how did that shithead Andrew Stern get on the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.
do we really want andy stern on any fiscal board.
see more info on this commission at
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Roots of Obama’s Rage reveals Obama
a brief description
The Roots of Obama’s Rage reveals Obama for who he really is: a man driven by the anti-colonial ideology of his father and the first American president to actually seek to reduce America's strength, influence, and standard of living. Controversial and compelling, The Roots of Obama’s Rage is poised to be the one book that truly defines Obama and his presidency.
He’s been called many things: a socialist, a radical fellow traveler, a Chicago machine politician, a prince of the civil rights movement, a virtual second coming of Christ, or even a covert Muslim.
But as New York Times bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza points out in this shockingly revealing book, these labels merely slap our own preconceived notions on Barack Obama.
The real Obama is a man shaped by experiences far different from those of most Americans; he is a much stranger, more determined, and exponentially more dangerous man than you’d ever imagined. He is not motivated by the civil rights struggles of African Americans in the 1960s—those battles leave him wholly untouched. He is not motivated by the socialist or Marxist propaganda that hypnotized a whole generation of wooly–minded academics and condescending liberals—those concepts also leave him cold.
What really motivates Barack Obama is an inherited rage—an often masked, but profound rage that comes from his African father; an anticolonialist rage against Western dominance, and most especially against the wealth and power of the very nation Barack Obama now leads. It is this rage that explains the previously inexplicable, and that gives us a startling look at what might lie ahead.
In The Roots of Obama’s Rage you’ll learn: Why Obama’s economic policies are actually designed to make America poorer compared to the rest of the world Why Obama will welcome a nuclear Iran Why Obama sees America as a rogue nation—worse than North Korea The real reason Obama banished a bust of Winston Churchill from the White House and ordered NASA to praise the scientific contributions of Muslims. Why Obama would like to make America’s superpower status a thing of the past.
Stunning, provocative, original, and telling—no one has better diagnosed who Obama is, what he intends to do, and why he poses an existential threat to America than Dinesh D’Souza in The Roots of Obama’s Rage.
The Roots of Obama's Rage
Monday, September 27, 2010
did Michelle Obama have a "no show" job at a chicago hospital
did Michelle Obama have a "no show" job at a Chicago hospital
I just heard the the first lady held a "no show" job with a Chicago area hospital. and that she got the job after her husband Obama was elected as a state legislator.
any more info on this subject?
I just heard the the first lady held a "no show" job with a Chicago area hospital. and that she got the job after her husband Obama was elected as a state legislator.
any more info on this subject?
SEIU Member Registers 23,207 Fraudulent Voters
Texas SEIU Member Registers 23,207 Fraudulent Voters
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) member Steve Caddle of Houston, Texas has been caught registering 23,207 fake voters in Harris County alone due to the hard detective work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her "True the Vote" project.
This is one of the best examples of what good citizen activism inspired by Tea Party principles can do for their community.
Catherine Engelbrecht was sick and tired of the vote fraud perpetrated by unions and Democrats and set out to expose it herself. Along with many friends who donated their time, computers, and sweat, they've uncovered thousands upon thousands of illegal Democrat "voters" in Texas.
"The integrity of the voting rolls in Harris County, Texas, appears to be under an organized and systematic attack by the group operating under the name Houston Votes," the Harris voter registrar, Leo Vasquez, charged as he passed on the documentation to the district attorney. A spokesman for the DA's office declined to discuss the case. And a spokesman for Vasquez said that the DA has asked them to refrain from commenting on the case.
The union thug behind this particular criminal enterprise admitted only that there "had been mistakes made." Yeah, like not worrying about icebergs was just a "mistake" made by the Titanic's crew! Of the 25,000 voter registrations turned in by Caddle only about 1,793 were legal.
see more at....
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) member Steve Caddle of Houston, Texas has been caught registering 23,207 fake voters in Harris County alone due to the hard detective work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her "True the Vote" project.
This is one of the best examples of what good citizen activism inspired by Tea Party principles can do for their community.
Catherine Engelbrecht was sick and tired of the vote fraud perpetrated by unions and Democrats and set out to expose it herself. Along with many friends who donated their time, computers, and sweat, they've uncovered thousands upon thousands of illegal Democrat "voters" in Texas.
"The integrity of the voting rolls in Harris County, Texas, appears to be under an organized and systematic attack by the group operating under the name Houston Votes," the Harris voter registrar, Leo Vasquez, charged as he passed on the documentation to the district attorney. A spokesman for the DA's office declined to discuss the case. And a spokesman for Vasquez said that the DA has asked them to refrain from commenting on the case.
The union thug behind this particular criminal enterprise admitted only that there "had been mistakes made." Yeah, like not worrying about icebergs was just a "mistake" made by the Titanic's crew! Of the 25,000 voter registrations turned in by Caddle only about 1,793 were legal.
see more at....
Friday, September 24, 2010
is your congressman or senator a gangster?
is your congressman or senator a political gangster?
Feed up all those self serving gangster in Washington ?
I am shocked at the ongoing behavior of all the politicians in Washington.
They scramble up bills with multi non related issues. I think an overriding rule to "KISS", kiss it simple stupid, would be appreciated by all voters.
Politicalwear uniforms
Nascar type uniforms coveralls for all congressional people, with their top 10 donors sponsors
shown as a decal or emblem, to identity who paying them. They would be required to wear them whenever they vote. I heard this ideal from Robin Williams as a joke, but it really has educational and may even humble some gangster personalities.
Feed up all those self serving gangster in Washington ?
I am shocked at the ongoing behavior of all the politicians in Washington.
They scramble up bills with multi non related issues. I think an overriding rule to "KISS", kiss it simple stupid, would be appreciated by all voters.
Politicalwear uniforms
Nascar type uniforms coveralls for all congressional people, with their top 10 donors sponsors
shown as a decal or emblem, to identity who paying them. They would be required to wear them whenever they vote. I heard this ideal from Robin Williams as a joke, but it really has educational and may even humble some gangster personalities.
Blackwash or white wash at Dept of Justice under AG Eric Holder
Blackwash or white wash at Dept of Justice under AG Eric Holder and Obama
amazing new testimony from another dept of justice white attorneys.
how will this case with the Black Panthers be handle ?
was Obama aware of this voter rights case?
amazing new testimony from another dept of justice white attorneys.
how will this case with the Black Panthers be handle ?
was Obama aware of this voter rights case?
Joe DioGuardi trils by 1 percent in New York Senate race
Joe DioGuardi trils by 1 percent in New York Senate race
Very exciting news! Joe DioGuardi, the Republican nominee for US Senate is now only one point behind Democratic appointed Senator Kristin Gillibrand. According to a poll by the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle and the White Plains Journal News and conducted by SurveyUSA, Gillibrand has only 45% of the vote to DioGuardi's 44%!!!
see more at
Very exciting news! Joe DioGuardi, the Republican nominee for US Senate is now only one point behind Democratic appointed Senator Kristin Gillibrand. According to a poll by the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle and the White Plains Journal News and conducted by SurveyUSA, Gillibrand has only 45% of the vote to DioGuardi's 44%!!!
see more at
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Pres Obama heckled in New York at fundraiser
Pres Obama heckled in New York at fundraiser
The protest took place in the ballroom of the Roosevelt Hotel as Obama raised $1.4 million at receptions and a dinner for the House and Senate Democratic campaign committees. Obama is in New York to attend the annual meeting of the U.N. General Assembly.
see more at
The protest took place in the ballroom of the Roosevelt Hotel as Obama raised $1.4 million at receptions and a dinner for the House and Senate Democratic campaign committees. Obama is in New York to attend the annual meeting of the U.N. General Assembly.
see more at
Wisconsin GOP files complaint SEIU lobbyist John David Morgan
Wisconsin GOP files complaint SEIU lobbyist John David Morgan
The Republican Party files a complaint with the state board that oversees elections, accusing a major union of colluding with the Barrett campaign for governor to smear Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Scott Walker. According to a report published by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a Service Employees International Union(SEIU) lobbyist named John David Morgan was recorded saying that the union and Democrat officials are planning to hammer Scott Walker on a variety of topics. Morgan also claimed that the local media would be willing partners.
see more at,0,7364043.story
The Republican Party files a complaint with the state board that oversees elections, accusing a major union of colluding with the Barrett campaign for governor to smear Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Scott Walker. According to a report published by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a Service Employees International Union(SEIU) lobbyist named John David Morgan was recorded saying that the union and Democrat officials are planning to hammer Scott Walker on a variety of topics. Morgan also claimed that the local media would be willing partners.
see more at,0,7364043.story
Hillary Clinton giving away cookstoves ?
Glenn Beck: Why cookstoves? And why Hillary?
September 22, 2010 - 12:45 ET
Why cookstoves? And why Hillary?
GLENN: So that's where we split. Now, the third thing is if you are going to free up the free market system, if this is indeed the American experiment and we think that it is broken, we have to go back to the original documents and the original intent and see what did we do, where did we go wrong. Those are our three things: It's unsustainable. Free market and entrepreneurial spirit is what's going to fix it. As long as we fix the fundamentals and get back to the basics, we'll be okay. But the Obama administration and those in congress believe the system is unsustainable, redistribution of wealth is the answer, and forget about the fundamentals of the Constitution. We need a new global structure. This is why you don't understand stories, because you keep looking at them with your point of view. Choice number one: Free market, original intent. Look at the stories with the idea that we're going to fundamentally transform into a global structure that pays the rest of the world. Because we're an oppressor, it pays the rest of the world and we equal out all of our salaries and our incomes and everything else, globally speaking. It's the only way you can make sense of a labor union that says, hey, we're looking out for you, and we're looking out for the Chinese worker. Because the Chinese worker makes $1.50 a day and the average union worker makes, what, $65,000. There's no way, there's no way. You can't balance that out... unless you really bring the American worker to its knees.
