Saturday, February 19, 2011

Richard Trumka's salary is $238,975 ? i doubt it

Richard Trumka's salary is $238,975 ?  i doubt it

“Richard Trumka's salary is $238,975, a 44% increase in his salary in 4 years. I have taken a steady salary cut in the last 4 years as a public employee. I am currently take 5 furlough days. I am glad that Richard is feeling our pain and setting a good example! NOT!”

where does Trumka live and how many other homes does he own?

will there be a march / demostration at Richard Trumka home

will there be a march / demostration  at  Richard Trumka home ?

I am starting to pick up rumors that at counter protest will be at Richard Trumpka personal home.

Please post an additional info news on this protest.
