Saturday, September 29, 2007

Dream Act Defeated, for Now

Dream Act Defeated, for Now Alliance From the Desk of Steve Elliott


I want to thank everyone who invested their time and financial
resources to take a strong stand against the Senate's
nightmarish "Dream Act" amnesty push!

Last night Dick Durbin (D-IL), the measure's chief Senate
sponsor stated that attempts to attach the Dream Act to
the defense authorization bill had failed. "I am disappointed
for thousands of young people whose lives are just in limbo."

But even in defeat, the arrogance of amnesty Democrats was
clearly evident. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, bristling
over the defeat, said the battle is "still on" promising
passage this Fall!

Cecilia Munoz, senior vice president of the National Council
of La Raza added, "There is no question that this issue doesn't
stop here."

Click here for more:

++ Grassroots Answers the Call

ed, turnout to defeat this latest attempt by open border
lawmakers was unprecedented, and spectacular! Dianne Feinstein,
a strong supporter of the bill reported receiving more than
4,000 phone calls since September 13. A spokesman for her
office reported that while 239 calls were in favor of the bill,
3,805 were opposed!

And that doesn't even include the hundreds of thousands of faxes
that literally poured into every Senate office on Capitol Hill
over these last few weeks!

Once again the arrogance of our leadership underestimated the
strength and power of the people--the citizens of the U.S, who
once again demanded enforcement of our existing laws, the
building of the fence and absolutely NO AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS!

Simply stated, without your efforts, Durbin and his open-border
cohorts would already be celebrating the bill’s passage with
amnesty special interests.

But, as in the past, we cannot rest on our laurels. Instead we
must remain vigilant for the next deceptive amnesty charge.
In fact, Harry Reid probably did us all a favor by promising
it would be coming again in the Fall.

ed, thanks for standing with Grassfire. I know that when
we sound the next alarm, I will be able to count on you!

Again, thank you so much for your passionate efforts to secure
our border and protect our sovereignty!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: Just yesterday, the House passed a measure for illegal
aliens to gain access to additional taxpayer funded benefits,
including healthcare. Our staff has compiled an exclusive
backgrounder for our team. Click here to access the report:

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