Thursday, December 15, 2005

Sen. John McCain seeking revenge ?

Sen. John McCain seeking revenge ?

Sources close to Sen. John McCain say he hopes the Justice Department
will indict embattled Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff, which would
terminate investigation by McCain's Senate Indian Affairs Committee of
Abramoff's deals with Indian tribes.

McCain has been accused by critics inside the Republican Party of using
the Abramoff investigation to get back at foes of the senator's 2000
presidential campaign and help his possible 2008 candidacy. Government
sources report federal prosecutors are considering possible RICO
(anti-racketeering) and tax evasion indictments."
- Robert Novak

This piece belittles the story:

"This is political dynamite. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was
quick to charge Republicans with a "climate of corruption," and other
Democrats will point to the recent indictments of a White House
procurement official and of Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff, on
unrelated charges, as further instances of such a climate. "
- Michael Barone