Let me give you two stories that prove this out. Household wealth falling. Not only are your incomes falling but your wealth is falling as well. The U.S. Government is now according this is according to the Congressional Budget Office. According to analysts cited on Sunday, quote: The government is lying about the amount of debt. It is engaging in Enron accounting. We've told you this before. So why would they, why would they do that? Because they've got to get their structure in first. What structure? Make sense of this story in the first framework, your framework: Free market system and let's go back to the principles, the basics. Senator Hillary Clinton announced a global alliance for clean cookstoves Tuesday. Clinton said the first major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower cost and develop global industry standards for cookstoves. Second, a broad based campaign to create a commercial market for clean stoves including reducing trade barriers, promoting consumer awareness, and boosting access to a large scale carbon financing. The U.S. is to fund $50 million over the next five years to provide clean cooking stoves to developing countries. She went on to say, our long term goal is to have universal adoption all over the world.
Can you make sense of that in the free market sense, in the "Let's go back to the basics"? No. But if I said can you make sense of that story if you look at it through the eyes of America's the oppressor, so we have to redistribute the wealth globally; and we are doing everything we can to piece by piece build global governance. Does that story make sense? Yes. That is the way you must begin to look at Washington. Through their eyes. Otherwise you will dismiss stories like clean global standards for clean cookstoves and say, what the hell is Hillary Clinton doing! What difference does this make? The entire country is burning down! Yes. They know that. I have told you for the year, last year now. They are building a structure. They are building a framework for this system to collapse into. That's what the little clean cookstove thing is about. It's just one of the hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of pieces that are already in place. Because I know Cass Sunstein and because I know history and Bernays, the father of American propaganda, I know what comes. And what comes is as I tell you these things and I use their own words and we will do that at the top of the hour. We use their own words. Their own words are not enough for them. Facts do not matter. They don't care. They will look at, you know, someone whose arms and legs have been cut off and say, what plug? I don't even know what you're talking about. I see his arms and legs. I didn't cut them off. What are you talking about? That's the way they are. So their own words don't matter. And so it will be made into, "Well, this is a conspiracy," et cetera, et cetera. No, it's not. And you hold fast to what makes sense. If there is some other theory out there that is a grand unifying theory that works better than this one, let me know what it is because I don't want to believe this. I have to. Because it's the only thing that makes sense. And they're on the record left and right, and Cass Sunstein has said the government must discredit conspiracy theories. He defines conspiracy theories again in his own words. He describes conspiracy theories as anything that disagrees with the government or administration. He says discredit conspiracy theories even if in the end they turn out to be accurate. He is also the guy who says once no, I'm sorry. John Holdren is the guy is it Holdren? No, it's Sunstein. Sunstein is also the guy who said the American people are like Homer Simpson and once you understand this, there's a lot that can be done to manipulate them. That is a quote. We'll play it for you at the top of the hour. Well, I don't want to be manipulated. And if you don't want to be manipulated, then you must stop giving them reason to think you're Homer Simpson. You already have. This audience reads more than any other audience I've ever seen in my life. This may be the best self educated audience in the history of America. You have to continue. And don't read my opinions, don't read you know, don't go out and buy my book and say, well, that is the Bible. Nope. Nope. Hopefully that book will get you to jump off into other books. Read original sources, especially when it comes to early American progressives. Read their own words because no historian ever paints them I don't ever paint them as evil as they really are. Even me. And I despise them. Read their own words. You won't sleep for a month, especially when you understand it's all happening again. And where that has led the last two times we did it.
September 22, 2010 - 12:45 ET
Why cookstoves? And why Hillary?
GLENN: So that's where we split. Now, the third thing is if you are going to free up the free market system, if this is indeed the American experiment and we think that it is broken, we have to go back to the original documents and the original intent and see what did we do, where did we go wrong. Those are our three things: It's unsustainable. Free market and entrepreneurial spirit is what's going to fix it. As long as we fix the fundamentals and get back to the basics, we'll be okay. But the Obama administration and those in congress believe the system is unsustainable, redistribution of wealth is the answer, and forget about the fundamentals of the Constitution. We need a new global structure. This is why you don't understand stories, because you keep looking at them with your point of view. Choice number one: Free market, original intent. Look at the stories with the idea that we're going to fundamentally transform into a global structure that pays the rest of the world. Because we're an oppressor, it pays the rest of the world and we equal out all of our salaries and our incomes and everything else, globally speaking. It's the only way you can make sense of a labor union that says, hey, we're looking out for you, and we're looking out for the Chinese worker. Because the Chinese worker makes $1.50 a day and the average union worker makes, what, $65,000. There's no way, there's no way. You can't balance that out... unless you really bring the American worker to its knees.
Let me give you two stories that prove this out. Household wealth falling. Not only are your incomes falling but your wealth is falling as well. The U.S. Government is now according this is according to the Congressional Budget Office. According to analysts cited on Sunday, quote: The government is lying about the amount of debt. It is engaging in Enron accounting. We've told you this before. So why would they, why would they do that? Because they've got to get their structure in first. What structure? Make sense of this story in the first framework, your framework: Free market system and let's go back to the principles, the basics. Senator Hillary Clinton announced a global alliance for clean cookstoves Tuesday. Clinton said the first major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower cost and develop global industry standards for cookstoves. Second, a broad based campaign to create a commercial market for clean stoves including reducing trade barriers, promoting consumer awareness, and boosting access to a large scale carbon financing. The U.S. is to fund $50 million over the next five years to provide clean cooking stoves to developing countries. She went on to say, our long term goal is to have universal adoption all over the world.
Can you make sense of that in the free market sense, in the "Let's go back to the basics"? No. But if I said can you make sense of that story if you look at it through the eyes of America's the oppressor, so we have to redistribute the wealth globally; and we are doing everything we can to piece by piece build global governance. Does that story make sense? Yes. That is the way you must begin to look at Washington. Through their eyes. Otherwise you will dismiss stories like clean global standards for clean cookstoves and say, what the hell is Hillary Clinton doing! What difference does this make? The entire country is burning down! Yes. They know that. I have told you for the year, last year now. They are building a structure. They are building a framework for this system to collapse into. That's what the little clean cookstove thing is about. It's just one of the hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of pieces that are already in place. Because I know Cass Sunstein and because I know history and Bernays, the father of American propaganda, I know what comes. And what comes is as I tell you these things and I use their own words and we will do that at the top of the hour. We use their own words. Their own words are not enough for them. Facts do not matter. They don't care. They will look at, you know, someone whose arms and legs have been cut off and say, what plug? I don't even know what you're talking about. I see his arms and legs. I didn't cut them off. What are you talking about? That's the way they are. So their own words don't matter. And so it will be made into, "Well, this is a conspiracy," et cetera, et cetera. No, it's not. And you hold fast to what makes sense. If there is some other theory out there that is a grand unifying theory that works better than this one, let me know what it is because I don't want to believe this. I have to. Because it's the only thing that makes sense. And they're on the record left and right, and Cass Sunstein has said the government must discredit conspiracy theories. He defines conspiracy theories again in his own words. He describes conspiracy theories as anything that disagrees with the government or administration. He says discredit conspiracy theories even if in the end they turn out to be accurate. He is also the guy who says once no, I'm sorry. John Holdren is the guy is it Holdren? No, it's Sunstein. Sunstein is also the guy who said the American people are like Homer Simpson and once you understand this, there's a lot that can be done to manipulate them. That is a quote. We'll play it for you at the top of the hour. Well, I don't want to be manipulated. And if you don't want to be manipulated, then you must stop giving them reason to think you're Homer Simpson. You already have. This audience reads more than any other audience I've ever seen in my life. This may be the best self educated audience in the history of America. You have to continue. And don't read my opinions, don't read you know, don't go out and buy my book and say, well, that is the Bible. Nope. Nope. Hopefully that book will get you to jump off into other books. Read original sources, especially when it comes to early American progressives. Read their own words because no historian ever paints them I don't ever paint them as evil as they really are. Even me. And I despise them. Read their own words. You won't sleep for a month, especially when you understand it's all happening again. And where that has led the last two times we did it.
Cant believe Obama: he wants to develop other nations ?
Can't believe Obama: he wants to develop other nations ?
He was at the UN telling the world how to develop.
What is this guy smoking ?
He was at the UN telling the world how to develop.
What is this guy smoking ?
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
as memtioned on the Glenn Beck show
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
In December 1930, the great economist Maynard Keynes published an article in which he described the world as living in “the shadows of one of the greatest economic catastrophes in modern history.” The world was then 18 months into what would become the Great Depression. The stock market was down about 60%, profits had fallen in half and unemployed had climbed from 4% to about 10%.
If you take our present situation, 16 months into the current recession, we're about at the same place. The stock market is down 50 to 60 percent, profits are down 50 percent, unemployment is up from 4.5% to over 8%.
Over the next 18 months between January 1930 and July 1932 the bottom fell out of the world economy. It did so because the authorities applied the wrong medicine to what was a very sick economy. They let the banking system go under, they tried to cut the budget deficit by curbing government expenditure and raising taxes, they refused to assist the European banking system, and they even raised interest rates. It was no wonder the global economy crumbled.
