Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Obama omits 'Creator' again... or is he thinking Allah ?

Obama omits 'Creator' again... or is he thinking Allah ?

Obama omits 'Creator' again...
Audio Available:

October 20, 2010 - 14:48 ET

Vote and Comment: Obama Continues to Omit ‘Creator’ From Declaration of Independence GLENN: First of all, in this debate with Coons and O'Donnell, you have the evolution coming up again. Why is evolution coming up? It is critical. First of all, they're trying to paint her as a crazy Christian

PAT: Witch.
GLENN: Christian.
PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: Who's going to jam everything down your throat in a Wiccan sort of way as a Christian. And so they are trying to make her look crazy. But more importantly, you have to understand why evolution is so important. And we just explained that for a second. But you remember if God didn't create, if things evolved, then your rights evolve. You're not endowed by your Creator. It's interesting. You're not endowed by your Creator with certain inalienable because your rights evolve. Just like you go from a monkey to a man, you go from simple rights to higher rights, and somebody has to take those rights and give them to you and take them away or change them. This is again the evolutionary thinking of progressivism. President Obama just gave yet another speech.

PAT: And in it once again he omitted the word Creator from

GLENN: How many times, America, is this man going to talk about collective salvation, which is "I've got to save all the half monkey people or I don't get saved." It is, it is an affront to Christianity. And when I say Christianity, I know there are people like Jim Wallis, you know, who vehemently disagree. I know there are Marxists out there that believe in the liberation theology which is, again, collective salvation. I get that. And I know there are a lot of Christians out there that don't think I'm a Christian because I'm a Mormon. I testify to you now that Jesus Christ is my savior and He saved me. The only reason why I am alive today is because of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Period. So let's move on.

Here's what you need to understand. There is a difference in the idea of Christianity and how we all practice but not of the salvation and atonement of Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian, Jesus Christ is the savior. Through him your sins are washed away. He has the only power to save. Only Jesus Christ.

PAT: Well, what about collectively? Like if my salvation is tied into your salvation. So

GLENN: I don't know why you have to do this.
PAT: Say then that's the only way. If you're saved, then I can be saved.

GLENN: So it is an affront to Christianity. It is the antithesis, right? The exact opposite of what is preached, or supposed to be preached by Christians. That is the Gospel. Not the social gospel, not, you know, the new social justice that's the Gospel gospel, period. And if you want to change it, well, then just say "I'm changing it." But they don't ever do that. They let it evolve, slowly. Again, evolution. Now, what is the president saying in the speeches? How many times does he have to omit the word "Creator" in our Declaration of Independence? And then brush it off like it's not important? It is gigantic.

PAT: He's done it at least three times including this one.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: These truths to be self evident that all men are created equal...
GLENN: Pause, pause, pause.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Endowed with certain inalienable rights.

PAT: There it is. Endowed.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Life and liberty.

GLENN: Endowed by who?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Pursuit of happiness.

GLENN: Endowed by whom?

PAT: Well, it got the notice of Les Kinsolving who is a White House correspondent and he asked Gibbs about it.

see the short video at the video without the word creator

see more atsee more video on Obama omitting the "creator" from his speeches

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