Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Al Gore is pissed.......

Al Gore: Hit the streets!

GLENN: Now let's go to Al Gore, who would like you to take to the streets because our government has failed us entirely.

PAT: Yeah. Well, we heard that last week from him that the government has failed us entirely? You remember that?

GORE: I want to call you to action, but I have to begin by telling you what you know. In all candor the United States government in its entirety, largely because of the opposition in the United States Senate to taking action on clean energy and a solution to the climate crisis, has failed us. America is capable of great things. We always have been and we still are. We have a history of great leadership from our earliest days. The United States Senate has failed to meet the challenge of the climate crisis.

PAT: And, of course, the government has failed in its entirety. So on his blog post he linked the Australian wire service report that tens of thousands of protestors have taken to the streets across Australia to protest on climate change and then he said, across the world, when politicians fail to take action to solve the climate crisis, people are taking action. He added, after excerpting the news reports, it is my hope we see activism like this here in the United States.

GLENN: I wish I could do that.

PAT: So he's calling for people to, tens of thousands of people, I guess, to take to the streets of the United States and start protesting because their government has failed in its entirety.

GLENN: This goes back to Van Jones and ACORN and the unions and everybody else. They are encouraging people to get out into the streets and hold up their signs and be really angry and march and sit down and don't move and all of these things. They are encouraging them, while at the same time tea parties are gathering. And they're demonizing that, except the left has a tendency of getting violent and we've already seen it. That's why it is important that you, as an American citizen, are different. You must stand out. You must be different. This is why I say do not bring any signs to 8/28. Don't bring them. And if you see people with signs, ask them to put them down. And if they won't, I believe they're infiltrators. I'm not expecting infiltrators, quite honestly. I mean, there's enough, believe me. Believe me. There's enough that will

GLENN: Now, with Al Gore, he wants to save the planet and the government has fundamentally failed you. But that's good stuff.

PAT: Yeah, because of the climate crisis, the government has failed you.

GLENN: Hang on just a second. Climate crisis?

PAT: Yeah, there's a climate crisis.

GLENN: Okay.

PAT: On the other hand we just heard, what, 45 minutes ago from Barack Obama that there's no Social Security crisis.

GLENN: I think they have a hard time defining crisis.

PAT: I think they do. Crisis means a little something to them.

GLENN: No financial, no Social Security crisis.

PAT: Right. But there is a climate crisis.

GLENN: Okay, hang on just a second. Because the climate in 100 years will be out of control?

PAT: Or 1,000, whatever.

GLENN: Between 100 and 1,000 years, the climate will be out of control. But within five to ten, Social Security will be out of control.

PAT: But that's not a crisis.

GLENN: That's not a crisis?

PAT: No.

GLENN: I don't understand the word the way they are using it. -- I don't think they know what it means. May I just give you this? Do you know what the fiscal year 2009 agency financial report is called for the Department of Energy? Do you know what they called the report in 2009?

PAT: No.

GLENN: Department of Energy. This is actually from a book that we're releasing here soon. I'm just doing the final edits on it today. The Department of Energy, their annual report called working to save the planet.

PAT: Wow.

GLENN: That's the Department of Energy. Is that a little strange? That's their new goal?

PAT: Because the climate is in crisis, Glenn. The planet, because of our SUVs, the planet is in crisis.

GLENN: Do you drive an SUV?

PAT: Of course, but that's because I have to get from Point A to Point B to save the planet.

GLENN: Yeah, but if I can't get to Point A to point B in order to

PAT: You can walk because you're not you're not fighting to save the planet. You simply are focused on destroying the planet.

GLENN: Okay. But you just take the SUV then and you don't burn up like a bunch of jet fuel to go places, do you?

PAT: Well, I plant trees in Indonesia.

GLENN: You what?

PAT: I plant trees in Indonesia.

GLENN: You plant trees?

PAT: Trees.

GLENN: Okay, that's good.

PAT: That offsets the planet killing carbon dioxide that's coming out of my SUVs.

GLENN: That offsets?

PAT: That offsets the SUVs.

GLENN: Why don't you just stop using the plane?

PAT: Because I must, as I said if you'd listen to me, I must get from Point A to Point B to save the planet.

GLENN: How about using just technology? For instance, I mean, there's like video conferencing.

PAT: Do you know how much CO2 computers use?

GLENN: There's holographic images now that you can put in. It's like you're in the room.

PAT: Again you're expending energy.

GLENN: I understand that, but you're expending much less energy than you would on the Gulfstream.

PAT: That's why I plant the trees in Indonesia.

GLENN: Instead of planting the trees, because I think you have to use computers to be able to transfer funds to Indonesia.

PAT: Well, that's what I'm saying. I must, I must save the planet. And see, in all of my efforts to save the planet, I have to expend some energy. That's why I can't, I can't abide these hypocrites like yourself who drives around in his SUV just to get his fat but from Point A to Point B.

GLENN: But see, that doesn't make me a hypocrite because I don't believe in global warming.

PAT: But you are telling me I shouldn't be using my SUV.

GLENN: Well, because you are telling me I shouldn't use my SUV.

PAT: That's because you're not saving the planet. The Earth has a fever, Glenn.

GLENN: Does it seem like this might be a circular argument?

PAT: It does.

GLENN: Just a little bit?

[NOTE: Transcript may have been edited to enhance readability - audio archive includes full segment as it was originally aired]

Appleseed Project

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The Appleseed Project non-profit organization dedicated to teaching every American, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality, national origin, or ideology our shared heritage and history as well as traditional rifle marksmanship skills. Our volunteer instructors travel across the country teaching those who attend about the difficult choices, the heroic actions, and the sacrifices that the Founders made on behalf of modern Americans, all of whom are their “progeny.”

Our heritage program vividly portrays the Battles of Lexington and Concord with the kind of care and immediacy that is absent from most formal schooling. Modern listeners are confronted with the danger, the fear, and the heartbreaking separations that arose out of the choices made on April 19th, 1775. They are also reminded of the marksmanship skills and masterful organization that ultimately helped set the colonists on the path to success. Those who attend gain a better understanding of the fundamental choices faced by our ancestors as they began to set the stage for the nation we now enjoy.

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