Luckily with the benefit of those lessons, we now know what not to do. This time the authorities are applying the right medicine: they have cut interest rates to zero and are keeping them there, they have saved the banking system from collapse and they have introduced the largest stimulus package in history.
And yet I cannot help worrying that the world economy may yet spiral downwards. There are two areas in particular that keep me up at night.
The first is the U.S. banking system. Back in the fall, the authorities managed to prevent a financial meltdown. People are not pulling money out of banks anymore—in fact, they are putting money in. The problem is that as a consequence of past bad loans, the banking system has lost a good part of its capital. There is no way that the economy can recover unless the banking system is recapitalized. While there are many technical issues about the best way to do this, most experts agree that it will not be done without a massive injection of public money, possibly as much as $1 trillion from you and me, the taxpayer.
At the moment tax payers are so furious at the irresponsibility of the bankers who got us into this mess that they are in no mood to support yet more money to bail out banks. It is going to take an extraordinary act of political leadership to persuade the American public that unfortunately more money is necessary to solve this crisis.
The second area that keeps me up at night is Europe. During the real estate bubble years, the 13 countries of Eastern Europe that were once part of the Soviet empire had their own bubble. They now owe a gigantic $1.3 trillion dollars, much of which they won’t be able to pay. The burden will have to fall on the tax payers of Western Europe, especially Germany and France.
In the U.S. we at least have the national cohesion and the political machinery to get New Yorkers and Midwesterners to pay for the mistakes of Californian and Floridian homeowners or to bail out a bank based in North Carolina. There is no such mechanism in Europe. It is going to require political leadership of the highest order from the leaders of Germany and France to persuade their thrifty and prudent taxpayers to bail out foolhardy Austrian banks or Hungarian homeowners.
The Great Depression was largely caused by a failure of intellectual will—the men in charge simply did not understand how the economy worked. The risk this time round is that a failure of political will leads us into an economic cataclysm.
--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
as memtioned on the Glenn Beck show
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
In December 1930, the great economist Maynard Keynes published an article in which he described the world as living in “the shadows of one of the greatest economic catastrophes in modern history.” The world was then 18 months into what would become the Great Depression. The stock market was down about 60%, profits had fallen in half and unemployed had climbed from 4% to about 10%.
If you take our present situation, 16 months into the current recession, we're about at the same place. The stock market is down 50 to 60 percent, profits are down 50 percent, unemployment is up from 4.5% to over 8%.
Over the next 18 months between January 1930 and July 1932 the bottom fell out of the world economy. It did so because the authorities applied the wrong medicine to what was a very sick economy. They let the banking system go under, they tried to cut the budget deficit by curbing government expenditure and raising taxes, they refused to assist the European banking system, and they even raised interest rates. It was no wonder the global economy crumbled.
Luckily with the benefit of those lessons, we now know what not to do. This time the authorities are applying the right medicine: they have cut interest rates to zero and are keeping them there, they have saved the banking system from collapse and they have introduced the largest stimulus package in history.
And yet I cannot help worrying that the world economy may yet spiral downwards. There are two areas in particular that keep me up at night.
The first is the U.S. banking system. Back in the fall, the authorities managed to prevent a financial meltdown. People are not pulling money out of banks anymore—in fact, they are putting money in. The problem is that as a consequence of past bad loans, the banking system has lost a good part of its capital. There is no way that the economy can recover unless the banking system is recapitalized. While there are many technical issues about the best way to do this, most experts agree that it will not be done without a massive injection of public money, possibly as much as $1 trillion from you and me, the taxpayer.
At the moment tax payers are so furious at the irresponsibility of the bankers who got us into this mess that they are in no mood to support yet more money to bail out banks. It is going to take an extraordinary act of political leadership to persuade the American public that unfortunately more money is necessary to solve this crisis.
The second area that keeps me up at night is Europe. During the real estate bubble years, the 13 countries of Eastern Europe that were once part of the Soviet empire had their own bubble. They now owe a gigantic $1.3 trillion dollars, much of which they won’t be able to pay. The burden will have to fall on the tax payers of Western Europe, especially Germany and France.
In the U.S. we at least have the national cohesion and the political machinery to get New Yorkers and Midwesterners to pay for the mistakes of Californian and Floridian homeowners or to bail out a bank based in North Carolina. There is no such mechanism in Europe. It is going to require political leadership of the highest order from the leaders of Germany and France to persuade their thrifty and prudent taxpayers to bail out foolhardy Austrian banks or Hungarian homeowners.
The Great Depression was largely caused by a failure of intellectual will—the men in charge simply did not understand how the economy worked. The risk this time round is that a failure of political will leads us into an economic cataclysm.
--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
Christopher Coates will testify in a hearing on the New Black Panther case at DOJ
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 –
The United States Commission on Civil Rights announces that former Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Voting Chief Christopher Coates will testify in a hearing on the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case, to be followed by a business meeting previously announced.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 /PRNewswire-USNewswire
see more at
The United States Commission on Civil Rights announces that former Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Voting Chief Christopher Coates will testify in a hearing on the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case, to be followed by a business meeting previously announced.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 /PRNewswire-USNewswire
see more at
black panthers,
chris coates doj,
Christopher Coates
inside SEIU president Andy Stern’s culture of corruption
inside SEIU president Andy Stern’s culture of corruption
By Michelle Malkin
September 21, 2009
On Friday, SEIU thug-in-chief Andy Stern published a screed titled, “Working Women and Men Will Not Be Silenced by Right Wing Attack Dogs; We Will Win the Change America Needs.” He carped about “an insidious and coordinated effort on the part of the extreme right to target individuals and grassroots community groups as a way to silence the voices of women and men who have suffered the most under 8 years of right wing policies. These extremists will attempt to shut down and shout down anyone with a different point of view.”
I’ve told you before about Stern’s operating philosophy: “[W]e prefer to use the power of persuasion, but if that doesn’t work we use the persuasion of power.” You can find my entire SEIU archives here.
By Michelle Malkin
September 21, 2009
By Michelle Malkin
September 21, 2009
On Friday, SEIU thug-in-chief Andy Stern published a screed titled, “Working Women and Men Will Not Be Silenced by Right Wing Attack Dogs; We Will Win the Change America Needs.” He carped about “an insidious and coordinated effort on the part of the extreme right to target individuals and grassroots community groups as a way to silence the voices of women and men who have suffered the most under 8 years of right wing policies. These extremists will attempt to shut down and shout down anyone with a different point of view.”
I’ve told you before about Stern’s operating philosophy: “[W]e prefer to use the power of persuasion, but if that doesn’t work we use the persuasion of power.” You can find my entire SEIU archives here.
By Michelle Malkin
September 21, 2009
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Clinton announced a global alliance for clean cookstoves: costs $50 million, more expensive federal bullshit
Hillary Clinton announced a global alliance for clean cookstoves: costs $50 million, more expensive federal bullshit..
Senator Hillary Clinton announced a global alliance for clean cookstoves Tuesday. Clinton said the first major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower cost and develop global industry standards for cookstoves. Second, a broad based campaign to create a commercial market for clean stoves including reducing trade barriers, promoting consumer awareness, and boosting access to a large scale carbon financing. The U.S. is to fund $50 million over the next five years to provide clean cooking stoves to developing countries. She went on to say, our long term goal is to have universal adoption all over the world.
Can you make sense of that in the free market sense, in the "Let's go back to the basics"? No. But if I said can you make sense of that story if you look at it through the eyes of America's the oppressor, so we have to redistribute the wealth globally; and we are doing everything we can to piece by piece build global governance. Does that story make sense? Yes. That is the way you must begin to look at Washington. Through their eyes. Otherwise you will dismiss stories like clean global standards for clean cookstoves and say, what the hell is Hillary Clinton doing! What difference does this make? The entire country is burning down! Yes. They know that. I have told you for the year, last year now. They are building a structure. They are building a framework for this system to collapse into. That's what the little clean cookstove thing is about. It's just one of the hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of pieces that are already in place. Because I know Cass Sunstein and because I know history and Bernays, the father of American propaganda, I know what comes. And what comes is as I tell you these things and I use their own words and we will do that at the top of the hour. We use their own words. Their own words are not enough for them. Facts do not matter. They don't care. They will look at, you know, someone whose arms and legs have been cut off and say, what plug? I don't even know what you're talking about. I see his arms and legs. I didn't cut them off. What are you talking about? That's the way they are. So their own words don't matter. And so it will be made into, "Well, this is a conspiracy," et cetera, et cetera. No, it's not. And you hold fast to what makes sense. If there is some other theory out there that is a grand unifying theory that works better than this one, let me know what it is because I don't want to believe this. I have to. Because it's the only thing that makes sense. And they're on the record left and right, and Cass Sunstein has said the government must discredit conspiracy theories. He defines conspiracy theories again in his own words. He describes conspiracy theories as anything that disagrees with the government or administration. He says discredit conspiracy theories even if in the end they turn out to be accurate. He is also the guy who says once no, I'm sorry. John Holdren is the guy is it Holdren? No, it's Sunstein. Sunstein is also the guy who said the American people are like Homer Simpson and once you understand this, there's a lot that can be done to manipulate them. That is a quote. We'll play it for you at the top of the hour. Well, I don't want to be manipulated. And if you don't want to be manipulated, then you must stop giving them reason to think you're Homer Simpson. You already have. This audience reads more than any other audience I've ever seen in my life. This may be the best self educated audience in the history of America. You have to continue. And don't read my opinions, don't read you know, don't go out and buy my book and say, well, that is the Bible. Nope. Nope. Hopefully that book will get you to jump off into other books. Read original sources, especially when it comes to early American progressives. Read their own words because no historian ever paints them I don't ever paint them as evil as they really are. Even me. And I despise them. Read their own words. You won't sleep for a month, especially when you understand it's all happening again. And where that has led the last two times we did it.
see more Hillary at the Glenn Beck website
Senator Hillary Clinton announced a global alliance for clean cookstoves Tuesday. Clinton said the first major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower cost and develop global industry standards for cookstoves. Second, a broad based campaign to create a commercial market for clean stoves including reducing trade barriers, promoting consumer awareness, and boosting access to a large scale carbon financing. The U.S. is to fund $50 million over the next five years to provide clean cooking stoves to developing countries. She went on to say, our long term goal is to have universal adoption all over the world.
