Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Clinton announced a global alliance for clean cookstoves: costs $50 million, more expensive federal bullshit

 Hillary Clinton announced a global alliance for clean cookstoves: costs $50 million, more expensive federal  bullshit..

Senator Hillary Clinton announced a global alliance for clean cookstoves Tuesday. Clinton said the first major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower cost and develop global industry standards for cookstoves. Second, a broad based campaign to create a commercial market for clean stoves including reducing trade barriers, promoting consumer awareness, and boosting access to a large scale carbon financing. The U.S. is to fund $50 million over the next five years to provide clean cooking stoves to developing countries. She went on to say, our long term goal is to have universal adoption all over the world.

Can you make sense of that in the free market sense, in the "Let's go back to the basics"? No. But if I said can you make sense of that story if you look at it through the eyes of America's the oppressor, so we have to redistribute the wealth globally; and we are doing everything we can to piece by piece build global governance. Does that story make sense? Yes. That is the way you must begin to look at Washington. Through their eyes. Otherwise you will dismiss stories like clean global standards for clean cookstoves and say, what the hell is Hillary Clinton doing! What difference does this make? The entire country is burning down! Yes. They know that. I have told you for the year, last year now. They are building a structure. They are building a framework for this system to collapse into. That's what the little clean cookstove thing is about. It's just one of the hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of pieces that are already in place. Because I know Cass Sunstein and because I know history and Bernays, the father of American propaganda, I know what comes. And what comes is as I tell you these things and I use their own words and we will do that at the top of the hour. We use their own words. Their own words are not enough for them. Facts do not matter. They don't care. They will look at, you know, someone whose arms and legs have been cut off and say, what plug? I don't even know what you're talking about. I see his arms and legs. I didn't cut them off. What are you talking about? That's the way they are. So their own words don't matter. And so it will be made into, "Well, this is a conspiracy," et cetera, et cetera. No, it's not. And you hold fast to what makes sense. If there is some other theory out there that is a grand unifying theory that works better than this one, let me know what it is because I don't want to believe this. I have to. Because it's the only thing that makes sense. And they're on the record left and right, and Cass Sunstein has said the government must discredit conspiracy theories. He defines conspiracy theories again in his own words. He describes conspiracy theories as anything that disagrees with the government or administration. He says discredit conspiracy theories even if in the end they turn out to be accurate. He is also the guy who says once no, I'm sorry. John Holdren is the guy is it Holdren? No, it's Sunstein. Sunstein is also the guy who said the American people are like Homer Simpson and once you understand this, there's a lot that can be done to manipulate them. That is a quote. We'll play it for you at the top of the hour. Well, I don't want to be manipulated. And if you don't want to be manipulated, then you must stop giving them reason to think you're Homer Simpson. You already have. This audience reads more than any other audience I've ever seen in my life. This may be the best self educated audience in the history of America. You have to continue. And don't read my opinions, don't read you know, don't go out and buy my book and say, well, that is the Bible. Nope. Nope. Hopefully that book will get you to jump off into other books. Read original sources, especially when it comes to early American progressives. Read their own words because no historian ever paints them I don't ever paint them as evil as they really are. Even me. And I despise them. Read their own words. You won't sleep for a month, especially when you understand it's all happening again. And where that has led the last two times we did it.

see more Hillary at the Glenn Beck website

Andy Stern exits SEIU with $85 millions in the hole to wotk with Obama on Deficit Commission

This is one of those stories that makes it worthwhile for a blogger to get out of bed in the morning.

Andy Stern, Chief Thug President of the infamous Service Employees International Union, more commonly known as SEIU, left the union $85 million in the hole when he resigned.

With credentials like that, it’s only natural that President Obama has appointed Stern to a position on his Deficit Commission.

The Washington Times reports the remarkable details:

Mr. Stern has claimed victories in helping pass health care legislation and getting President Obama elected, but his impact within his own organization shows gaping budget deficits and massive underfunding of pensions.

SEIU has seen its liabilities skyrocket during the past decade. The union’s liabilities totaled $7,625,832 in 2000. By 2009, they had increased almost by a factor of 16, to $120,893,259. Meanwhile, SEIU’s assets barely tripled, growing from $66,632,631 in 2000 to $187,664,763 in 2009. A significant portion of SEIU’s current assets are from IOUs from hard-up locals.

SEIU is $85 million in debt, down from its 2008 high of $102 million, and has been forced to lay off employees.

While SEIU’s pension plans were failing and its liabilities growing, Mr. Stern seemed more concerned with electoral politics than with the internal workings of the union. Indeed, politics can account for much of SEIU’s lavish spending in recent years. “We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama – $60.7 million to be exact – and we’re proud of it,” he boasted to the Las Vegas Sun last year. In all, under Mr. Stern, SEIU spent more than $85 million to elect President Obama and give Democrats control of Congress.

