Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Senate stills wants to exempt themselves from Obamacare ?

Senate stills wants to exempt themselves from Obamacare ?

Still can't believe congress wants to exclude themselves from the forcedd Obamacare health care plan.

It's appears that we may have eroded to a ruling class of self serving politicans.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Obama as 'De Fuhrer' ? see more

In an interview with the Arizona Capitol Times, Barton stood by the comparison.

"The Chief Executive is acting as an Imperial President," she added, "without regard to his citizens, only caring about his agenda. With all the exemptions he has unilaterally bestowed on many interest groups, could he not delay the ACA Individual Mandate for a single year? Without regard for the elected House of Representatives. What do you call that?"

“He’s dictating beyond his authority,” she said of Obama. “It’s not just the death camps. (Hitler) started in the communities, with national health care and gun control. You better read your history. Germany started with national health care and gun control before any of that other stuff happened. And Hitler was elected by a majority of people."

“It got your attention,” she added. “[President Obama is] doing something controversial. It’s not controversial that I’m criticizing him. I don’t think that’s controversial at all.”

Barton wasn't the only politician to connect the United States to the Third Reich.

Barton, an Arizona state representative, took to Facebook to express her fury in a series of status updates Monday. In one, she compared President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler.

In an interview with RT Spanish’ Entrevista, Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa compared American exceptionalism under Obama to Nazi Germany.

see more info on this comparsion of Obama to Hilter

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Paint the picture of Obama/Harry Reid stepping on the will of the people

Paint the picture of Obama/Harry Reid stepping on the will of the people (House of Representatives} for thier refusal to talk to the House. Could be used in ads to hilites what the Dems are doing. Looks like Obama and his comrades and dug in and very stubborn on undoing free national healthcare.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wow, look at these costs just for running the Senate and Congress !!!!!

Wow, look at these costs just for running the Senate and Congress !!!!!

While Americans are forced to do more with less, Congress is doing less with more. It is time for serious leadership, which should begin by Congress significantly trimming its own budget and eliminating wasteful or low priority spending.

Reduce the Senate and House of Representatives Accounts by 15 percent – $3.82 billion Since 2000, the combined budget of the House and Senate has grown from $1.2 billion to nearly $2.3 billion.4 In 2010, the budget for the House of Representatives was $1.4 billion and the budget for the Senate was $926 million, their highest levels in history.

Even with a 15 percent reduction, Congress’ budget would still exceed $1.9 billion, approximately the level of funding in 2007. Congress could achieve this cut by reducing salary expenses for staff and cutting back on low-priority spending.

Between 2000 and 2009, the number of House of Representatives staff increased by 11 percent, to 9,808.5 On the other side of the Capitol, the number of Senate staff has swelled by nearly 25 percent, to 6,099, between 2001 and 2010.6

Leadership offices have seen the biggest rise in staff over the last three decades, more than tripling in size since 1977.7 Congress should consider reorganizing and consolidating its leadership and committee structure to ensure that it is designed to promote oversight, eliminate unneeded turf battles, and rationalize jurisdictions.

Experts and think tanks from all sides agree this is an area of government spending that should be reduced. In 2007, the Progressive Policy Institute proposed cutting congressional staff by 10 percent.8 The Heritage Foundation has also recommended reducing the House and Senate accounts.9 And the bipartisan Fiscal Commission recommended cutting Congress’ budget by 15 percent.

In addition, Congress should consider eliminating low-priority programs and spending items that do not contribute to these core duties. These include following:  A benefit House and Senate staffers receive comes in the form of student loan debt repayment. Thousands of congressional staff have taken advantage of the program in

4 Email from the Congressional Research Service, June 8, 2011.

5 ―House of Representatives and Senate Staff Levels in Member, Committee, Leadership, and other Offices, 1977-2010,‖
Congressional Research Service, August 10, 2010, report number: R41366,

6 ―House of Representatives and Senate Staff Levels in Member, Committee, Leadership, and other Offices, 1977-2010,‖
Congressional Research Service, August 10, 2010, report number: R41366,

7 ―House of Representatives and Senate Staff Levels in Member, Committee, Leadership, and other Offices, 1977-2010,‖
Congressional Research Service, August 10, 2010, report number: R41366,

