Saturday, September 29, 2007

Democrats Should Stand Up To

Democrats Should Stand Up To

Republican presidential candidate John McCain criticized the field of Democratic presidential hopefuls Sunday for failing to apologize for the controversial advertisement that referred to General David Petraeus as "General Betray Us."

"Now, they acknowledge that [Petraeus] is an honorable and fine military man, but they refuse to repudiate," McCain said of the Democrats. "And as you say, if you can't stand up to them, how can you stand up to the tough challenges that are presented to you as President of the United States? I don't know the answer to that."

The Arizona Senator was responding to a question from a military veteran in the crowd at a campaign stop here, who asked McCain how the Democratic candidates will have the courage to stand up to challenges they face in the White House if they can't stand up to

By Peter Hamby, CNN
September 17, 2007

Article Excerpt

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