Can you make sense of that in the free market sense, in the "Let's go back to the basics"? No. But if I said can you make sense of that story if you look at it through the eyes of America's the oppressor, so we have to redistribute the wealth globally; and we are doing everything we can to piece by piece build global governance. Does that story make sense? Yes. That is the way you must begin to look at Washington. Through their eyes. Otherwise you will dismiss stories like clean global standards for clean cookstoves and say, what the hell is Hillary Clinton doing! What difference does this make? The entire country is burning down! Yes. They know that. I have told you for the year, last year now. They are building a structure. They are building a framework for this system to collapse into. That's what the little clean cookstove thing is about. It's just one of the hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of pieces that are already in place. Because I know Cass Sunstein and because I know history and Bernays, the father of American propaganda, I know what comes. And what comes is as I tell you these things and I use their own words and we will do that at the top of the hour. We use their own words. Their own words are not enough for them. Facts do not matter. They don't care. They will look at, you know, someone whose arms and legs have been cut off and say, what plug? I don't even know what you're talking about. I see his arms and legs. I didn't cut them off. What are you talking about? That's the way they are. So their own words don't matter. And so it will be made into, "Well, this is a conspiracy," et cetera, et cetera. No, it's not. And you hold fast to what makes sense. If there is some other theory out there that is a grand unifying theory that works better than this one, let me know what it is because I don't want to believe this. I have to. Because it's the only thing that makes sense. And they're on the record left and right, and Cass Sunstein has said the government must discredit conspiracy theories. He defines conspiracy theories again in his own words. He describes conspiracy theories as anything that disagrees with the government or administration. He says discredit conspiracy theories even if in the end they turn out to be accurate. He is also the guy who says once no, I'm sorry. John Holdren is the guy is it Holdren? No, it's Sunstein. Sunstein is also the guy who said the American people are like Homer Simpson and once you understand this, there's a lot that can be done to manipulate them. That is a quote. We'll play it for you at the top of the hour. Well, I don't want to be manipulated. And if you don't want to be manipulated, then you must stop giving them reason to think you're Homer Simpson. You already have. This audience reads more than any other audience I've ever seen in my life. This may be the best self educated audience in the history of America. You have to continue. And don't read my opinions, don't read you know, don't go out and buy my book and say, well, that is the Bible. Nope. Nope. Hopefully that book will get you to jump off into other books. Read original sources, especially when it comes to early American progressives. Read their own words because no historian ever paints them I don't ever paint them as evil as they really are. Even me. And I despise them. Read their own words. You won't sleep for a month, especially when you understand it's all happening again. And where that has led the last two times we did it.
see more Hillary at the Glenn Beck website
Andy Stern exits SEIU with $85 millions in the hole to wotk with Obama on Deficit Commission
This is one of those stories that makes it worthwhile for a blogger to get out of bed in the morning.
Andy Stern, Chief Thug President of the infamous Service Employees International Union, more commonly known as SEIU, left the union $85 million in the hole when he resigned.
With credentials like that, it’s only natural that President Obama has appointed Stern to a position on his Deficit Commission.
The Washington Times reports the remarkable details:
Mr. Stern has claimed victories in helping pass health care legislation and getting President Obama elected, but his impact within his own organization shows gaping budget deficits and massive underfunding of pensions.
SEIU has seen its liabilities skyrocket during the past decade. The union’s liabilities totaled $7,625,832 in 2000. By 2009, they had increased almost by a factor of 16, to $120,893,259. Meanwhile, SEIU’s assets barely tripled, growing from $66,632,631 in 2000 to $187,664,763 in 2009. A significant portion of SEIU’s current assets are from IOUs from hard-up locals.
SEIU is $85 million in debt, down from its 2008 high of $102 million, and has been forced to lay off employees.
While SEIU’s pension plans were failing and its liabilities growing, Mr. Stern seemed more concerned with electoral politics than with the internal workings of the union. Indeed, politics can account for much of SEIU’s lavish spending in recent years. “We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama – $60.7 million to be exact – and we’re proud of it,” he boasted to the Las Vegas Sun last year. In all, under Mr. Stern, SEIU spent more than $85 million to elect President Obama and give Democrats control of Congress.
Your tax dollars are in good hands. Stern may be completely unqualified to reduce the nation’s budget deficit, but he is an Obama crony. And to be completely honest, something Stern will never accomplish, being an Obama crony is the only qualification he needs.
see orginal article at...
Andy Stern, Chief Thug President of the infamous Service Employees International Union, more commonly known as SEIU, left the union $85 million in the hole when he resigned.
With credentials like that, it’s only natural that President Obama has appointed Stern to a position on his Deficit Commission.
The Washington Times reports the remarkable details:
Mr. Stern has claimed victories in helping pass health care legislation and getting President Obama elected, but his impact within his own organization shows gaping budget deficits and massive underfunding of pensions.
SEIU has seen its liabilities skyrocket during the past decade. The union’s liabilities totaled $7,625,832 in 2000. By 2009, they had increased almost by a factor of 16, to $120,893,259. Meanwhile, SEIU’s assets barely tripled, growing from $66,632,631 in 2000 to $187,664,763 in 2009. A significant portion of SEIU’s current assets are from IOUs from hard-up locals.
SEIU is $85 million in debt, down from its 2008 high of $102 million, and has been forced to lay off employees.
While SEIU’s pension plans were failing and its liabilities growing, Mr. Stern seemed more concerned with electoral politics than with the internal workings of the union. Indeed, politics can account for much of SEIU’s lavish spending in recent years. “We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama – $60.7 million to be exact – and we’re proud of it,” he boasted to the Las Vegas Sun last year. In all, under Mr. Stern, SEIU spent more than $85 million to elect President Obama and give Democrats control of Congress.
Your tax dollars are in good hands. Stern may be completely unqualified to reduce the nation’s budget deficit, but he is an Obama crony. And to be completely honest, something Stern will never accomplish, being an Obama crony is the only qualification he needs.
see orginal article at...
more SEIU bullshit........... includes boss Nick Balzano
Around the same time in Allentown, Pa., SEIU boss Nick Balzano violently ranted to the city council against 17-year-old Kevin Anderson for cleaning up a local park as part of his Eagle Scout project. Balzano claimed that union members were the only people allowed to do any work for the city. He told the council, “None of them can pick up a hoe. They can’t pick up a shovel. They can’t plant a flower. They can’t clear a bicycle path. They can’t do anything. Our people do that.”
see the complete article at.....
see the complete article at.....
Dean explains Huffington, Soros and structure
Glenn Beck: Howard Dean explains Huffington, Soros and structure
PAT: I just heard this Dean clip, this Howard Dean clip on the Center For American Progress that you were talking about?
GLENN: Yeah, yeah.
PAT: I didn't hear that with you yesterday.
GLENN: Why haven't we heard this one before?
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Listen to this admission.
PAT: This is stunning.
Dean Admits Center for American Progress, Daily Kos and Huff
DEAN: There are institutions which do research. The best one is Center For American Progress. They are always doing research and coming up with position papers and so forth and so on. They are a general center left organization. They are not related to the Democrat Party although lots of people go back and forth. So there's Huffington Post, there's the Daily Kos. None of these are exactly attached to the Democratic Party and some
PAT: Exact none of these are exactly
GLENN: Exactly.
PAT: attached.
GLENN: Right.
PAT: To the Democratic Party.
GLENN: Right. Not exactly.
PAT: Not exactly.
STU: Like their offices aren't necessarily on the same floor.
PAT: Not necessarily in the same office space.
GLENN: Well, it's like Bill Ayers and Barack Obama's offices were on the same floor in Chicago and they were right next door to each other but they weren't necessarily they weren't in the same cubicle.
PAT: Not necessarily even friends or even acquaintances.
DEAN: Sometimes they will attack the Democratic Party which I think is fine.
PAT: Sure you do.
DEAN: But that's all a part of the infrastructure that it takes to run something. Campaigns are never about the last three months. They are usually about the last three years. If you want to win a campaign, you have to organize for three years, not just organize for three months. And having these permanent institutions are very, very important part of that. Now, of course, we do send e mails out all the time to people, but it's the stuff that's around the Democratic Party, not in it.
GLENN: Okay.
DEAN: that's the infrastructure that begins to change people's mind.
PAT: Get what he's saying? It's all part of the Democratic apparatus. It's all part of the infrastructure.
GLENN: And I don't even think he's meaning that it's part of the Democratic as in the party. It's part of the Democratic apparatus, as part of the country that there are these permanent shadow groups that have been established that are doing all the policy and the politicians come and just make it all happen. Yeah, that's all that happens. So now the question is, do you remember the first time that we saw the 2500 page stimulus bill and it came into the office and I walked into the I walked into the break room, I walked into the kitchen and a lot of the producers were sitting in there. And I had been reading this thing. And Barack Obama was, what, two months into his tenure maybe? And I said, who wrote this? And they all said, well, it's probably David Axelrod. I said, no, it's not. Well, it's probably David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel because he's a genius. No. No, it's not. This is far too complex. There's far too much in here. This who wrote this? And it took us a while to figure out that it was the Apollo Alliance. Well, that's what it is.