8 ―Return to Fiscal Responsibility II,‖ Progressive Policy Institute, April 2007,
9 ―Additional $47 billion in spending cuts for the Continuing Resolution,‖ Heritage Foundation, February 11, 2011,

recent years, with 3,000 House staff alone getting benefits in 2009.10 Senate staffers can get $6,000 per year, and $40,000 in a lifetime, to repay any outstanding student loans.11 House staffers are eligible for an even more, with the opportunity to get $10,000 each year, with a lifetime cap at $60,000.12 In 2009, both houses of Congress combined to spend $18 million for this program.13

Non-drivers can take advantage of benefits to cover the cost of public transportation. Senators can give staff who take the D.C. Metro a voucher worth up to $230 a month is available to pay their fares. House Members can give their staff as much as $230 a month.14 Members are not required to pay for this out of their own budgets, but can provide it to their staffs from a separate account.

wow, we are paying for all of this

see BACK IN BLACK by Senator Coburn on silly absurd Federal spending


Washington is again waiting until the last minute to avoid a “crisis”— a crisis foreseen years in advance and created by Congress itself. For far too long, Washington politicians from both parties have spent money we do not have for things we do not need. As a result, the national debt now exceeds $14 trillion, $4 trillion of which was added in just the past three years. Now those who created this debt want us to believe the only solution is to simply borrow more money.

But any debt increase not accompanied with meaningful savings will only temporarily postpone the inevitable. Real choices must be made to reduce spending, increase revenues, or both. If Washington does not begin making these difficult choices today, those decisions will be made for us tomorrow and the results could be catastrophic. The only guaranteed entitlements for future generations will be debt and lower standards of living.

Our increasing government debt will “result in lower incomes than would otherwise occur, making future generations worse off,” warns the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. “Higher debt would make it harder for policymakers to respond to unexpected problems, such as financial crises, recessions, and wars. Higher debt would increase the likelihood of a fiscal crisis, in which investors would lose confidence in the government’s ability to manage its budget and the government would thereby lose its ability to borrow at affordable interest rates.”

see Senator Coburn website for more info on wasteful spending

Monday, September 23, 2013


CITIZEN WATCHDOGS: Can innovation stop America's politicians from spending us broke?

Adam Andrzejewski thinks so. He started a website that allows users to track government spending

I saw this web site on the John Stossel show, this guy tracks all federal speing and where it goes within your state, check it out.

see this website to see where your tax dollars are going within your state

Julie Borowski posts YouTube videos about liberty

Julie Borowski posts YouTube videos about liberty

saw John Stossel do a few minutes on this interesting girla nd her web site.

SOCIAL MEDIA: Matt Kibbe runs Freedomworks and uses social media to spread liberty online. Freedomworks runs Facebook posts like this one, showing that Congress passes bills without reading them, and exempts its own staffers from laws. 24-year-old Julie Borowski posts YouTube videos about liberty. They are viewed by hundreds of thousands of people.

click to see her blog on freedoma nd liberty

Saturday, June 29, 2013

CNN special on the N word

CNN special on the N word just watched a commercial for an upcoming special by CNN cable news on the N word. The commentator is shown using index cards with the words cracker and nigger written on them. The year is 2013 and we are still discussing what's politically correct to say. I am shocked that cable tv stations or free Americans cannot use the nigger word. This has created a resent problem for Paula Deen a popular cooking show host.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Flags of Our Fathers 2.0 Obama version

Flags of Our Fathers 2.0 Obama version I was just watching the film "Flags of out Fathers" and had this ideal for a new image for a political cartoon to represent current politics in the USA. looking for artist t hat can depict Pres Obama/Eric Holder and other Obama comrades pulling down the American flag in the classic Iwo Jima photo.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Obama blamed drugs and guns, but here's an alternative

another ideal is to supply arms to the Mexicans citizens, so they could reduce/remove the cartel violence in their lives and also reduce their need to flee to the US for safety.
Mexican Vigilantes Seize Town, Arrest Police

On Friday, President Obama blamed drugs and guns for the massive crime sprees and continued violence that has disrupted so many lives and caused chaos and fear in Mexico.

According to Yahoo, Obama blames “illegal drugs” for being the root cause of the violence in Mexico while giving a speech at Mexico's Anthropology Museum.

"Much of the root cause for violence that has been happening here in Mexico, for which so many Mexicans have suffered, is the demand for illegal drugs in the United States.”

But Obama didn’t stop there. Despite suffering a blow to his gun reform policy a few weeks ago, the president continues to stump for “common sense” gun reform and managed to put some of the blame not just on the drugs, but the desire for dangerous criminals to acquire weapons.

"Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States," Obama said. "I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms. And as president, I swore an oath to uphold that right, and I always will."