Your tax dollars are in good hands. Stern may be completely unqualified to reduce the nation’s budget deficit, but he is an Obama crony. And to be completely honest, something Stern will never accomplish, being an Obama crony is the only qualification he needs.

see orginal article at...

more SEIU bullshit........... includes boss Nick Balzano

Around the same time in Allentown, Pa., SEIU boss Nick Balzano violently ranted to the city council against 17-year-old Kevin Anderson for cleaning up a local park as part of his Eagle Scout project. Balzano claimed that union members were the only people allowed to do any work for the city. He told the council, “None of them can pick up a hoe. They can’t pick up a shovel. They can’t plant a flower. They can’t clear a bicycle path. They can’t do anything. Our people do that.”

see the complete article at.....

Dean explains Huffington, Soros and structure

Glenn Beck: Howard Dean explains Huffington, Soros and structure

PAT: I just heard this Dean clip, this Howard Dean clip on the Center For American Progress that you were talking about?

GLENN: Yeah, yeah.

PAT: I didn't hear that with you yesterday.

GLENN: Why haven't we heard this one before?

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: Listen to this admission.

PAT: This is stunning.

Dean Admits Center for American Progress, Daily Kos and Huff
DEAN: There are institutions which do research. The best one is Center For American Progress. They are always doing research and coming up with position papers and so forth and so on. They are a general center left organization. They are not related to the Democrat Party although lots of people go back and forth. So there's Huffington Post, there's the Daily Kos. None of these are exactly attached to the Democratic Party and some

PAT: Exact none of these are exactly

GLENN: Exactly.

PAT: attached.

GLENN: Right.

PAT: To the Democratic Party.

GLENN: Right. Not exactly.

PAT: Not exactly.

STU: Like their offices aren't necessarily on the same floor.

PAT: Not necessarily in the same office space.

GLENN: Well, it's like Bill Ayers and Barack Obama's offices were on the same floor in Chicago and they were right next door to each other but they weren't necessarily they weren't in the same cubicle.

PAT: Not necessarily even friends or even acquaintances.

DEAN: Sometimes they will attack the Democratic Party which I think is fine.

PAT: Sure you do.

DEAN: But that's all a part of the infrastructure that it takes to run something. Campaigns are never about the last three months. They are usually about the last three years. If you want to win a campaign, you have to organize for three years, not just organize for three months. And having these permanent institutions are very, very important part of that. Now, of course, we do send e mails out all the time to people, but it's the stuff that's around the Democratic Party, not in it.

GLENN: Okay.

DEAN: that's the infrastructure that begins to change people's mind.

PAT: Get what he's saying? It's all part of the Democratic apparatus. It's all part of the infrastructure.

GLENN: And I don't even think he's meaning that it's part of the Democratic as in the party. It's part of the Democratic apparatus, as part of the country that there are these permanent shadow groups that have been established that are doing all the policy and the politicians come and just make it all happen. Yeah, that's all that happens. So now the question is, do you remember the first time that we saw the 2500 page stimulus bill and it came into the office and I walked into the I walked into the break room, I walked into the kitchen and a lot of the producers were sitting in there. And I had been reading this thing. And Barack Obama was, what, two months into his tenure maybe? And I said, who wrote this? And they all said, well, it's probably David Axelrod. I said, no, it's not. Well, it's probably David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel because he's a genius. No. No, it's not. This is far too complex. There's far too much in here. This who wrote this? And it took us a while to figure out that it was the Apollo Alliance. Well, that's what it is.

I don't know if I've ever told you that I was on the I was working on something on the FCC and I was working late one night and I was working on a couple of different projects and I had one of our researchers working on the FCC and I said, I want you to find something for me. See if you can find any of the other pieces of this machinery. So it's about 11:00 and it's the only time that I wrote Sarah Palin. It was I don't remember what was going on, but Sarah and I were e mailing each other back and forth a lot of this period of time, and it was the only time that I e mailed Sarah Palin and I said, I just found something and I am truly frightened for our country for the first time; I don't know if we can make it. And she called me right away and she said, what did you find. And what we found was an unrelated piece of regulation that had been passed during the Bush administration that had no reason for being in there, had nothing. If you didn't know what the rest of it looked like, if you didn't know what they were going to try to pass two years down the road, this was meaningless. And they could get it in because it didn't mean anything. "Oh, okay, big deal. What is that?" "Nothing, nothing, it just put it in there." And I realized these people have been working long before Barack Obama. Barack Obama is not the guy. Barack Obama is the vehicle that gets us there. That's all he is. This is why I have said and why every single night my family prays for the president's safety. Every single night. Because once this guy becomes a hindrance, what happens to him? Does he just go away? Is he just going to go away? I personally think he only wants to be a one term president because he knows he's a vehicle. And it wasn't the presidency. The presidency is now a stepping stone. The presidency now takes you to a new global level. These guys aren't going away. Is Bill Clinton gone now? No. His global initiative. Jimmy Carter. President Bush is gone. These this new kind of president uses the presidency as a stepping stone to now be at a global level. And they have been planning this for a very long time. I'm not saying Barack Obama has. I'm saying the uber elite, the people who have designed this framework: You just get in, you do your time, you play ball, we'll get you through it. Don't worry, we'll push it through. That's what's happening. And the power is so far out of your hands. And like I said earlier, Elizabeth Warren now, I mean, Pat, how is it that the world didn't know, the Americans didn't know that in we didn't know that in this financial regulation bill it gives the Federal Reserve policing powers. Elizabeth Warren, we're talking about now everybody's saying, well, who is Elizabeth Warren and, you know, he didn't pass her through the Senate. What? You know what did go through the hands of the Senate? That her regulatory agency can never be defunded. Why? Because it gets its funding from a giant shadow corporation called the Federal Reserve. What her operation is, she can now monitor everything you buy, all your credit cards, everything.