I don't know if I've ever told you that I was on the I was working on something on the FCC and I was working late one night and I was working on a couple of different projects and I had one of our researchers working on the FCC and I said, I want you to find something for me. See if you can find any of the other pieces of this machinery. So it's about 11:00 and it's the only time that I wrote Sarah Palin. It was I don't remember what was going on, but Sarah and I were e mailing each other back and forth a lot of this period of time, and it was the only time that I e mailed Sarah Palin and I said, I just found something and I am truly frightened for our country for the first time; I don't know if we can make it. And she called me right away and she said, what did you find. And what we found was an unrelated piece of regulation that had been passed during the Bush administration that had no reason for being in there, had nothing. If you didn't know what the rest of it looked like, if you didn't know what they were going to try to pass two years down the road, this was meaningless. And they could get it in because it didn't mean anything. "Oh, okay, big deal. What is that?" "Nothing, nothing, it just put it in there." And I realized these people have been working long before Barack Obama. Barack Obama is not the guy. Barack Obama is the vehicle that gets us there. That's all he is. This is why I have said and why every single night my family prays for the president's safety. Every single night. Because once this guy becomes a hindrance, what happens to him? Does he just go away? Is he just going to go away? I personally think he only wants to be a one term president because he knows he's a vehicle. And it wasn't the presidency. The presidency is now a stepping stone. The presidency now takes you to a new global level. These guys aren't going away. Is Bill Clinton gone now? No. His global initiative. Jimmy Carter. President Bush is gone. These this new kind of president uses the presidency as a stepping stone to now be at a global level. And they have been planning this for a very long time. I'm not saying Barack Obama has. I'm saying the uber elite, the people who have designed this framework: You just get in, you do your time, you play ball, we'll get you through it. Don't worry, we'll push it through. That's what's happening. And the power is so far out of your hands. And like I said earlier, Elizabeth Warren now, I mean, Pat, how is it that the world didn't know, the Americans didn't know that in we didn't know that in this financial regulation bill it gives the Federal Reserve policing powers. Elizabeth Warren, we're talking about now everybody's saying, well, who is Elizabeth Warren and, you know, he didn't pass her through the Senate. What? You know what did go through the hands of the Senate? That her regulatory agency can never be defunded. Why? Because it gets its funding from a giant shadow corporation called the Federal Reserve. What her operation is, she can now monitor everything you buy, all your credit cards, everything.
PAT: So really the only way to shut this down is to shut down the Federal Reserve, and their tentacles are everywhere. How do you do that?
PAT: You can't shut down the
PAT: Ron Paul brings is up all the time. But really how do you get that done?
GLENN: You don't. You don't without collapsing the system.
PAT: Right, right.
GLENN: Because look, how do you really control people? If you really want to control people, how do you do it? Well, you shut off every other avenue. This is the nudge theory. If you want to control because remember they believe we are Homer Simpson. Well, that's a cartoon way of saying they are nothing but dogs or animals. So how do you get dogs or animals to do things? First you give them cheese. And you build a little maze for them to walk in. Now, they think, oh, look at all the choices, I could go either way. But all of the, all of the shoots lead to the same place. And first you use cheese. Bring them in. Bring them in with the cheese. And then you use shock or whatever else. Saying that Americans are nothing more than Homer Simpson and this is a quote and once you know that they are Homer Simpson, this is our new regulatory czar, the guy who's writing all these regulations, once you understand that they are nothing more than Homer Simpson, well, then there are a lot of things that you can do, quote, to manipulate them, end quote. Is there a Democrat within the sound of my voice that doesn't have a problem with being manipulated by the federal government? What have you sold? How much of your soul is gone because you want to defend the stupid donkey? Republicans like Lindsey Graham, how much of your soul have you sold? What do you get out of this? The satisfaction of being right? What difference does it make if you're right? I pray to be wrong! This is so far beyond politics. This is about your fundamental rights. Once you know they're like Homer Simpson, there are a lot of things, quote, that we can do to manipulate them, end quote. What politician admits that? Well, a Harvard scholar. And the one that is, as I have said in the past, is the most dangerous man in America because you never see him coming. And it only, it starts very small. We're just going to limit your french fries. When Michelle Obama came out with that, that is at the beginning on the first page of the book Nudge, by Cass Sunstein. That's the first example he gives. And it's always followed with, well, if they won't do it that way, then we'll have to take other measures. Well, just nudge them. Put a little cheese at the end of the maze. But if they don't find it, then we'll have to get a little stronger with them. There are lots of things we can do to manipulate them. If that doesn't show you everything that I have said about eugenics, that they are they have such disrespect for the American people and for the individual, these are the same exact people they were as progressives in the early 20th century where they could bead a smarter, better voter. Well, eugenics has been discredited. But they don't think the idea that there's too many people on the Earth has been discredited. And these are the same people that have said that we'll have to put sterilants in the drinking water. Why would you put sterilants in the drinking water? Because they know they can't get people to do a one child policy. So they have to take it upon themselves. They believe they are superior to you. And you are Homer Simpson, another a nice way of saying a lab rat that they can manipulate. Do you manipulate anyone you love? It's like the fundamental transformation. I don't fundamentally transform my wife. I love my wife. I don't fundamentally transform the Mona Lisa. I don't manipulate things I love. I teach, I encourage, but I don't manipulate. An interesting choice of words for a very, very, very bright man. A telling choice of words.
see the complete on Howard Dean short video and Glenn Beck comments
Audio Available:
September 21, 2010
PAT: I just heard this Dean clip, this Howard Dean clip on the Center For American Progress that you were talking about?
GLENN: Yeah, yeah.
PAT: I didn't hear that with you yesterday.
GLENN: Why haven't we heard this one before?
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Listen to this admission.
PAT: This is stunning.
Dean Admits Center for American Progress, Daily Kos and Huff
DEAN: There are institutions which do research. The best one is Center For American Progress. They are always doing research and coming up with position papers and so forth and so on. They are a general center left organization. They are not related to the Democrat Party although lots of people go back and forth. So there's Huffington Post, there's the Daily Kos. None of these are exactly attached to the Democratic Party and some
PAT: Exact none of these are exactly
GLENN: Exactly.
PAT: attached.
GLENN: Right.
PAT: To the Democratic Party.
GLENN: Right. Not exactly.
PAT: Not exactly.
STU: Like their offices aren't necessarily on the same floor.
PAT: Not necessarily in the same office space.
GLENN: Well, it's like Bill Ayers and Barack Obama's offices were on the same floor in Chicago and they were right next door to each other but they weren't necessarily they weren't in the same cubicle.
PAT: Not necessarily even friends or even acquaintances.
DEAN: Sometimes they will attack the Democratic Party which I think is fine.
PAT: Sure you do.
DEAN: But that's all a part of the infrastructure that it takes to run something. Campaigns are never about the last three months. They are usually about the last three years. If you want to win a campaign, you have to organize for three years, not just organize for three months. And having these permanent institutions are very, very important part of that. Now, of course, we do send e mails out all the time to people, but it's the stuff that's around the Democratic Party, not in it.
GLENN: Okay.
DEAN: that's the infrastructure that begins to change people's mind.
PAT: Get what he's saying? It's all part of the Democratic apparatus. It's all part of the infrastructure.
GLENN: And I don't even think he's meaning that it's part of the Democratic as in the party. It's part of the Democratic apparatus, as part of the country that there are these permanent shadow groups that have been established that are doing all the policy and the politicians come and just make it all happen. Yeah, that's all that happens. So now the question is, do you remember the first time that we saw the 2500 page stimulus bill and it came into the office and I walked into the I walked into the break room, I walked into the kitchen and a lot of the producers were sitting in there. And I had been reading this thing. And Barack Obama was, what, two months into his tenure maybe? And I said, who wrote this? And they all said, well, it's probably David Axelrod. I said, no, it's not. Well, it's probably David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel because he's a genius. No. No, it's not. This is far too complex. There's far too much in here. This who wrote this? And it took us a while to figure out that it was the Apollo Alliance. Well, that's what it is.
I don't know if I've ever told you that I was on the I was working on something on the FCC and I was working late one night and I was working on a couple of different projects and I had one of our researchers working on the FCC and I said, I want you to find something for me. See if you can find any of the other pieces of this machinery. So it's about 11:00 and it's the only time that I wrote Sarah Palin. It was I don't remember what was going on, but Sarah and I were e mailing each other back and forth a lot of this period of time, and it was the only time that I e mailed Sarah Palin and I said, I just found something and I am truly frightened for our country for the first time; I don't know if we can make it. And she called me right away and she said, what did you find. And what we found was an unrelated piece of regulation that had been passed during the Bush administration that had no reason for being in there, had nothing. If you didn't know what the rest of it looked like, if you didn't know what they were going to try to pass two years down the road, this was meaningless. And they could get it in because it didn't mean anything. "Oh, okay, big deal. What is that?" "Nothing, nothing, it just put it in there." And I realized these people have been working long before Barack Obama. Barack Obama is not the guy. Barack Obama is the vehicle that gets us there. That's all he is. This is why I have said and why every single night my family prays for the president's safety. Every single night. Because once this guy becomes a hindrance, what happens to him? Does he just go away? Is he just going to go away? I personally think he only wants to be a one term president because he knows he's a vehicle. And it wasn't the presidency. The presidency is now a stepping stone. The presidency now takes you to a new global level. These guys aren't going away. Is Bill Clinton gone now? No. His global initiative. Jimmy Carter. President Bush is gone. These this new kind of president uses the presidency as a stepping stone to now be at a global level. And they have been planning this for a very long time. I'm not saying Barack Obama has. I'm saying the uber elite, the people who have designed this framework: You just get in, you do your time, you play ball, we'll get you through it. Don't worry, we'll push it through. That's what's happening. And the power is so far out of your hands. And like I said earlier, Elizabeth Warren now, I mean, Pat, how is it that the world didn't know, the Americans didn't know that in we didn't know that in this financial regulation bill it gives the Federal Reserve policing powers. Elizabeth Warren, we're talking about now everybody's saying, well, who is Elizabeth Warren and, you know, he didn't pass her through the Senate. What? You know what did go through the hands of the Senate? That her regulatory agency can never be defunded. Why? Because it gets its funding from a giant shadow corporation called the Federal Reserve. What her operation is, she can now monitor everything you buy, all your credit cards, everything.
