Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Glenn Beck as a Paul Revere

Watching the daily Glenn Beck show, its seems to me that Glenn Beck may be 2011's Paul Revere.

I never heard the word caliphate, while researching the caliphate in Muslim history it does have call for a new empire based on the teaching of Islam.

Just heard Donald Rumsfield use the word and talk about the caliphate with Egypt at its center, little scary. I know that Rumfield was promoting his new book, but I hope he adds the word caliphate to the vocabuary of Americans.

Time will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just heard the word caliphate again from a respected source Donald Rumsfeld.

But then yesterday, Donald Rumsfeld was on Rush Limbaugh where he said, “We are up against a vicious enemy. The radical Islamists are there. They intend to try to create a Caliphate in this world and fundamentally alter the nature of nation states, and we’re reluctant to engage in the competition of ideas and point out what they really are and how vicious they are.”