Tuesday, July 10, 2012

King Barrack Hussien Obama ? an African tyrant

King Barrack Hussein Obama ?

FOX news just did a brief segment on King Obama , as a Imperial president.
His "can't wait" program, seems  to mean that he will do whatever he wants , bypassing congress and the Supreme court.

He seems to be implementing his "cap and trade" energy program thru the EPA.
Thru Attorney General Eric Holder he selectively enforcing laws that he likes and ignoring laws that he does not like. Issues here include voter id laws, cleaning up voters rolls.

I praying for a successful November election. Then we won't have to deal with Obama and his comrades. 

It seems he behaving like a African tyrant in some obscure lawless country.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, what a shithead.