"But at the same time, as I've said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people," he added.

se orignal article on guns, drugs in Mexico

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Would you buy a used car from Obama ?

Would you buy a used car from Obama ? He is a smooth talker, but...................... After Obamacare healthcare costs soaring, no jobs, solar/wind/battery flops, and he won't even discuss Benghazi and Fast and Furious gun running scandal, President Obama credibility is zero or shit. And he now he wants even more of your money to spend.

Why Obama gun control failed: Obama has zero/shit credibilty ?

Why Obama gun control failed: Obama has zero credibility ? After Obamacare healthcare costs soaring, no jobs, solar/wind/battery flops, and he won't even discuss Benghazi and Fast and Furious gun running scandal, President Obama credibility is zero or shit. And he now he wants even more of your money to spend.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

is Obama moving to Martial law with drones?

is Obama moving to Martial law with drones? Interesting ideal that Pres Obama is grabbing more power by targeting Americans aboard with drones. Will he try to apply the drone option on American soil against Americans citizens.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Gun control ad by CURE

must see gun control video for Project See how Democrats in the past used their political power to disarm Americans for their own control. Never Again: GunControl watch the video

Sunday, March 17, 2013

BEN CARSON: Obama trying to ‘destroy country’

BEN CARSON: Obama trying to ‘destroy country’…

National Review) – Dr. Benjamin Carson, the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital who garnered national headlines for his pointed remarks at last month’s National Prayer Breakfast, says that President Obama and his political allies are trying to “destroy the country.”

“Let’s say somebody were [in the White House] and they wanted to destroy this nation,” Carson postulated in remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “I would create division among the people, encourage a culture of ridicule for basic morality and the principles that made and sustained the country, undermine the financial stability of the nation, and weaken and destroy the military. It appears coincidentally that those are the very things that are happening right now.”

ben carson: obama trying to destroy country

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Cash for non use of Medicare ? reverse copays

Cash for non use of Medicare ? Interesting idea to reduce total medicare costs would be to offer some some of cash incentive for people not using all available medical care. Somewhat like a reverse copay ? Every year /annual accounting payout. This ideal could drastically cut medicare costs.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Newt’s a prick , Obama lazy see this book

new book coming from Roger Ailes: Off Camera

“Obama’s the one who never worked a day in his life. He never earned a penny that wasn’t public money. How many fund-raisers does he attend every week? How often does he play basketball and golf? I wish I had that kind of time. He’s lazy, but the media won’t report that.”

Roger Ailes: Off Camera

Sunday, March 03, 2013

We need a Federal Budget

We need a  Federal Budget.

Obama still sitting on his hands about this, yet spends million flying around the country trying to sell more spending.

Maybe he can stay home and save the $180,000 per hour cost of Air Force 1. That's in addition to the secret service protection costs. Thinks of the gas(jet fuel) that he consumes on his trips to play golf, visit Hollywood etc.

We Need a Budget

Thursday, February 28, 2013

more media control crap from Obama and comrades...

Bob Woodward Claims White House Threatened Him: ABCNEWS.COM - Veteran journalist is accusing a "very senior person" in Obama's administration of making threats.

more media control crap from Obama and comrades...

Monday, February 25, 2013

is Obama pimping out the White House ?

is Obama pimping out the White House ? Just learned from Fox news that $500,000 will now buy you access to Pres Obama. A donation fo $500,000 to Obama Organizing for Action group will get you this access.

Heads up, Obama gunning for 16 Republican lawmakers

Heads up, Obama gunning for 16 Republican lawmakers Organizing for Action, the pro-Obama advocacy group formed last month out of the president's reelection campaign, is launching an online campaign urging Republican lawmakers to support universal background checks for gun purchases. The Los Angeles Times reports that the ads will target 16 Republican lawmakers who have not publicly committed to stricter background checks, including Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) in ads on local news outlets' websites starting Friday. The LA Times reports that the group spent close six figures on the ad buy, which is the issue-based nonprofit group's first. The ad launch coincides with the group's national "Day of Action," which encompasses 100 events in 80 congressional districts. According to the LA Times, Friday's events are aimed at building support for tougher background check standards, but future "action" days will focus on other aspects of the president's gun policy proposals. see more

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hockey Fans Wear KKK Hoods

Hockey Fans  Wear KKK Hoods

The three fans were from Red River High School, and they sparked wild controversy when they decided to wear Klu Klux Klan hoods to the game. Many have expressed outrage at their thoughtless actions and they have since been labeled "idiots" and "ignorant" by online posters.

