Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Obama wants to annex Puerto Rico ?

Glenn Beck: The 51st State?
Audio Available:

April 28, 2010 - 3:00 ET

GLENN: I'm going to put a congressman on the phone with us in just a second, but I want to explain, I want to explain a little bit of something about what you're going to hear. I want you to understand that now in Washington we can't talk about principles and more. We can't talk about anything that is real anymore. All we talk about, when you talk about anything that's happening in Washington, you must frame it in, "This is only about politics and the future power for any given group of people." That's really all it is.

Now, there are those in Washington that are fighting for a reduction of that power, but there are very few of them. Remember also that the progressive party, the progressive party is only about power and control. Progressives, if you understand it the way they do in England and in Europe, progressives are Fabian socialists. They are left and right, Nazi and communist. Here left is used to be big government; right is anarchy. Used to be. Now left and right more and more are big government, both sides. Your only choice, big government. If I said to you that this government is going to do something wait, wait. Let me give you the third principle of progressivism. Big government, left and right doesn't matter. Two is democracy, democratically elected. Democracy is a very important word. We're a republic. That's why they use democracy. Democratically elected, let me give you just a list of a few people who have been democratically elected. Chavez, Castro, Ahmadinejad, Hitler, Mussolini I believe was democratically elected, democratically elected. Usually in a progressive world democratically elected comes with a little twist. There's always something that happens. For instance, Hitler wasn't the Führer. He was the chancellor, democratically elected. And then he cobbled together a coalition that everybody said, oh, no, that will never happen here. And it did, and he became the Führer. Democratically elected always has a little something special to it, in the progressive world. Power. Parties don't matter, principles don't matter. Power and control. Democratically elected.

And the third one? Social justice. Got it? If I told you that our congress, with everything that is going on, they are going to pick up a bill tomorrow and vote on let's see if I I love. I have to get this one exactly right. A Puerto Rican Democracy Act. We have the Puerto Rico democracy act. Who could be against democracy? This is to officially sanction self determination for Puerto Rico. Why do we need to do that in congress, why would we I mean, you can self determine. That's fantastic, great. Why are we doing that? What you're about to hear is going to sound like a conspiracy theory. Tonight on television I'm going to tell you about the evidence now. Tonight on television I will show it to you and your friends. You need to tell everybody. Listen or watch today because you're about to sew another star on the flag of the United States and it will happen, and you have no you'll be like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, what?

Puerto Rico 51st state congress scrambling to make it so

Puerto Rico 51st state congress scrambling to make it so

more at Glenn Beck

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