PAT: So really the only way to shut this down is to shut down the Federal Reserve, and their tentacles are everywhere. How do you do that?

PAT: You can't shut down the

PAT: Ron Paul brings is up all the time. But really how do you get that done?

GLENN: You don't. You don't without collapsing the system.

PAT: Right, right.

GLENN: Because look, how do you really control people? If you really want to control people, how do you do it? Well, you shut off every other avenue. This is the nudge theory. If you want to control because remember they believe we are Homer Simpson. Well, that's a cartoon way of saying they are nothing but dogs or animals. So how do you get dogs or animals to do things? First you give them cheese. And you build a little maze for them to walk in. Now, they think, oh, look at all the choices, I could go either way. But all of the, all of the shoots lead to the same place. And first you use cheese. Bring them in. Bring them in with the cheese. And then you use shock or whatever else. Saying that Americans are nothing more than Homer Simpson and this is a quote and once you know that they are Homer Simpson, this is our new regulatory czar, the guy who's writing all these regulations, once you understand that they are nothing more than Homer Simpson, well, then there are a lot of things that you can do, quote, to manipulate them, end quote. Is there a Democrat within the sound of my voice that doesn't have a problem with being manipulated by the federal government? What have you sold? How much of your soul is gone because you want to defend the stupid donkey? Republicans like Lindsey Graham, how much of your soul have you sold? What do you get out of this? The satisfaction of being right? What difference does it make if you're right? I pray to be wrong! This is so far beyond politics. This is about your fundamental rights. Once you know they're like Homer Simpson, there are a lot of things, quote, that we can do to manipulate them, end quote. What politician admits that? Well, a Harvard scholar. And the one that is, as I have said in the past, is the most dangerous man in America because you never see him coming. And it only, it starts very small. We're just going to limit your french fries. When Michelle Obama came out with that, that is at the beginning on the first page of the book Nudge, by Cass Sunstein. That's the first example he gives. And it's always followed with, well, if they won't do it that way, then we'll have to take other measures. Well, just nudge them. Put a little cheese at the end of the maze. But if they don't find it, then we'll have to get a little stronger with them. There are lots of things we can do to manipulate them. If that doesn't show you everything that I have said about eugenics, that they are they have such disrespect for the American people and for the individual, these are the same exact people they were as progressives in the early 20th century where they could bead a smarter, better voter. Well, eugenics has been discredited. But they don't think the idea that there's too many people on the Earth has been discredited. And these are the same people that have said that we'll have to put sterilants in the drinking water. Why would you put sterilants in the drinking water? Because they know they can't get people to do a one child policy. So they have to take it upon themselves. They believe they are superior to you. And you are Homer Simpson, another a nice way of saying a lab rat that they can manipulate. Do you manipulate anyone you love? It's like the fundamental transformation. I don't fundamentally transform my wife. I love my wife. I don't fundamentally transform the Mona Lisa. I don't manipulate things I love. I teach, I encourage, but I don't manipulate. An interesting choice of words for a very, very, very bright man. A telling choice of words.

see the complete on Howard Dean short video and Glenn Beck comments

Audio Available:
September 21, 2010

SEIU Exposed

more problems with SEIU leaders and management and tactics


Anti-Employee Actions
Despite its claims to help working Americans, SEIU’s selfish and destructive tactics frequently hurt the very people the union should help.

During a campaign to organize employees in Hartford, Connecticut, SEIU turned to its patented trouble-making campaign to harass the employer into caving to union demands. The effect on employees was devastating. Workers responded by protesting the union, and said:

“You’re not interested in us. You don’t care about us because, if you did, you wouldn’t tell people to stop coming here. We need to make a living. Let us work!”
“No one wants you here! You’re not ever going to get voted in here. You’ve hurt us too much. Why would we have someone represent us who’s kicked us.”
“You’re basically strangling our income. Why would we want to join a union that wants to choke us into submission to let you in? You’re not the union I want.”
The willingness to injure employees to increase SEIU’s revenue became crystal clear in April 2007. The San Francisco Weekly uncovered a shady deal SEIU officials made with California nursing home operators. The deal: in exchange for lobbying the state for more funds, the employers would let SEIU unionize employees while not educating them on the union’s inflated promises.

see more on the shit that SEIU pulls