Since the controversial incident the Red River High School principal has released a statement saying that all three students would be dealt with and would face "appropriate action."

According to various media reports, the three students donned the KKK hoods at the game, but received such backlash from the fans around them that they took them off again after just about a minute. However, the damage had been done and they now face punishment from their school authorities.

The game where the controversial incident took place was at the North Dakota High School state hockey semi-final tournament between the Red River High School, Grand Forks, and Davies High School, Fargo, at the Ralph Engelstad Arena.

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/fans-wear-kkk-hoods-high-school-students-to-face-discipline-after-hockey-incident-photo-video-90668/#TZPLi6guCIfHU3tX.99
click for more video KKK Hoods

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Did Rush Limbaugh just launch a Tea Party revival effort?

Did Rush Limbaugh just launch a Tea Party revival effort? | WashingtonExaminer.com

Limbaugh criticized the "fear and panic" prompted by both parties together with the media each time there were any proposed spending cuts.

"I've said the same things over and over for 25 years," Limbaugh said, adding that it didn't matter who was in power. "It's the same stuff, it's the same threats, it's the same arguments, over and over nothing ever changes."

"We just keep spending more money, we create more dependency, we get more and more irresponsible one crisis to the next, all of them manufactured," Limbaugh added. "Except for the real crisis that nobody ever addresses and that is we can't afford it."

Limbaugh's comments reflect a common Tea Party frustration not only with Democrats but also with Republicans. Stop spending all the money. Stop creating false panics every time someone proposes cuts in government spending. And stop spending more money than you did the year before.

A similar frustration boiled over was when Rick Santelli gave his speech heard around the world calling for a new Tea Party

How about quarterly sequestration ?

How about quarterly sequestration ? Less than 3% reduction sounds good, maybe on a quarterly schedule.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Jesse Jackson and wife busted by Feds for taxes and campaign $$$

Jesse Jackson Jr. charged with misusing $750,000 in campaign funds

Jesse Jackson and wife busted by Feds for taxes and campaign $$$

Rabbi Rabinowich busted in a 14 yr girl sex sting in Brooklyn

Sex sting: Rabbi wanted to meet 14-year-old girl, cops say
NEW YORK -- A Brooklyn rabbi is being accused of trying to lure an undercover detective posing as a 14-year-old girl to meet for sex.

The Brooklyn district attorney's office says Nathan David Rabinowich was arrested Wednesday after he showed up at a pre-arranged meeting in Queens.

He's being held pending arraignment on charges of attempted rape, attempted criminal sexual act and attempted endangering the welfare of a child. A telephone message left with his attorney was not immediately returned.

Authorities say the 59-year-old rabbi, who also operates a tour business, faces up to four years in prison if convicted.

By NBCNewYork.com

Sex sting: Rabbi wanted to meet 14-year-old girl, cops say

Busted: Former Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.

Busted: Former Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. could face up to 57 months in prison, illegally spending as much as $750,000 in campaign funds for personal use, according to a source close to the Jackson family. via suntimes.com

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Nation's biggest arms store

The nation's biggest arms store, Charlotte, N.C.'s Hyatt Gun Shop, is calling on gun owners to revolt against President Obama's new gun control move, warning that Washington has its eyes on trashing the Second Amendment and stealing gun rights, see more below

Nation's biggest gun store calls for revolt | WashingtonExaminer.com#.UPgAzx01l2B#.UPgAzx01l2B

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

FreeGunShow.com is the ultimate gun classifieds website

FreeGunShow.com | Free Gun Show | Gun Classifieds | Guns For Sale
FreeGunShow.com is the ultimate gun classifieds, guns for sale, no fees, guns for sale website. Help us support the 2nd Amendment and your right to buy and sell guns and sporting goods online.

Why we started FreeGunShow.com?

For over 10 years the founders of FreeGunShow.com (Cory and Dan) have been online e-tailers in the sporting goods vertical selling thousands of products to thousands of satisfied customers. With extensive manufacturer and B2B distributor relationships, our online stores have thrived in the growing guns and sporting goods verticals.

Recently, companies such as Google, eBay, Amazon, Craigslist, PayPal and others have started to attack the 2nd Amendment and restrict online sellers from participating with their advertising and payment services. In fact, many of our online stores have been completely removed from Google Shopping for violation of new terms of service (anything that is considered a "weapon" or "weapon accessory" bans the entire website!). This has not only happened to us, it has impacted thousands of other reputable online sellers as well. Yes, buyers have their bookmarks and favorite stores, but for new or existing customers trying to price shop this has created a massive void in the marketplace.

