Monday, November 29, 2010

Inside Job: documentary on the global financial crisis

Inside Job movie review and trailer
Superb documentary on the global financial crisis of 2008

This Thanksgiving, Americans can be thankful they do not live in a country whose larcenous financial sector has impoverished millions while its feckless government shovels more money at the culprits and its bought-off academics cheer.

As Charles Ferguson's superb documentary "Inside Job" makes clear, Americans can be thankful if they've still got their health, because their financial well-being has been stolen.

Now in limited release in New Jersey after openings in New York and Philadelphia, "Inside Job" is the year's most assured bit of film-making, also the most useful. Although essentially a movie of talking heads and lots of charts, "Inside Job" never looks or sounds dull.

see more at the site


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