PAT: So really the only way to shut this down is to shut down the Federal Reserve, and their tentacles are everywhere. How do you do that?
PAT: You can't shut down the
PAT: Ron Paul brings is up all the time. But really how do you get that done?
GLENN: You don't. You don't without collapsing the system.
PAT: Right, right.
GLENN: Because look, how do you really control people? If you really want to control people, how do you do it? Well, you shut off every other avenue. This is the nudge theory. If you want to control because remember they believe we are Homer Simpson. Well, that's a cartoon way of saying they are nothing but dogs or animals. So how do you get dogs or animals to do things? First you give them cheese. And you build a little maze for them to walk in. Now, they think, oh, look at all the choices, I could go either way. But all of the, all of the shoots lead to the same place. And first you use cheese. Bring them in. Bring them in with the cheese. And then you use shock or whatever else. Saying that Americans are nothing more than Homer Simpson and this is a quote and once you know that they are Homer Simpson, this is our new regulatory czar, the guy who's writing all these regulations, once you understand that they are nothing more than Homer Simpson, well, then there are a lot of things that you can do, quote, to manipulate them, end quote. Is there a Democrat within the sound of my voice that doesn't have a problem with being manipulated by the federal government? What have you sold? How much of your soul is gone because you want to defend the stupid donkey? Republicans like Lindsey Graham, how much of your soul have you sold? What do you get out of this? The satisfaction of being right? What difference does it make if you're right? I pray to be wrong! This is so far beyond politics. This is about your fundamental rights. Once you know they're like Homer Simpson, there are a lot of things, quote, that we can do to manipulate them, end quote. What politician admits that? Well, a Harvard scholar. And the one that is, as I have said in the past, is the most dangerous man in America because you never see him coming. And it only, it starts very small. We're just going to limit your french fries. When Michelle Obama came out with that, that is at the beginning on the first page of the book Nudge, by Cass Sunstein. That's the first example he gives. And it's always followed with, well, if they won't do it that way, then we'll have to take other measures. Well, just nudge them. Put a little cheese at the end of the maze. But if they don't find it, then we'll have to get a little stronger with them. There are lots of things we can do to manipulate them. If that doesn't show you everything that I have said about eugenics, that they are they have such disrespect for the American people and for the individual, these are the same exact people they were as progressives in the early 20th century where they could bead a smarter, better voter. Well, eugenics has been discredited. But they don't think the idea that there's too many people on the Earth has been discredited. And these are the same people that have said that we'll have to put sterilants in the drinking water. Why would you put sterilants in the drinking water? Because they know they can't get people to do a one child policy. So they have to take it upon themselves. They believe they are superior to you. And you are Homer Simpson, another a nice way of saying a lab rat that they can manipulate. Do you manipulate anyone you love? It's like the fundamental transformation. I don't fundamentally transform my wife. I love my wife. I don't fundamentally transform the Mona Lisa. I don't manipulate things I love. I teach, I encourage, but I don't manipulate. An interesting choice of words for a very, very, very bright man. A telling choice of words.
see the complete on Howard Dean short video and Glenn Beck comments
Audio Available:
September 21, 2010
SEIU Exposed
more problems with SEIU leaders and management and tactics
Anti-Employee Actions
Despite its claims to help working Americans, SEIU’s selfish and destructive tactics frequently hurt the very people the union should help.
During a campaign to organize employees in Hartford, Connecticut, SEIU turned to its patented trouble-making campaign to harass the employer into caving to union demands. The effect on employees was devastating. Workers responded by protesting the union, and said:
“You’re not interested in us. You don’t care about us because, if you did, you wouldn’t tell people to stop coming here. We need to make a living. Let us work!”
“No one wants you here! You’re not ever going to get voted in here. You’ve hurt us too much. Why would we have someone represent us who’s kicked us.”
“You’re basically strangling our income. Why would we want to join a union that wants to choke us into submission to let you in? You’re not the union I want.”
The willingness to injure employees to increase SEIU’s revenue became crystal clear in April 2007. The San Francisco Weekly uncovered a shady deal SEIU officials made with California nursing home operators. The deal: in exchange for lobbying the state for more funds, the employers would let SEIU unionize employees while not educating them on the union’s inflated promises.
see more on the shit that SEIU pulls
Anti-Employee Actions
Despite its claims to help working Americans, SEIU’s selfish and destructive tactics frequently hurt the very people the union should help.
During a campaign to organize employees in Hartford, Connecticut, SEIU turned to its patented trouble-making campaign to harass the employer into caving to union demands. The effect on employees was devastating. Workers responded by protesting the union, and said:
“You’re not interested in us. You don’t care about us because, if you did, you wouldn’t tell people to stop coming here. We need to make a living. Let us work!”
“No one wants you here! You’re not ever going to get voted in here. You’ve hurt us too much. Why would we have someone represent us who’s kicked us.”
“You’re basically strangling our income. Why would we want to join a union that wants to choke us into submission to let you in? You’re not the union I want.”
The willingness to injure employees to increase SEIU’s revenue became crystal clear in April 2007. The San Francisco Weekly uncovered a shady deal SEIU officials made with California nursing home operators. The deal: in exchange for lobbying the state for more funds, the employers would let SEIU unionize employees while not educating them on the union’s inflated promises.
see more on the shit that SEIU pulls
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
SEIU members want out of the union, SEIU unaccountable to members
OAKLAND, Calif., Sept. 21 –
Filing asks federal government to reconsider decision to hold elections for nearly 2,000 Northern California Kaiser employees to join NUHW
OAKLAND, Calif., Sept. 21 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As 44,000 Kaiser Permanente workers vote by mail in their election to leave SEIU and join the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW), three more groups of Kaiser workers in Northern California are eagerly awaiting their own elections. But the incumbent union SEIU today made a last-ditch effort to stop those three elections and deny nearly 2,000 union members the right to vote.
In a filing with the National Labor Relations Board, SEIU officials begged the federal government to ignore petitions from hundreds of workers and reconsider the decision by the NLRB's Regional Director to move forward with the elections.
Read the filing:
"It's our legal right to hold these elections, but SEIU officials are afraid we'll vote them out," said Emily Ryan, a psychiatric social worker at Kaiser Folsom. "They're spending millions of our dues dollars on lawyers to try to deny us our right to choose a better union. Why would anyone want to be trapped in an organization like that?"
SEIU stands to lose more than $40 million a year in membership dues if Kaiser workers vote to become an independent union. The election already underway for 44,000 Kaiser employees to join NUHW is the largest private-sector union election since the 1940s.
NUHW is California's fastest-growing union, made up of thousands of healthcare workers across the state who have rejected unaccountable SEIU leaders who exclude members from important decisions about their jobs and benefits. Instead, NUHW supporters are choosing a union where decisions are made by Kaiser workers themselves.
More than 2,300 Southern California Kaiser workers have already joined NUHW in landslide elections. One of their first accomplishments was winning 171 new positions at Kaiser's flagship Los Angeles hospital, a victory for patient care that also creates more quality jobs with good pay and benefits.
Federal law protects Kaiser workers' promised raises and benefits when they join NUHW. When management tried to flout the law in April by delaying a scheduled raise, the National Labor Relations Board stepped in and is now prosecuting Kaiser management to make sure they follow the law.
SOURCE National Union of Healthcare Workers
see the complete article on SEIU
Filing asks federal government to reconsider decision to hold elections for nearly 2,000 Northern California Kaiser employees to join NUHW
OAKLAND, Calif., Sept. 21 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As 44,000 Kaiser Permanente workers vote by mail in their election to leave SEIU and join the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW), three more groups of Kaiser workers in Northern California are eagerly awaiting their own elections. But the incumbent union SEIU today made a last-ditch effort to stop those three elections and deny nearly 2,000 union members the right to vote.
In a filing with the National Labor Relations Board, SEIU officials begged the federal government to ignore petitions from hundreds of workers and reconsider the decision by the NLRB's Regional Director to move forward with the elections.
Read the filing:
"It's our legal right to hold these elections, but SEIU officials are afraid we'll vote them out," said Emily Ryan, a psychiatric social worker at Kaiser Folsom. "They're spending millions of our dues dollars on lawyers to try to deny us our right to choose a better union. Why would anyone want to be trapped in an organization like that?"
SEIU stands to lose more than $40 million a year in membership dues if Kaiser workers vote to become an independent union. The election already underway for 44,000 Kaiser employees to join NUHW is the largest private-sector union election since the 1940s.