Compounding the problem, companies such as Amazon and eBay (if you even can get a gun accessory or sporting goods type product listed -- no guns or ammo allowed at a minimum) are charging as much as 15% to sellers for the privilege to sell on their marketplace. It is really challenging for sellers to make a reasonable profit while paying up to 15% on top of an already tight margin. At the end of the day, customers end up PAYING MORE for products because of these very high marketplace fees and restricted product shopping experiences. With these and other negative factors in mind, we set out to develop and launch a new solution that would solve our own problems plus provide new opportunities for other sellers and buyers.

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Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. FreeGunShow.com is not involved in transactions between parties. All visitors, buyers and sellers agree to follow, and stay informed with, current local, state, federal and international weapon and gun laws. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the FreeGunShow.com TERMS OF USE and PRIVACY POLICY.

Report Illegal Firearms Activity to 1-800-ATF-GUNS.

It’s getting worse for Bob Menendez

It’s getting worse for Bob Menendez

It wasn’t the best weekend for Bob Menendez. On Saturday, a New York Times editorial called on the New Jersey senator to hand in his Foreign Relations Committee gavel while the Senate ethics committee investigates whether he exerted improper influence to help one of his top donors. On Sunday, his home state newspaper, the Star-Ledger, provided an exhaustive history of Menendez’s two-decade relationship with the donor, Florida eye doctor Salomon Melgen, concluding that “when Melgen acts, Menendez reacts.” And this morning, the Times is reporting new details about the specific actions Menendez has taken on behalf of his benefactor.

There’s no smoking gun in the Star-Ledger report, but it details several instances in which an official action by Menendez on Melgen’s behalf was followed by a hefty donation from Melgen to a Menendez-aligned campaign committee. All told, according to the paper, Melgen and his family members have given $50,000 to Menendez over the last two decades and far more to groups that have advanced Menendez’s political interests — $700,000 last year to a super PAC designed to help Democratic incumbents who (like Menendez) were up for reelection in 2012, and over $100,000 last year to county Democratic organizations in New Jersey, which played a major role in turning out the vote for a ticket that Menendez was part of.

Monday, February 11, 2013

So God made a Liberal video, brillant short video

So God made a Liberal video

Bob Menendez Spent Up to 87 Percent of Wealth Paying Back Donor ?

Bob Menendez Spends Up to 87 Percent of Wealth Paying Back Donor ? I find that very hard to believe, how many off shoe accounts does this senator have ?

Bob Menendez Spent Up to 87 Percent of Wealth Paying Back Donor - NationalJournal.com

Culture of Corruption via Senator Bob Menendez NJ

Culture of Corruption

Caribbean-based company ICSSI had seen its lucrative contract to X-ray the cargo entering the Dominican Republic languish for years when, in 2011, it began searching for an investor with political pull. Perhaps someone with the right connections would be able to pressure the Dominicans into enforcing the contract, which was valued at somewhere between $500 million and $1 billion over 20 years. And that special someone, it seemed, was Salomon E. Melgen, a Dominican-born ophthalmologist and businessman in South Florida, who had acquired a reputation as a powerful and expansive donor to Democratic politicians de los Estados Unidos. Melgen bought a controlling stake in ICSSI. Maybe he could succeed where others had failed.

more info on Sleaze- Bob Menendez

more info on Sleaze- Senator Bob Menendez

The feds finally acted after a document shredding truck was spotted outside Melgen’s clinic. I think it’s safe to say a “right-wing blog” didn’t send it.

So far, the magical “D” after Sen. Sleaze-Bob’s name has conferred supernatural immunity upon him. New Jersey Democrats are AWOL. Liberal columnists for the nation’s fishwraps of record remain uninterested. David Letterman was too busy trading fat jokes with donut-munching N.J. Gov. Chris Christie. And Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stubbornly clung to his assertion this week that Menendez “did nothing wrong.”

But the mountains of Things Menendez Should Have Known But Conveniently Overlooked and Things Menendez Should Have Done But Conveniently Forgot just keep growing. My invitation to Democratic women on Capitol Hill to join Ladies Against Senator Sleaze-Bob still stands. Guess it must have fallen through the cracks.

Malkin: The company Sen. Sleaze-Bob Menendez keeps | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great

America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great

this is the book by the doctor who spoke at a prayer breakfast with Obama in attendance.

