Friday, August 31, 2012

just another Obama shithead idea fails

just another Obama shithead idea fails

Department of Justice Drops Arpaio Case

I loved Clint Eastwood at the RNC

I loved Clint Eastwood at the RNC,

I thought his performance was brillant, concise and right on target.
Considering the FCC censors.

I loved this comments where  "we own this country " and politicians are mere employees.

Watching msnbc today I thought they missed the point. I think they are in a different world were politicians are gods to them.

Chris Matthews appeared baffled ?

Chris Matthews  appeared baffled ?

I thought Chris Matthewswas shocked aat the staement that politicians are mere employees of the people. He doesn't seem to grasp that concept.

I think he feels some politicials are divinely ordained or appointed by some supreme power.