Friday, October 22, 2010

Grijalva Complains About Outside Money: Is He Going to Return It?

Grijalva Complains About Outside Money: Is He Going to Return It?

Tucson, AZ -- Rep. Raul Grijalva has been complaining lately about all the "outside" money pouring into Arizona's 7th Congressional District. Yet today the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced yet another ad buy against his opponent, Ruth McClung. Even Mr. Grijalva's own money is mostly coming from outside of Arizona.

As first published by Politico, Mr. Grijalva recently reported raising $75,500 in a matter of days-with barely 20 percent of that money ($15,400) coming from sources in Arizona.

"It's not surprising that Mr. Grijalva is having trouble raising money here in Arizona," said McClung. "Maybe if he hadn't boycotted his own state, people would still have money to give him."

Mr. Grijalva's recent fundraising does raise some eyebrows. Since he's been so vocal in his objections to campaign contributions from outside of Arizona: when is he planning to return all that cash?

Contact: Stone, Media

Winners Never Cheat by Jon Huntsman

Winners Never Cheat: Even in Difficult Times, New and Expanded Edition

The man who revolutionized the world by giving it the plastic spoon, fork, knife and Styrofoam take-out food container will once again change how you live your life. I can say that because that’s what happened to me after reading Jon Huntsman’s Winners Never Cheat.

In today’s world where it increasingly appears that we can’t trust our political or business leaders, this book is an unwavering reminder that traditional values never go out of style and are as essential today as they were forty years ago when Jon Huntsman launched a small chemical business that he grew into the world’s largest privately held chemical corporation. Jon Huntsman doesn’t like to be called a billionaire. He’s uncomfortable with that title. I’m convinced he also doesn’t like being one either because he’s committed to giving away his hard-earned fortune—not after he dies, but during his lifetime. I believe in this book’s message and its messenger. I have never in my life purchased any book by the case, except for this one. I give a copy to my friends who mistakenly believe that business can no longer be done with a look in the eye and a handshake. Many of the problems and much of the pain we’re currently experiencing on Wall Street and Washington could have been avoided if those we trusted with our money and our power lived what’s taught in these pages.

If you’re looking for success, read this book. If you’re wondering if you can be successful while staying true to your core principles, read this book. If you’re wondering, like so many are, if capitalism has a bright future, read this book. I have and it’s changed my life.

Glenn Beck

Winners Never Cheat: Even in Difficult Times, New and Expanded Edition

shocking short video on USA future ? food for thought

shocking short video on USA future ?
food for thought

Citizens Against Government Waste
highlights U.S. debt owed to China.flv

This is a amzing political video, gotta see this 1 minute political ad
showing Chinese

click to watch this 1 minute video, food for thought