Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Amendment Under Fire

Senator Jim DeMint (R) South Carolina
First Amendment Under Fire

Senator. DeMint, chairman of the Senate Steering Committee, said he will offer the Broadcaster Freedom Act as an amendment to the D.C. Voting Rights bill. The Broadcaster Freedom Act prevents the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from reinstating the Fairness Doctrine. Senator DeMint will join Lou tonight.

see more at CNN Lou Dobbs site

what's this cap-and-trade policy bullshit ?

what's this cap-and-trade policy bullshit ?

sounds like Obama new taxes for all businesses, who will merely pass this cost onto the consumer.

looks like tax, walks like a tax, sounds like a tax for everyone to bear.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

California Supreme Court to Hear In-State Tuition Challenge

California Supreme Court to Hear In-State Tuition Challenge

Last fall, a California Appeals Court issued a resounding ruling declaring the state’s policy of granting in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens attending state-run colleges and universities to be unconstitutional. In early January, the California Supreme Court agreed to hear the case and resolve the matter.

The challenge to the California policy was initiated in 2005 by FAIR and the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) on behalf of 80,000 U.S. citizen students who were denied the same tuition benefits the state afforded to illegal aliens. The suit, Martinez v. Regents of the University of California, contends that the California law explicitly violates a 1996 federal law which requires states that make in-state benefits available to illegal aliens to make the same benefit available to all U.S. citizens, whether residents of that state or any other state.

The Appeals Court ruling is the first to address the merits of policies that grant in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens. The 84-page ruling declared emphatically that the California policy violates both the equal protection clause and privileges and immunity clause of the U.S. Constitution. Though the ruling in a state court is enforceable only in California, it sets an important legal precedent that will inevitably open the door to challenges of other state policies that grant in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens.
IRLI will continue to play a crucial role in the legal effort to clear the final hurdle of the California Supreme Court and ensure that this important judicial victory for the interests of American citizens is upheld.

Foe of Immigration Enforcement Named as Secretary of Labor

Foe of Immigration Enforcement Named as Secretary of Labor

For American workers, 2008 was a disastrous year. The U.S. economy lost nearly 2 million jobs during the last four months alone, and most economists see things getting worse before they get better.
Unfortunately, President Obama’s choice to head the Department of Labor gives millions of unemployed and underemployed American workers little hope of gaining access to the 8 million jobs estimated to be held by illegal aliens or raising wages depressed by cheap foreign labor. In appointing Rep. Hilda Solis (D-Calif.) as Secretary of Labor, the president chose an implacable foe of immigration enforcement generally, and specifically enforcement in the workplace. Coupled with the selection of Janet Napolitano as Secretary of Homeland Security, there is little reason to expect either department to vigorously enforce laws against businesses that employ illegal aliens.

During her time in Congress, Solis supported or co-sponsored just about every effort to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and expand the number of foreign guest workers in the U.S. While a member of the California Legislature, Solis fought to provide taxpayer supported benefits and services to illegal aliens and to allow them to obtain driver’s licenses.
In Congress, Rep. Solis has co-sponsored or supported numerous bills that would have harmed American workers, including:
The AgJOBs amnesty, which would have granted green cards to virtually every illegal alien employed in some agriculture-related industry.
The 2007 STRIVE Act, which would have granted amnesty to most illegal aliens in the U.S. In addition, the bill would have allowed an additional 400,000 to 600,000 foreign guest workers to enter the U.S. labor force each year.
The DREAM Act, which would have granted green cards to illegal aliens who entered the country before age 16, and would have granted them subsidized college tuition benefits.
The Department of Labor can play a significant role in preventing the employment of illegal aliens. It is the department’s responsibility to promote “the welfare of the job seekers, wage earners, and retirees of the United States by improving their working conditions, advancing their opportunities for profitable employment…[and] helping employers find workers.”
While President Obama has embarked on an ambitious jobs creation program to deal with the unemployment crisis, millions of existing jobs could be made available to American workers by enforcing laws against employing illegal aliens. Given Secretary Solis’s long history of siding with illegal aliens, if she is confirmed by the Senate in that position, it will require strong direction from the White House to ensure that the Labor Department fulfills its stated mission.

FAIR will be reaching out to Congress and the new administration to stress the added importance, in this time of economic crisis, of vigorous enforcement against employers who rob American workers of job opportunities and seek to suppress wages. The first test of the Obama administration’s and the Congress’s commitment to protecting American jobs is likely to come in early March when the E-Verify program will need to be reauthorized. (See FAIR op-ed, page 7.)

Obama does another flip /flop on earmarks?

Obama does another flip /flop , this time on earmarks?

latest federal budget bill currently being debated includes
over 8,600 earmarks.

what the piss?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

hire Americans /buy American

What is the Coalition for the Future American Worker?
The Coalition for the Future American Worker (CFAW) is an umbrella organization of professional trade groups, population/environment organizations,and immigration reform groups. CFAW was formed to represent the interests of American workers and students in the formulation of immigration policy.

CFAW believes that American workers are the best, most creative,
most productive and highly motivated in the world. Americans,
in large numbers, have responded to the challenges set forth
by the new global and technological economy.
In the space of one generation, American workers have made the transition from the industrial economy of yesterday to create the most advanced and productive economy in the world.