NUHW is California's fastest-growing union, made up of thousands of healthcare workers across the state who have rejected unaccountable SEIU leaders who exclude members from important decisions about their jobs and benefits. Instead, NUHW supporters are choosing a union where decisions are made by Kaiser workers themselves.
More than 2,300 Southern California Kaiser workers have already joined NUHW in landslide elections. One of their first accomplishments was winning 171 new positions at Kaiser's flagship Los Angeles hospital, a victory for patient care that also creates more quality jobs with good pay and benefits.
Federal law protects Kaiser workers' promised raises and benefits when they join NUHW. When management tried to flout the law in April by delaying a scheduled raise, the National Labor Relations Board stepped in and is now prosecuting Kaiser management to make sure they follow the law.
SOURCE National Union of Healthcare Workers
see the complete article on SEIU
It’s Their Money, Chris Matthews Explains Taxes to Obama
It’s Their Money’: Chris Matthews Explains Taxes to Obama
click to see this short video, its their money chris matthews explains taxes to obama
click to see this short video, its their money chris matthews explains taxes to obama
another Obama staffer wants Wealth Redistribution
WH Science Czar: Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop’ U.S., Wealth Redistribution
WH Science Czar: Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop’ U.S., Wealth Redistribution ‘Absolutely Essential’
In an on-the-fly interview with, White House Office of Science and Technology Director John P. Holdren explained what he meant when he wrote in his 1973 book Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions that “A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States.”
In that book, co-authored with Paul and Anne H. Ehrlich, Holdren also calls wealth redistribution (both within and among nations) “absolutely essential” in order to provide a decent life for everyone.
Posted on September 16, 2010 at 2:30pm by Jonathon M. Seidl
WH Science Czar: Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop’ U.S., Wealth Redistribution ‘Absolutely Essential’
In an on-the-fly interview with, White House Office of Science and Technology Director John P. Holdren explained what he meant when he wrote in his 1973 book Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions that “A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States.”
In that book, co-authored with Paul and Anne H. Ehrlich, Holdren also calls wealth redistribution (both within and among nations) “absolutely essential” in order to provide a decent life for everyone.
Posted on September 16, 2010 at 2:30pm by Jonathon M. Seidl
Monday, September 20, 2010
1001 reasons do we need to kick Harry Reid to the curb?
1001 reasons do we need to kick Harry Reid to the curb?
see the complette info on senator harry reid
see the complette info on senator harry reid
Obama and comrades wants to control your next household appliance
Assistant Energy Secretary Cathy Zoi said Thursday that the U.S. Department of Energy has a “mandate” to issue regulations to determine what household appliances are available to Americans in the future.
Assistant Secretary of Energy Cathy Zoi ( photo/Penny Starr)
Speaking at the inaugural meeting of the recently reestablished Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB), Zoi pointed to four tactics the Obama administration intends to use to advance the “deployment of clean energy.”
The first three include government subsidies for private-sector green energy projects; special tax incentives for green energy projects; and low-interest government-backed loans for green energy projects.
“The fourth one, which the secretary and I love,” said Zoi, “is where we have a mandate. Where we can actually just issue regulations and do market transformation.”
Friday, September 17, 2010 By Penny Star Washington
Assistant Secretary of Energy Cathy Zoi ( photo/Penny Starr)
Speaking at the inaugural meeting of the recently reestablished Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB), Zoi pointed to four tactics the Obama administration intends to use to advance the “deployment of clean energy.”
The first three include government subsidies for private-sector green energy projects; special tax incentives for green energy projects; and low-interest government-backed loans for green energy projects.
“The fourth one, which the secretary and I love,” said Zoi, “is where we have a mandate. Where we can actually just issue regulations and do market transformation.”
Friday, September 17, 2010 By Penny Star Washington
Top 20 Pro-Socialism Sound Bites of Obama, Advisors and Allies short videos
Top 20 Pro-Socialism Sound Bites of Obama, Advisors & Allies
click to see these pro socialism videos by Obama and company.
click to see these pro socialism videos by Obama and company.
why Obama is a radical
why Obama is a radical
Just watching Glenn Beck show, he hi lihgted all the radical people or put in office and on staff. Monday 9/20/10.
Some people departments mentioned were the new "Consumer Protection Bureau", without senate approval. Operating expense are coming out of the federal reserve system. This avoids any defunding by congress.
Just watching Glenn Beck show, he hi lihgted all the radical people or put in office and on staff. Monday 9/20/10.
Some people departments mentioned were the new "Consumer Protection Bureau", without senate approval. Operating expense are coming out of the federal reserve system. This avoids any defunding by congress.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Did Pres Obama inherit his socialism from his father in Kenyan ?
Did Pres Obama inherit his socialism from his father in Kenyan ?
Obama's father said: that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit !
In 1965, Obama Sr. published a paper entitled "Problems Facing Our Socialism" in the East Africa Journal, harshly criticising the blueprint for national planning, "African Socialism and Its Applicability to Planning in Kenya", which had been produced by Tom Mboya's Ministry of Economic Planning and Development. The article was signed "Barak H. Obama."[34] Quoting from the article -- "Is it the African who owns this country? If he does, then why should he not control the economic means of growth in this country?"; "We need to eliminate power structures that have been built through excessive accumulation so that not only a few individuals shall control a vast magnitude of resources as is the case now." and saying "The senior Obama proposed that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit. In fact, he insisted that 'theoretically there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.'" --, commentator Dinesh D'Souza wrote in 2010 that the junior Obama "never mentioned the article [but] the anticolonial ideology of Barack Obama Sr. is espoused by his son," however his assertion is usupported by facts or evidence.[35]
see the orginal article
Obama's father said: that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit !
In 1965, Obama Sr. published a paper entitled "Problems Facing Our Socialism" in the East Africa Journal, harshly criticising the blueprint for national planning, "African Socialism and Its Applicability to Planning in Kenya", which had been produced by Tom Mboya's Ministry of Economic Planning and Development. The article was signed "Barak H. Obama."[34] Quoting from the article -- "Is it the African who owns this country? If he does, then why should he not control the economic means of growth in this country?"; "We need to eliminate power structures that have been built through excessive accumulation so that not only a few individuals shall control a vast magnitude of resources as is the case now." and saying "The senior Obama proposed that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit. In fact, he insisted that 'theoretically there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.'" --, commentator Dinesh D'Souza wrote in 2010 that the junior Obama "never mentioned the article [but] the anticolonial ideology of Barack Obama Sr. is espoused by his son," however his assertion is usupported by facts or evidence.[35]
see the orginal article
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Obama's father said: that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit
Obama's father said: that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit !
In 1965, Obama Sr. published a paper entitled "Problems Facing Our Socialism" in the East Africa Journal, harshly criticising the blueprint for national planning, "African Socialism and Its Applicability to Planning in Kenya", which had been produced by Tom Mboya's Ministry of Economic Planning and Development. The article was signed "Barak H. Obama."[34] Quoting from the article -- "Is it the African who owns this country? If he does, then why should he not control the economic means of growth in this country?"; "We need to eliminate power structures that have been built through excessive accumulation so that not only a few individuals shall control a vast magnitude of resources as is the case now." and saying "The senior Obama proposed that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit. In fact, he insisted that 'theoretically there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.'" --, commentator Dinesh D'Souza wrote in 2010 that the junior Obama "never mentioned the article [but] the anticolonial ideology of Barack Obama Sr. is espoused by his son," however his assertion is usupported by facts or evidence.[35]
see more on Obama and socialism at
^ Obama, Barak H. (July 1965). "Problems Facing Our Socialism" (.PDF). East Africa Journal: 26–33. Retrieved 26 Sep. 2008.
In 1965, Obama Sr. published a paper entitled "Problems Facing Our Socialism" in the East Africa Journal, harshly criticising the blueprint for national planning, "African Socialism and Its Applicability to Planning in Kenya", which had been produced by Tom Mboya's Ministry of Economic Planning and Development. The article was signed "Barak H. Obama."[34] Quoting from the article -- "Is it the African who owns this country? If he does, then why should he not control the economic means of growth in this country?"; "We need to eliminate power structures that have been built through excessive accumulation so that not only a few individuals shall control a vast magnitude of resources as is the case now." and saying "The senior Obama proposed that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit. In fact, he insisted that 'theoretically there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.'" --, commentator Dinesh D'Souza wrote in 2010 that the junior Obama "never mentioned the article [but] the anticolonial ideology of Barack Obama Sr. is espoused by his son," however his assertion is usupported by facts or evidence.[35]
see more on Obama and socialism at
^ Obama, Barak H. (July 1965). "Problems Facing Our Socialism" (.PDF). East Africa Journal: 26–33. Retrieved 26 Sep. 2008.
did Chris Coons, democrat from Delaware meet Obama's Marxist father in Kenya?
did Chris Coons, democrat from Delaware meet Obama's Marxist father in Kenya?
is Chris Coons another Van Jones a dedicated self proclaimed commie ?
is Chris Coons another Van Jones a dedicated self proclaimed commie ?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Illegal immigrant arrested in cave Tucson Arizona watch short video | Tucson, Arizona Illegal immigrant arrested in cave
ARIZONA CITY - An illegal immigrant living in a mountain cave has been arrested in Pinal County. The Pinal County Sheriff believes he was acting as a lookout for drug and human smugglers. People who live in the area admit they're afraid.
Pennee Murphree says, "We're sort of on the frontlines of the war. I think there's a war on the border."
Pennee and Pat Murphree live at the base of the Sawtooth Mountains outside of Arizona City.
ARIZONA CITY - An illegal immigrant living in a mountain cave has been arrested in Pinal County. The Pinal County Sheriff believes he was acting as a lookout for drug and human smugglers. People who live in the area admit they're afraid.
