built on his opposition to torture, but McCain voted against a bill to ban waterboarding, and then applauded President Bush for vetoing that ban.3

4. McCain opposes a woman's right to choose. He said, "I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned."4

5. The Children's Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst senator in Congress for children. He voted against the children's health care bill last year, then defended Bush's veto of the bill.5

6. He's one of the richest people in a Senate filled with millionaires. The Associated Press reports he and his wife own at least eight homes! Yet McCain says the solution to the housing crisis is for people facing foreclosure to get a "second job" and skip their vacations.6

7. Many of McCain's fellow Republican senators say he's too reckless to be commander in chief. One Republican senator said: "The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He's erratic. He's hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me."7

8. McCain talks a lot about taking on special interests, but his campaign manager and top advisers are actually lobbyists. The government watchdog group Public Citizen says McCain has 59 lobbyists raising money for his campaign, more than any of the other presidential candidates.8

9. McCain has sought closer ties to the extreme religious right in recent years. The pastor McCain calls his "spiritual guide," Rod Parsley, believes America's founding mission is to destroy Islam, which he calls a "false religion." McCain sought the political support of right-wing preacher John Hagee, who believes Hurricane Katrina was God's punishment for gay rights and called the Catholic Church "the Antichrist" and a "false cult."9

10. He positions himself as pro-environment, but he scored a 0—yes, zero—from the League of Conservation Voters last year.10

John McCain is not who the Washington press corps make him out to be. Please help get the word out—forward this email to your personal network. And if you want us to keep you posted on MoveOn's work to get the truth out about John McCain, sign up here:

Thank you for all you do.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

heads up: If dems get a look at senator John Mccain record as a pilot...

heads up: If dems get a look at senator John Mccain record as a pilot...

I think Mccain could crash and burn the whole Republican party this November.

He gets a lot of passes because he was a pow, but his nickname from fellow naval flyers was "crash".

He did trash 5 planes in total, but daddy was a admiral.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

John "crash" McCain returns to Jacksonville,please keep him away from the planes!

John "crash" McCain returns to Jacksonville,please keep him away from the planes!

I think Mccain crashed his 1st plane off of Florida, this was the 1st of 5 planes lost.

I think Dems will focus on his military performance or lack of it. should be some interesting 527 tv ads based upon Mccain military career.

see more commentary on Mccain lack luster military performance

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Homeland Security Releases Revised "No-Match" Rules

Homeland Security Releases Revised "No-Match" Rules

On Friday, March 21, the Department Homeland Security (DHS) released revised rules for employers who receive "no-match" letters from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Homeland Security issued the revised rules in response to a federal court injunction that stopped an earlier version from taking effect. No-match letters are notices sent by the SSA to employers, warning them that an employee's name and social security number do not match the Administration's records.

In August 2007, DHS first promulgated no-match letters requiring that employers who receive them take affirmative steps to have the employee resolve the no-match or terminate the employee. The rule was barely in place when several organizations, including the ACLU, the AFL-CIO, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, challenged them and persuaded the federal district court in San Francisco to issue an injunction, barring the rules from taking effect. That federal court decision determined that Homeland Security has the authority to require employers to ensure that listed employees are not illegal aliens, but held that the agency had made several technical errors in promulgating the rule. These three errors identified by the court were that Homeland Security:

Failed to adequately explain its change of position on "no-match" letters;
Established anti-discrimination standards outside of its authority; and
Failed to review and determine the impact of the new regulations on small businesses.
After this ruling, DHS announced it would comply with the court injunction, but also intended to revise the regulations to meet the court's objections.

Dan Stein on Immigration Enforcement Methods

Dan Stein on Immigration Enforcement Methods

Dan Stein Testifies Before House Subcommittee on Immigration Enforcement Methods

The modest increase in interior immigration enforcement over the past 18 months has led to the expected protests from the illegal alien advocacy network. Alleging isolated instances in which Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been heavy-handed in its enforcement efforts, these groups are seeking to limit interior enforcement. The lack of any meaningful form of interior immigration enforcement contributed mightily to the growth of America’s illegal population, as people knew that once they entered the country, little or no effort would be made to find them and remove them.

Testifying before the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security and International Law, on February 13, FAIR’s president, Dan Stein, urged Congress to take corrective action when and if ICE does not follow proper procedure. However, he stressed the importance of maintaining a vigorous interior enforcement effort. FAIR has long argued that border security the first line of defense against illegal immigration cannot be the only line of defense. Stein rejected the idea that the remedy for the alleged isolated excesses by ICE should be curtailment of serious interior enforcement efforts.

Speaking on behalf of FAIR, Stein encouraged the subcommittee to continue to add detention facilities for illegal aliens apprehended by ICE and ending the so-called “catch and release” policy. Lacking adequate detention facilities to hold illegal aliens they have already apprehended, ICE has been forced to turn people loose with an order to appear for a hearing at some future date. An audit by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) found that over a three-year period ending in 2006, 280,987 deportable aliens were released due to lack of detention beds, and that some 600,000 aliens who had been ordered deported had absconded.

