Monday, May 08, 2006

McCain to visit N.H. women’s group,does he ever visit Arizona ?

McCain to visit N.H. women’s group,does he ever visit Arizona ?

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., will address the New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women on May 22 at the
Radisson Hotel in Manchester at a lilac breakfast.
Breakfast is from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. The public is
invited to attend but must mail in a check or call ahead to make reservations.

Individual tickets are $25.
Sponsors at $100 get two breakfasts with a program acknowledgement.

see more at.......

Senator Mccain not welcome here

As Keynote Speaker McCain Not Welcome
by Some at New School

Hundreds of New School students, staffers, and faculty
members want the university to rescind its invitation
to Senator McCain, who is set to receive an honorary
degree and give the keynote speech at the graduation
ceremony in two weeks.

The campaign against the Republican of
Arizona began three weeks ago, after the New
School's president, Bob Kerrey - a former Democratic
senator of Nebraska - announced that Mr. McCain
would give the speech. Since then, about
1,000 signatures have been collected on paper
petitions and at an Internet site, an organizer
of the opposition, Harper Keenan, said.

see more at..............