What is America becoming? Or, more importantly, what can she be if we reclaim a vision for the things that made her great in the first place? In America the Beautiful, Dr. Ben Carson helps us learn from our past in order to chart a better course for our future. From his personal ascent from inner-city poverty to international medical and humanitarian acclaim, Carson shares experiential insights that help us understand: ... what is good about America ... where we have gone astray ... which fundamental beliefs have guided America from her founding into preeminence among nations Written by a man who has experienced America's best and worst firsthand, America the Beautiful is at once alarming, convicting, and inspiring. You'll gain new perspectives on our nation's origins, our Judeo-Christian heritage, our educational system, capitalism versus socialism, our moral fabric, healthcare, and much more. An incisive manifesto of the values that shaped America's past and must shape her future, America the Beautiful calls us all to use our God-given talents to improve our lives, our communities, our nation, and our world.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2 years late: menendez finally pays for his air fares ?

2 years late: Senator menendez finally  pays for his air fares ? after news reporter hi lited his trips to the DR.

Menendez Says He Reimbursed Donor for 2 Jaunts - ABC News

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Steven Seagal working together

Steven Seagal Training Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Posse on School Security: Sheriff Joe Arpaio is teaming up with an action star to tackle school violence. Steven Seagal, 60, star of “Above the Law” and “Under Siege,”  will lead members of the Arizona sheriff’s volunteer posse through a simulated school shooting today. The volunteer posse, which is...

Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Steven Seagal working together

Friday, February 08, 2013

more smoke from Senator Menendez, even CBS

where there is smoke....................

more smoke from Senator Menendez, even CBS is now talking about the sweetheart deals, hookers and influence
see the brief CBS video

Menendez intervened for friend, investigators say

The Washington Post reports Sen. Robert Menendez intervened with federal officials twice to help a friend with a Medicare audit. Norah O'Donnell reports. Millions in Medicare dollars here.

I wonder when CBS will report on that sweetheart deal from Menendez former chief of staff and a port security multi millions deal/contract. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50140632n

Thursday, February 07, 2013

more smoke/orders from Senator Menendez and Company

Port Deal Pushed by Menendez Could Benefit Former Aide, Not Just a Major Donor

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — It turns out that the lucrative port security contract pushed by Senator Robert Menendez would enrich more than just a major benefactor.

The contract could also benefit one of the senator’s former top aides, people connected to the deal said.

Mr. Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, has pushed United States government officials to help enforce a contract that a company owned in part by one of his major donors, Dr. Salomon E. Melgen, has with the Dominican government, which has refused to honor it.

A top executive at Dr. Melgen’s security company will be Pedro Pablo Permuy, a former national security adviser and senior legislative aide to Mr. Menendez, according to a cousin of Dr. Melgen. Mr. Permuy’s ties to the senator go back at least 20 years.

Mr. Permuy did not respond to requests for interviews on Monday, but said in an e-mail that he was neither a board member nor an employee of the border security company.

read the complete NY Times article

Senator Has Long Ties to Donor Under Scrutiny (February 1, 2013)
Federal Agents Raid Offices of Donor Linked to Senator Menendez (January 31, 2013)

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

more smoke / odors from Senator Menendez

more smoke / odors from Senator Menendez Meanwhile, the Star-Ledger’s Paul Mulshine’s, a conservative columnist, explains that Menendez, a politician from Hudson County, is in fact like a lot of Hudson County pols: Last week, Menendez issued a statement denying any contact with prostitutes. That sounds good. But like a lot of Hudson County pols, Menendez does not always have the best memory. When I interviewed him during his first Senate run in 2006, I asked about a rowhouse he owned in the 1980s when he was the mayor of Union City. When he bought it, the rowhouse was zoned residential. But he sold it years later for commercial use at a big profit. When I asked whether he got a variance, Menendez couldn’t quite recall. This time around, the FBI may offer some memory aids. http://www.opposingviews.com/i/politics/star-ledger-sees-plausible-scandal-surrounding-bob-menendez-not-alleged-underage-hookers read more on Menendez from Paul Mulshine Read the rest of Paul Mulshine’s op-ed here and the Star-Ledger editorial here.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Hot Russian national "dated" Senator Mendendez ?

Hot Russian national "dated" Senator Mendendez ?.

ublic records show that a woman named Svitlana Buchyk got into a minor crash while driving a Chevrolet Impala on Miracle Mile in Coral Gables in 2010. The car belonged to Melgen’s wife. Buchyk gave Melgen’s North Palm Beach address as her own.

