Friday, September 04, 2009

AP finally picks up "Czar" Van Jones story

AP finally picks up "Czar" Van Jones story

but they had tinted it with thier Obama love, anti GOP color.

Republicans who have spent months criticizing the proliferation of “czars” in the Obama White House have finally landed a major punch.

Over the past few weeks, White House green jobs czar Van Jones has been accused of being a communist, an old lecture video showed him calling Republicans a—holes, and he’s been connected to a Sept. 11 conspiracy group.

With that type of paper trail, Jones would have trouble surviving a Senate confirmation.

But his czar status allowed him to skip this step: Many of the high-level White House policy advisers don’t require Senate confirmation for their posts. And while liberals have hailed Jones as a pioneer in the green jobs movement, critics have labeled him a radical — and he’s become a liability for a White House that doesn’t need another distraction.

Read more:

did Valerie Garrett ,Chicago democrat , vet Van Jones for Obama ?

did Valerie Garrett ,Chicago Democrat , vet Van Jones for Obama ?

Van Jones is the radical "czar" that Obama appointed into his 2nd tier of goverment. Van Jones did sign and promote a investigation into the 911 conspiracy that Bush knew of the Sept 11 attach.

see more on this 2nd tier of the 37 radicals that Obama as employed
in the White House.

David Horowitz will be on Glenn Beck

David Horowitz will be on Glenn Beck TODAY discussing Saul Alinsky

How to Defeat the Left

By: David Horowitz / NewsReal
Conservatives should never confront leftists without

Obama's Van Jones thinks the governemnt was behind Sept 11

For President Obama's green jobs advisor, Van Jones, Labor Day can't come soon enough.

The Washington Independent has turned up a six-year-old petition Jones signed alleging government complicity in the September 11 terror attacks. This comes just one day after The Hill reported the existence of a video clip recorded in February in which Jones referred to Republicans - and himself - as "a**holes."

Jones joined the Obama administration in May. He was the founder of a green jobs advocacy organization based in Oakland, Ca.