Wednesday, February 06, 2013

more smoke / odors from Senator Menendez

more smoke / odors from Senator Menendez Meanwhile, the Star-Ledger’s Paul Mulshine’s, a conservative columnist, explains that Menendez, a politician from Hudson County, is in fact like a lot of Hudson County pols: Last week, Menendez issued a statement denying any contact with prostitutes. That sounds good. But like a lot of Hudson County pols, Menendez does not always have the best memory. When I interviewed him during his first Senate run in 2006, I asked about a rowhouse he owned in the 1980s when he was the mayor of Union City. When he bought it, the rowhouse was zoned residential. But he sold it years later for commercial use at a big profit. When I asked whether he got a variance, Menendez couldn’t quite recall. This time around, the FBI may offer some memory aids. read more on Menendez from Paul Mulshine Read the rest of Paul Mulshine’s op-ed here and the Star-Ledger editorial here.