Buchyk spoke briefly with a Miami Herald reporter by telephone Thursday, saying she had worked for Melgen in the past.

But Buchyk wouldn’t answer questions on the type of work she did, and was eager to defend Melgen — particularly when asked about stories of Melgen’s alleged sexual liaisons with prostitutes.

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic: Following the trail of Sen. Robert Menendez scandal leads to dead end in Dominican Republic - Political Currents - MiamiHerald.com

Thursday, January 31, 2013

more smells coming frm Senator Menendez

Menendez questioned Obama administration officials at a July hearing about what it was doing to help U.S. businesses that he felt were being unfairly treated by the government of the Dominican Republic and other Latin American countries.

One company Menendez was apparently referring to: ICSSI, acquired the year before by Dr. Salomon Melgen, a Palm Beach County eye doctor and friend. The firm was seeking to enforce a contract it had won to X-ray Dominican Republic port cargo, that could be worth $500 million to $1 billion over two decades.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/01/31/3211364/sen-menendez-pushed-us-to-help.html#storylink=cpy
Long before FBI raid, Sen. Menendez tried to help donor’s Dominican Republic business - Florida - MiamiHerald.com

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/01/31/3211364/sen-menendez-pushed-us-to-help.html#storylink=cpy

Now Senator Menendez writes a check for the jet ? who paid the hookers?

Now Senator Menendez he writes a check for the jet ? who paid the hookers? After ethics complaint, Sen. Menendez pays $58,500 for two flights to Dominican Republic

more info on Senator Menendez and Dominican hookers

more info on Senator Menendez and  hookers

The FBI launched an investigation into the connection between Menendez and Dr. Salomon Melgen last year after a tipster suggested that Melgen had flown Menendez to the Caribbean country.

During the trip, the tipster claimed that both men had hired underage prostitutes, according to The Miami Herald. Earlier this month Menendez sent a $58,500 check to Melgen's office to refund him for the cost of the two flights the pair had made.

Read more at http://global.christianpost.com/news/senator-denies-prostitutes-after-writing-58000-check-bob-menendez-scandal-89220/#x2wRCFBYRe8LeDfJ.99
Senator Denies Prostitutes After Writing $58,000 Check: Bob Menendez Scandal

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

more odors from Senator Menendez, FBI raids associate office

more odors from Senator Menendez

FBI raids West Palm Beach office of doctor tied to U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez - Florida - MiamiHerald.com

was this hooker activity  buried/stalled prior to the 2012 elections.

Senator Bob Menendez caught with underage hookers?

News is just started to report Senator Bob Menendez and teenage prostitutes while partying in the Dominican Republic. Seems like the FBI is also active on this newsbit. Did the Senator use tax money for his travel expenses and commendations ? Who paid for these vacations?, his own money or ? Information made available to Schwartz and Levine at that time included allegations that some of Menendez’s prostitutes were as young as 16. The source also alleged that Sen. Menendez was taking “non-authorized trips” to the Dominican Republic, suggesting that he may have been evading Senate Ethics committee rules covering disclosures when third parties pay for a senator’s travel. Read more: at emails show FBI investigating sen-bob-menendez for sleeping with underage dominican prostitutes On Sept. 11, 2012, the documents indicate, the same source who provided information to Levine and Schwartz also sent an FBI Special Agent in Miami what he described as “the testimony of one of the girls.” Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/01/25/emails-show-fbi-investigating-sen-bob-menendez-for-sleeping-with-underage-dominican-prostitutes/#ixzz2JR6Fss4Y Senate ethics rules and campaign finance laws could apply to the question of how Menendez got to the Dominican Republic, and to his use of a campaign donor’s resources — including a private plane and a home at Casa de Campo. Menendez donor Salomon Melgen, an ophthalmologist and owner of an eye clinic in Florida, appears to have lent Menendez the use of his plane on several occasions. It is known that Sen. Menendez has been a regular visitor to the Dominican Republic. Menendez was a guest at Melgen’s Casa de Campo home on at least one occasion, according to a news account. Menendez’s GOP challenger, Republican state Sen. Joe Kyrillos, has called on the senator to release his travel records in the wake of this scandal breaking. The NRSC’s Jesmer echoed that call. Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/01/nrsc-menendez-may-have-broken-senate-ethics-rules-federal-campaign-finance-laws-with-alleged-dominican-sex-trip/#ixzz2JR6nKDA0 It was recently discovered an FBI inquiry was opened last August to examine the New Jersey Democrat's repeated trips he to took to the DR: The documents, which The Daily Caller had obtained hours earlier from an anonymous source, also indicate that Carrie Levine, research director at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), was alerted on April 9, 2012 to Menendez’s habit of paying for sex while outside the United States. ABC News senior investigative producer Rhonda Schwartz was aware as early as May 2, 2012, the documents show, when Levine wrote a source in the Dominican Republic to say that she had “shared your allegations, but not your identities, with a respected, trusted journalist with whom we have worked on other stories.” see more at........ http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/28/Bob-Menendez-on-Prostitution-Allegations-No-comment-not-going-to-dignify-story ABC News senior investigative producer Rhonda Schwartz was aware as early as May 2, 2012, the documents show, when Levine wrote a source in the Dominican Republic to say that she had “shared your allegations, but not your identities, with a respected, trusted journalist with whom we have worked on other stories.” In another email two days later, Levine identified that journalist as one who “works for ABC News.” By May 16, Schwartz was emailing Levine’s original source with questions. Information made available to Schwartz and Levine at that time included allegations that some of Menendez’s prostitutes were as young as 16. The source also alleged that Sen. Menendez was taking “non-authorized trips” to the Dominican Republic, suggesting that he may have been evading Senate Ethics committee rules covering disclosures when third parties pay for a senator’s travel.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Glenn Beck video on gun control