Stein also called upon “Congress and the national political leadership of this nation to demonstrate the political will to dramatically increase the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws in a manner consistent with credible deterrence.” Increasing the likelihood of apprehension and detention would deter many potential illegal immigrants from making the expensive and often dangerous journey to the U.S., Stein told the subcommittee.




Even as the rest of the Democratic Party around him takes sides in the epic struggle of Clinton vs. Obama, Al Gore remains inscrutable, silent, above the battle.

His gigantic but unspoken presence is raising rumors and fueling speculation. Joe Klein, writing in Time Magazine, even suggested a scenario where a deadlocked convention turns its lonely eyes to Al.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson comes out for Obama, and so do Ted Kennedy and Bill Bradley. Govs. Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania and Jon Corzine of New Jersey back Hillary. Even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, while avoiding an endorsement, speaks out to ask superdelegates to respect the will of the voters.

But barely a peep from Big Al, except to say, "I think it's going to resolve itself. We'll see."

What's his game?

A source close to him confirms that he does not plan to make any endorsement until after the primaries are over on June 3. And then? All they'll say is "stay tuned."

For what? Our guess is that Al is keeping his powder dry to lead the superdelegates in accepting the will of the voters. Perhaps in concert with a Gang of Five that might include former president Jimmy Carter, Pelosi, Party Chairman Howard Dean and former candidate John Edwards, Gore may act as the elder statesman in the party, stepping in after all the voters have spoken, asking the Clintons to accept the will of the people and give way.

He might quell the credentials battles, giving Florida and Michigan some representation in return for a recognition that Obama should be the nominee.

He could be the one who brings closure to what could be an open-ended summer bloodbath.

What about the chances that Al would go the other way and urge a Hillary nomination?

Seeing himself as the victim of one stolen election, we don't think Gore will be anxious to switch sides and help the Clintons steal this one.

He knows that all hell would break lose if the nomination goes to Hillary after the voters give Obama a lead of over 100 votes among elected delegates, and he realizes that the Democratic Party might never recover from the resulting bitterness.

But if Al acts as the honest broker, he can have a great influence and earn the everlasting gratitude of his party for leading the way in avoiding a civil war.

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GAO Finds Real Holes in the Virtual Fence

GAO Finds Real Holes in the Virtual Fence

Ever since Congress and the Bush administration agreed to construct hundreds of miles of security fencing along our southern border, immigration enforcement opponents have worked diligently to ensure that it gets built as slowly as possible, if at all. Earlier this year, we reported about provisions in the 2008 Omnibus Appropriations bill that will hamper further construction. There has also been talk from some congressional leaders of substituting “virtual fencing” for the actual fencing called for in the 2006 legislation.

A new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reveals that virtual fencing may be virtually useless in our efforts to stop real illegal aliens and, potentially, real terrorists who attempt to enter our country. Moreover, the GAO concluded that $20.6 million spent to construct virtual fencing along the Arizona border has turned out to be an actual waste of taxpayer money. Because of problems with the first 28-mile segment, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced that completion of the first phase of the technological initiative to secure the border will be delayed from late 2008 until 2011.

The Boeing Corporation was contracted in 2006 to implement a series of nine security towers equipped with night vision cameras, radar and sensors, along with a variety of communications systems and software to monitor activities along large stretches of the border. The technology was supposed to have been in place by June 2007, but the software system failed to distribute the information gathered by the detection devices. In December, Boeing submitted plans to CBP that were supposed to fix these problems. CBP accepted these “fixes” and began training personnel on the system’s use on February 22, just five days before the GAO reported that the virtual fence did not work.

In response, the CBP conceded that they do not expect the virtual fence to substantially improve the Border Patrol’s ability to capture illegal border crossers. Rather — in the virtual reality that exists only inside the Beltway — the value of the failed project is expected to be a lesson learned. The GAO was a little more blunt about the lessons learned. The virtual fence “was never what [the Border Patrol] wanted, it never will be. They’re going to have to replace all the equipment,” Richard Stana, GAO’s director of Homeland Security and Justice Issues told Congress.

In his testimony before Congress in March, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff argued that the GAO’s conclusions about the virtual fence were overstated. Chertoff assured Congress and the public that Boeing would be absorbing the costs associated with the system’s defects.

FAIR has supported the use of technology that has been proven to work to help monitor activities in more remote areas of the border. However, we have long contended that technology should complement, not replace, actual fencing and manpower. Real fencing, where it is in place along our borders, has proven to be highly effective in controlling illegal entries. But even when technology works as it is supposed to, it is useless without adequate manpower and equipment to apprehend illegal border crossers when they are detected.