Friday, June 09, 2006

Bad month for Senator Mccain/champion of the "indocumentados"

Bad month for Senator Mccain/champion of the "indocumentados"

In almost every poll, the three front-runners for the Republican nomination in 2008 are Rudy Giuliani,
Condi Rice and John McCain.

As Condi has ruled it out and Rudy is a Manhattanite
on social and moral issues -- gays, guns, affirmative action and abortion -- McCain, as a conservative maverick and
media darling, appeared to have the pole position for the nomination. That no charismatic challenger is visible has seemed to add to the aura of inevitability of John McCain.

But the last six weeks have muddled this picture,
and McCain now appears out of step with his party and
country. Consider the returns from California of Tuesday last.

Brian Bilbray, a lobbyist who had won 15 percent in the
primary to 44 percent for Democratic opponent
Francine Busby -- to fill the seat of convicted Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham -- came from behind to win 49-45.
Busby's failure suggests the "culture-of-corruption" issue is no sure winner for Democrats this fall. Bad news for
Rahm Emanuel, who runs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

But worse news for McCain. For Bilbray attributes his
comeback to a relentless assault on the McCain amnesty for illegal aliens that passed the Senate in May and his
support for a 2,000-mile fence on the U.S. border
from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific. So miffed at Bilbray was McCain he canceled a fund-raising appearance.

Not only is McCain the champion of the "indocumentados,"
he has imputed racist motives to senators who oppose
putting illegals on a path to American citizenship.
As Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review Online writes,
"McCain uttered on the Senate floor what was probably
the worst sentence of the entire debate," when he flippantly asked, "What next -- are we going to say work-authorized immigrants are going to have to ride in the back of the bus?"

This language is redolent of the moral superiority liberals often assumed, which helped to make them insufferable
to Middle America.

After comparing opponents of his amnesty bill to defenders
of Jim Crow, McCain, says Lopez, at an off-the-record event
in New York, allegedly called Rush Limbaugh a "nativist."
He then joined the liberal Republicans in voting against
a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between a man and a woman.

see more Pat Buchanan at....

Alert: Senator Mccain on new cable tv options.

McCain bill backs 'a la carte' cable menu

Industry and local government officials critical of proposal

Cable companies that offer channels on an individual basis rather than in packages would receive a break on local franchise fees and requirements under legislation
introduced Wednesday by Sen. John McCain.

The Arizona Republican's bill would allow cable operators
that offer channels on an "a la carte" basis to be
eligible to receive a nationwide franchise, which allows a cable
provider to avoid negotiations on a city-by-city basis.
Cable companies also would pay lower fees for rights of
way and not be required to offer as many public access channels.

"For almost 10 years I have supported giving consumers the ability to buy cable channels individually . . . to provide consumers with more control over the viewing options
in their home and their monthly cable bill," McCain
said in a statement. "Cable companies have resisted this and have continued to give consumers all the 'choice' of a North Korean election ballot."

The proposed legislation immediately drew fire not
only from the cable industry but from local government officials, who could stand to lose millions in franchise
fees that typically are used to fund essential city
services such as police and sanitation.

see more at..............,2777,DRMN_23910_4758516,00.html

see more at