Glenn Beck video on gun control some scary thoughts on limiting your gun rights

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Glenn Beck on control and Obama

Glenn Beck on control and Obama see Glenn Beck on gun control

Thursday, January 10, 2013

malfunction in a sinful society ?

malfunction in a sinful society ? Think Progress cited this passage: ”We must lovingly but firmly respond to the aggressive agenda of not all, but of many in the homosexual community. … Underneath this issue is a very powerful and aggressive moment. That movement is not a benevolent movement, it is a movement to seize by any means necessary the feeling and the mood of the day, to the point where the homosexual lifestyle becomes accepted as a norm in our society and is given full standing as any other lifestyle, as it relates to family.” And this one: ”I would refer you maybe just to the article “Born gay?” by Joe Dallas, who is the president of a ministry that helps with homosexuals in “recovery.” It was found in Christianity Today in June of 1992. It really unfolds for us that the evidence that they say is there, that the media wants to tell us is there really isn’t there at all. But I want to tell you this tonight. Even if it was there… “How do you respond to that? How do you respond to the news reports that we’re hearing in the last few months that there is a genetic tendency to be an over-eater and it’s been supposedly proved by the scientists? That there is a genetic tendency to addictive behavior. Alcoholics by and large have a genetic tendency to addictive behavior. I predict in our lifetimes and not a very long period of time from now, scientists and geneticists will have found a way to prove a gene theory for every malfunction in sinful society. And do you know why? We talked about it the very first week—because we do not want responsibility for our choices.” read more why Pastor was dumped by Obama

Same-sex relationships sinful and an abomination ?

Same-sex relationships sinful and an abomination ?

In the talk, which the pastor said he gave 15 or 20 years ago, Giglio cited Scripture and called same-sex relationships sinful and an abomination. He warned congregants about what he called the "aggressive agenda" for acceptance of the "homosexual lifestyle." And he recommended the writings of an advocate for therapy that aims to convert gays and lesbians into heterosexuals. Repeatedly in the sermon, Giglio urged congregants to welcome gays and lesbians to the church and said God loves them.

Inaugural pastor withdraws over anti-gay remarks - Wandtv.com, NewsCenter17, StormCenter17, Central Illinois News-

Sunday, January 06, 2013

something Freudian happened at Sandy Hook shooting

something Freudian happened at Sandy Hook shooting It seems that the spot lite is on gun control, I think the real issue is the state of mind of the kid who, woke up one morning, then shoots his mother in her face 4 time while she was still in bed. That's smells Freudian to me. Gun control is off target, pardon the pun. Gun control is off target, pardon the pun.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

spotlite on Senator Charles E. Schumer

spotlite on Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York I think some one should look at how much Senator Charles Schumer profited form the rush senate bill for Sandy Relief originally estimated at $60 million. The House passed relief for the people effected by Sandy, $9.7 billion. I have never seen Senator Charles E. Schumer so emotional over a spending bill. The real question is how much did Charlie pocketed ? Maybe someone can check if he bought on some companies that benefited from the senate bill?