Thursday, October 21, 2010

Obama and Juan Williams beer summit ?

Obama and Juan Williams beer summit ?

Are we going to see  Jaun Williams and Pres Obama drinking beers at the White House?

Glenn Beck Sparks Record Donations To Chamber of Commerce

Glenn Beck Sparks Record Donations To Chamber of Commerce

By Paul Bedard
Share ThisFox News host Glenn Beck's eyebrow-raising $10,000 donation to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's campaign to help mostly Republican pro-business candidates sparked a record-breaking flood of small donor support to the Washington institution.

During his October 14 his radio broadcast, Beck said, "I would like to have this [be] the largest day of fundraising for the Chamber of Commerce ever." It was.

[See a photo gallery of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally.]

By the end of the day, after Beck announced his donation, linked the chamber fundraising campaign, and interviewed Chamber executive vice president for government affairs and top lobbyist Bruce Josten, the chamber raked in over $312,000, a history-making tally for the group. According to chief spokesman Tom Collamore, the Beck-inspired money bomb "was the single largest day of online fund raising that we've ever had." He said that over 7,000 made donations, for a rough average of $44 each, crashing the Chamber's Internet server.

The Chamber tells Washington Whispers that the donations encouraged by Beck came in through their Web site dedicated to helping small businesses, and the Friends of the Chamber Web site.

Beck's donation came after President Obama and dozens of Democratic leaders assailed the chamber for its political activities, charging that it was using funds from foreign corporate members to run ads against Democrats. They are also displeased with the chamber's refusal to reveal donors. The chamber says that it doesn't have to reveal donors and adds that it has complied with all laws barring foreign money from being used for domestic political activities.

see more on glenn beck sparks record donations to chamber of commerce

who is Drummond Pike ? and why I should be concerned

Drummond Pike

Master of a vast and intricate Empire of the Left: the mature Tides Network, product of a talented, intelligent, and cunning fundraising wizard. Pike has mentored, guided, or directed grants to more tax exempt organizations than anyone else in the world. His career parallels that of Joshua Mailman, wealthy heir who has personally founded or funded more social-responsibility business initiatives and left-wing grantmaking foundations than anyone else in the world.Founder and CEO, Tides

See the Tides Network profile for details.

Drummond Pike:

Tides Inc

CEO 2007 Salary $212,974, benefits $33,097

Tides Center

President 2002 Salary $78,200, benefits $13,294
2007 salary $0.

Tides Foundation
President and Director 2002 Salary $78,200, benefits $13,294 2007 salary $0

Working Assets, Inc - board member
Compensation for board director fee $4,500, Internet fundraising group
President 2002 Salary $8,500, benefits $1,445
Director, Environmental Working Group
Solidago Foundation, former Director

Drummond Pike founded Tides in 1976 and is the chief executive officer. He is responsible for the entire Tides enterprise which includes Tides Foundation, Tides Center and Tides Shared Spaces. Through his leadership Tides has helped increase the capacity and effectiveness of thousands of social change organizations. Awarded as an Outstanding Foundation Professional, Drummond helped pioneer the advent of donor advised funds in philanthropy and has supported grassroots and public interest organizations through environmental and social change philanthropy throughout his career.

see more info on Drummond Pike

George Soros buys 100 reporters for NPR - NPR fires Juan Williams

George Soros buys 100 reporters for NPR - NPR fires Juan Williams for being politically incorrect

I guess George Soros was tired of laundering his money through his many liberally tarded foundations to put the screws on the main stream media so he just bought 100 NPR reporters. pretty sick

George Soros’ Millions Buying ‘Political Reporters’ for NPR

[link to]

Almost immediately his dirty money paid off! NPR just announced they are firing Juan Wiliams for being honest.

Screw Free Speech, NPR Fires Juan Williams for Muslim Remarks

[link to]

It's a sad day for the first amendment.

see more at.

are you paying for Obama political trips around the country ?

are you paying for Obama political trips around the country ?

Yes, just heard that its costs at least $75000 per hour for air force 1.
If you add in all secret service costs, numbers have to be amazing.

Looks like he just adds this to his federal credit card.