American workers can meet any future challenges.
CFAW believes that in the fast-paced economy of the future,
American companies must commit to providing American workers
and students with the training and opportunities they will
need to continue to contribute to America's prosperity.

Friday, February 13, 2009

buy American hire Americans sounds good to me

buy American, hire Americans sounds good to me.

just another reason we need E-verify to ensure any stimulus tax dollars are routed to Americans.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

another Obama blunder: did Judd Gregg smell the coffee

another Obama blunder:

or did Judd Gregg wake up and smell the coffee?

just say no

will illegals benefit from the stimulus package ?

will illegals benefit from the stimulus package ?

just another reason why we definitely need the E-verify
program to insure those tax dollars are for legal tax paying citizens.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

odors coming from General Electric's Jeff Immelt ?

odors coming from General Electric's Jeff Immelt ?

why is this guy, Jeff Immelt, still on the payroll?

under his management sticok value has plummeted, yet he
still gets $20 million a year.

what am I missing ?

Bill Oreilly of Fox news is starting to look into
GE's performance and Jeff Immelt salary and perks.

Is Jeff Immelt enginerring a slow Enron meltdown for
his own profit?

Jack Welch Beats Up General Electric's Jeff Immelt. But Who's The Real Innovator?
Posted by: Bruce Nussbaum on

It’s rare for an ex-ceo to publicly criticize his successor but Jack Welch leveled a harsh blast against GE’s Jeff Immelt days after the company announced a surprise drop in earnings right after Immelt promised it would meet its rich financial targets.

This is what Welch said: “Here’s the screw-up: you made a promise that you’d deliver this and you miss three weeks later,’’ Mr Welch said on GE-owned CNBC. “Jeff has a credibility issue. He’s getting his ass kicked. He apologised. Things happen fast.’’

What happened was the collapse of Bear Stearns and the meltdown in the credit markets. What happened was the sharp decline in the US economy and the beginnings of a slowdown in India and other overseas
markets that GE plays in.

County paying for 67 illegal landscape workers with your tax dollars?

here's 67 more reason why we need E-verify

County paying for 67 illegal landscape workers with your tax dollars?

Handyman Maintenance Incorporated near Lower Buckeye Road
and 19th Avenue was raided this morning.

Phoenix maintenance service faces raid in ID theft case

A search warrant is being served for a Phoenix
business that allegedly employed 67 undocumented immigrants suspected
of identity theft.

According to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, dozens of deputies and
volunteer posse are conducting the search warrant at Handyman
Maintenance Incorporated near Lower Buckeye Road
and 19th Avenue.

HMI reportedly has a multi-million dollar contract approved
by the Board of Supervisors to provide landscaping
services to several county buildings.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

are Senator Reid's lobbyist sons involved in the supersizing of stimulus package ?

are Senator Reid's lobbyist sons involved in the supersizing of stimulus package ?

Sen. Harry Reid (Nev.) is the Democratic floor leader, he has not
just one but three sons and a son-in-law who are lobbyists.

One of Reid’s sons, and his son-in-law, has lobbied in Washington; a second son lobbies for the same interests in Nevada; and a third son is an attorney who litigates for them in court.

Reid’s lobbyist-sons have worked to promote federal land swaps,
mining interests and the University of Nevada at Reno.

Democrats: Supersize my order of pork !

Democrats: Supersize my order of pork !

deferred taxes and more government already..........

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

put the spotlite on Daschle's wife lobbying income?

put the spotlite on Daschle's wife lobbying income?

from a recent wikipedia reference

Daschle has been married to Linda Hall since 1984, one year after his marriage to his first wife, Laurie, ended in divorce.[6] Hall was acting administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration in the Clinton administration; she is now a Washington lobbyist. Her lobbying clients have included American Airlines, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing, Senate lobbying records show.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Daschle withdraws nomination, good was one of the biggest political whores/sluts in the senate

Daschle withdraws nomination, good was one of the biggest political whores/sluts in the senate
Daschle withdraws nomination

Faced with problems over back taxes and potential conflicts of interest,
Tom Daschle withdrew his nomination on Tuesday to be President
Barack Obama's Health and Human Services secretary.

"Now we must move forward," Obama said in a written statement
accepting Daschle's surprise request to be removed from
consideration. A day earlier, Obama had said he "absolutely" stood by Daschle.

Daschle, the former Senate Democratic leader and a strong
backer of Obama's presidential bid, said he would have been
unable to operate "with the full faith of Congress and the American people."

Monday, February 02, 2009

Tom Daschle charters a private jet for a caribeen vacation, tax deduction?

Tom Daschle charters a private jet for a Caribbean vacation, then claims it as a tax deduction ?

Glenn Beck , Fox news, show reporting on this Monday.

looks like SOS, same old shitheads in washington

another Obama delinquent "tax and spend democrat, except my $$$"

another Obama delinquent "tax and spend democrat, except my $$$"

Daschle tries to apologize for failing to pay taxes

Besides most of the lobbying income is funnelled thru his wife's
lobby company, and who knows what other money is
co mingled.

see more at........