Monday, July 05, 2010

Obama 'most radical president ever'

Obama 'most radical president ever'

Glenn recommends you check out the blog NewZeal, which has some amazing video clips posted up on the site today. One is of Dr. Richard L. Rubinstein, Yale fellow, "Distinguished Professor of the Year", and Harvard Phd, who states that president Obama wants to "correct the historical mistake of the creation of the state of Israel" and goes on to call him the most radical president ever. Will the left listen to THIS intellectual? Glenn has the audio on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

michelle malkin web site

I’m a mother, wife, blogger, conservative syndicated columnist, author, and Fox News Channel contributor.

Random fun facts:

Desktop: iMac.
Favorite iPhone game: Wurdle.
My Normblog profile number: 137
Favorite charity: Soldiers’ Angels
Shoe size: 6 ½.
First car: 1993 Toyota Tercel, white, stick shift, no air conditioning.
Secret: I’m really a member of the Left. Left-handed club, that is.
Here’s my Twitter page.
Here’s my Facebook page.

Despite my online presence, I was born and remain an ink-stained wretch. I started my newspaper journalism career at the Los Angeles Daily News in 1992, moved to the Seattle Times in 1995, and have been penning nationally syndicated newspaper columns for Creators Syndicate since 1999.

I’ve written four books:

Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores (Regnery 2002)

In Defense of Internment: The Case for ‘Racial Profiling’ in World War II and the War on Terror (Regnery 2004)

Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild (Regnery 2005)

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies (Regnery 2009)

I’m a Philly-born, South Jersey-raised alumna of Holy Spirit HS and Oberlin College. I live with my husband and two children in the Colorado Springs, Col., area.




Published on on June 29, 2010

It's one thing to say that Obama's administration showed ineptitude and mismanagement in its handling of the Gulf oil spill. It is quite another to grasp the situation up close, as I did during a recent visit to Alabama.

According to state disaster relief officials, Alabama conceived a plan -- early on -- to erect huge booms offshore to shield the approximately 200 miles of the state's coastline from oil. Rather than install the relatively light and shallow booms in use elsewhere, the state (with assistance from the Coast Guard) canvassed the world and located enough huge, heavy booms -- some weighing tons and seven meters high -- to guard their coast. sooner were the booms in place than the Coast Guard, perhaps under pressure from the public comments of James Carville, uprooted them and moved them to guard the Louisiana coastline instead.

So Alabama decided on a backup plan. It would buy snare booms to catch the oil as it began to wash up on the beaches.

But...the Fish and Wildlife Administration vetoed the plan, saying it would endanger sea turtles that nest on the beaches.

So Alabama -- ever resourceful -- decided to hire 400 workers to patrol the beaches in person, scooping up oil that had washed ashore.

But...OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) refused to allow them to work more than 20 minutes out of every hour and required an hourlong break after 40 minutes of work, so the cleanup proceeded at a very slow pace.

The short answer is that every agency -- each with its own particular bureaucratic agenda -- was able to veto each aspect of any plan to fight the spill, with the unintended consequence that nothing stopped the oil from destroying hundreds of miles of wetlands, habitats, beaches, fisheries and recreational facilities.

Where was the president? Why did he not intervene in these and countless other bureaucratic controversies to force a focus on the oil, not on the turtles and other incidental concerns?

According to Alabama Gov. Bob Riley, the administration's "lack of ability has become transparent" in its handling of the oil spill. He notes that one stellar exception has been Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, without whom, he says, nothing whatever would have gotten done.

Eventually, the state stopped listening to federal agencies and just has gone ahead and given funds directly to the local folks fighting the spill rather than paying attention to the directives of the Unified Command. Apparently, there is a world of difference between the competence of the Coast Guard and the superb and efficient regular Navy and military.

Now the greatest crisis of all looms on the horizon as hurricanes sweep into the Gulf. Should one hit offshore, it will destroy all the booms that have been placed to stop the oil from reaching shore. And there are no more booms anywhere in the world, according to Alabama disaster relief officials. "There is no more inventory of booms anywhere on earth," one told me in despair.

The political impact of this incompetence has only just begun to be felt. While administration operatives are flying high after a week in which the president's ratings rebounded to 49 percent, per Rasmussen, after his firing of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the oil is still gushing and the situation is about to worsen.

The obvious fact is that Obama has no executive experience, nor do any of his top advisers. Without a clear mandate from the top, needed efforts to salvage the situation are repeatedly stymied by well-meaning bureaucrats strictly following the letter of their agency policy and federal law. The result, ironically, of their determined efforts to protect the environment has been the greatest environmental disaster in history. But some turtles are OK!

Go to to read all of Dick's columns!

Tar and feather in politics ?

Tar and feather in politics ?

tarring and feathering in American history........

The first recorded incident in America was in 1766: Captain William Smith was tarred,feathered, and dumped into the harbor of Norfolk, Virginia, by a mob that includedthe town's mayor. He was picked up by a vesseljust as his strength was giving out.He survived, and was later quoted as saying that
"...[they] dawbed my body and face all over with tar and afterwards threw feathers on me."

As with most other tar-and-feathers victims in the following decade,
Smith was suspected of informing on smugglers to the British Customs service.

The torture appeared in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1767, when mobs attacked low-level employees of the Customs service with tar and feathers. In October 1769, a mob in Boston attacked a Customs service sailor the same way, and a few similar attacks followed through 1774 (the tarring and feathering of customs worker John Malcolm received particular attention in 1774). Such acts associated the punishment with the Patriot side of the American Revolution.

The exception was when, in March 1775, a British regiment inflicted the same treatment on a Massachusetts man they suspected of trying to buy their muskets. [citation needed] There is no case of a person dying from being tarred and feathered in this period.