Sunday, May 28, 2006

Ed Meese says "An Amnesty by Any Other Name"

Ed Meese says "An Amnesty by Any Other Name"

IN the debate over immigration, "amnesty" has become something of a dirty word. Some opponents of the immigration bill being debated in the Senate assert that it would grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Supporters claim it would do no such thing. Instead, they say, it lays out a road map by which illegal aliens can earn citizenship.

Perhaps I can shed some light. Two decades ago, while serving as attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, I was in the thick of things as Congress debated the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. The situation today bears uncanny similarities to what we went through then.

Edwin Meese III, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, was the attorney general of the United States from 1985 to 1988.

see complete article