Pennee Murphree says, "We're sort of on the frontlines of the war. I think there's a war on the border."
Pennee and Pat Murphree live at the base of the Sawtooth Mountains outside of Arizona City.
The Kitchen Table Patriots
The Kitchen Table Patriots
The Tea Party was just the beginning.
As concerned Americans who love our country, these guiding principles are the framework of our mission: to promote positive and constructive ideas consistent with the Constitution, the freedoms guaranteed within it, and the personal responsibility and accountability we have as citizens of the United States of America. In addition, we will work to identify leaders who will promote smaller government, individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, and free markets.
We seek to educate the citizens United States and discuss solutions to the challenges facing our great country. This is an ongoing grassroots effort to keep an open dialogue, and to bring important information before the public that would otherwise be overlooked.
The Tea Party was just the beginning.
As concerned Americans who love our country, these guiding principles are the framework of our mission: to promote positive and constructive ideas consistent with the Constitution, the freedoms guaranteed within it, and the personal responsibility and accountability we have as citizens of the United States of America. In addition, we will work to identify leaders who will promote smaller government, individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, and free markets.
We seek to educate the citizens United States and discuss solutions to the challenges facing our great country. This is an ongoing grassroots effort to keep an open dialogue, and to bring important information before the public that would otherwise be overlooked.
about LegiStorm looking at congressional operating costs
LegiStorm launched in September 2006. Our web site is dedicated to providing a variety of important information about the US Congress.
Based on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, LegiStorm's first information product was a database of congressional staff salaries but we have now added other valuable information, such as the most comprehensive database of all privately financed trips taken by members of Congress and congressional staffers.
The information is provided in a strictly factual, non-partisan fashion. We have no political affiliations and no political purpose except to make the workings of Congress as transparent as possible. We expect this resource to be useful to journalists, researchers, lobbyists and current and would-be staffers - as well as regular citizens who simply want to know how their representatives spend public money.
You can be sure that there are more such legislative resources to come from LegiStorm. You may register for updates by subscribing to our newsletter to learn when we launch major new features on the site or when we update our congressional salaries data.
Based on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, LegiStorm's first information product was a database of congressional staff salaries but we have now added other valuable information, such as the most comprehensive database of all privately financed trips taken by members of Congress and congressional staffers.
The information is provided in a strictly factual, non-partisan fashion. We have no political affiliations and no political purpose except to make the workings of Congress as transparent as possible. We expect this resource to be useful to journalists, researchers, lobbyists and current and would-be staffers - as well as regular citizens who simply want to know how their representatives spend public money.
You can be sure that there are more such legislative resources to come from LegiStorm. You may register for updates by subscribing to our newsletter to learn when we launch major new features on the site or when we update our congressional salaries data.
Why voters are pissed
Why voters are pissed
If you just look at the billions that Congress spends on itself just to feed themselves and staff you can see why people are pissed.
No even counting the actual dollars spent on their programs and fixes.
I really believe that this government will only generate more rules and regulations with all these congressional staff workers sitting around looking for things to do. They are a self feeding parasite on even more congressional activity.
see the shocking $$$ spent by congress on itself just for a week.
If you just look at the billions that Congress spends on itself just to feed themselves and staff you can see why people are pissed.
No even counting the actual dollars spent on their programs and fixes.
I really believe that this government will only generate more rules and regulations with all these congressional staff workers sitting around looking for things to do. They are a self feeding parasite on even more congressional activity.
see the shocking $$$ spent by congress on itself just for a week.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Did you get your money’s worth from Congress ?
Did you get your money’s worth from Congress last week?
What you got............
Members of the House and Senate enjoyed their final week of their LEGALLY-MANDATED “August Recess.” (Sounds like they’re in France, right?) In 1971, Congress actually wrote their vacation into law. Senate Historian Don Ritchie explains members “wanted to be able to promise their families in January that they could have an August vacation.”
But recess doesn’t mean a break from politics. Sarah Binder, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution says there’s a “partisan incentive” to leaving town. According to Binder, “Recess means an opportunity to go home and for members to sell what the majority party has been doing or for the minority party to complain about what the majority party has been doing.”
What you paid
Last week, taxpayers spent roughly $107 million on Congress.
Salaries of Members of Congress and their allowances/week:
Speaker of the House: $223,500/52 = $4,299
House and Senate Majority and Minority Leaders: ($193,400/52) x 4 = $14,877
Other Representatives and Senators: ($174,000/52) x 530 = $1,773,462
Allowance for staff salaries and misc: ($1,500,000/52) x 535 = $15,432,692
Non-salary money allocated for Congress: $4.656 billion/52 = $89,538,462
see more info on your congress at workm
What you got............
Members of the House and Senate enjoyed their final week of their LEGALLY-MANDATED “August Recess.” (Sounds like they’re in France, right?) In 1971, Congress actually wrote their vacation into law. Senate Historian Don Ritchie explains members “wanted to be able to promise their families in January that they could have an August vacation.”
But recess doesn’t mean a break from politics. Sarah Binder, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution says there’s a “partisan incentive” to leaving town. According to Binder, “Recess means an opportunity to go home and for members to sell what the majority party has been doing or for the minority party to complain about what the majority party has been doing.”
What you paid
Last week, taxpayers spent roughly $107 million on Congress.
Salaries of Members of Congress and their allowances/week:
Speaker of the House: $223,500/52 = $4,299
House and Senate Majority and Minority Leaders: ($193,400/52) x 4 = $14,877
Other Representatives and Senators: ($174,000/52) x 530 = $1,773,462
Allowance for staff salaries and misc: ($1,500,000/52) x 535 = $15,432,692
Non-salary money allocated for Congress: $4.656 billion/52 = $89,538,462
see more info on your congress at workm
Senator Reid Declares He Will Push DREAM Act (read Amnesty legislation )
Senator Reid Declares He Will Push DREAM Act (read Amnesty legislation )
Senator Reid Declares He Will Push DREAM Act
Call Your Senators and Tell Them to Vote NO!
In a press conference in the Capitol this afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced that he will offer the DREAM Act amnesty bill (S.729) as an amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization Bill. Action on this bill is expected as early as next week! (To see the video of Senator Reid’s press conference, click here.)
Like previous versions of the DREAM Act S.729 will grant amnesty to illegal aliens who entered the U.S. as minors and meet certain educational requirements or serve in the military. In particular, the bill grants immediate legal status to illegal aliens who have merely enrolled in an institution of higher education or have received a high school diploma. And, while S.729 conditions the ultimate granting of legal permanent residence status upon finishing two years at an institution of higher learning or two years in the military, the bill allows Homeland Security, “in the Secretary’s discretion,” to waive these requirements in their entirety upon the showing of hardship.
Senator Reid Declares He Will Push DREAM Act
Call Your Senators and Tell Them to Vote NO!
In a press conference in the Capitol this afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced that he will offer the DREAM Act amnesty bill (S.729) as an amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization Bill. Action on this bill is expected as early as next week! (To see the video of Senator Reid’s press conference, click here.)
Like previous versions of the DREAM Act S.729 will grant amnesty to illegal aliens who entered the U.S. as minors and meet certain educational requirements or serve in the military. In particular, the bill grants immediate legal status to illegal aliens who have merely enrolled in an institution of higher education or have received a high school diploma. And, while S.729 conditions the ultimate granting of legal permanent residence status upon finishing two years at an institution of higher learning or two years in the military, the bill allows Homeland Security, “in the Secretary’s discretion,” to waive these requirements in their entirety upon the showing of hardship.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Operation Dark Heart publication stalled by Defense Department
'Operation Dark Heart' Publication Stalled by Defense Department
Operation Dark Heart a memoir of Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, who led covert missions in Afghanistan that targeted Taliban resurgents in Pakistan, has been stalled by the Department of Defense.
According to Lt. Col. Rene White of the Department of Defense (DoD), “Operation Dark Heart” was printed without being subjected to a mandatory “pre-publication information security review."
White said that the Department of Defense is working with Shaffer and his publisher to review and edit the memoirs, ensuring that the publication will not pose a threat to national security.
Operation Dark Heart: Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan -- and The Path to Victory
see more info at
author is =Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer
Operation Dark Heart a memoir of Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, who led covert missions in Afghanistan that targeted Taliban resurgents in Pakistan, has been stalled by the Department of Defense.
According to Lt. Col. Rene White of the Department of Defense (DoD), “Operation Dark Heart” was printed without being subjected to a mandatory “pre-publication information security review."
White said that the Department of Defense is working with Shaffer and his publisher to review and edit the memoirs, ensuring that the publication will not pose a threat to national security.
Operation Dark Heart: Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan -- and The Path to Victory
see more info at
author is =Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Glenn Beck targets Arizona rep Raul Grijalva
Glenn Beck targets Raul Grijalva
U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva is defending his friendship with labor activist Dolores Huerta after cable news personality Glenn Beck highlighted them in a recent show.
Huerta made the news in Tucson in 2006 for a speech she gave at Tucson High Magnet School, in which she said “Republicans hate Latinos.” Beck calls attention to her role as co-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America and characterizes her as one of President Barack Obama’s “radical, 60s-type” friends.
Beck says she was at the high school because Grijalva brought her in to speak — and noted Grijalva is such a good friend of hers that he went to her birthday party.
Grijalva said he doesn’t agree with everything she said that day, and it was the Cesar Chavez Coalition that invited her, not him.
“Now, Glenn Beck is trying to use our friendship to destroy both our reputations,” Grijalva wrote on a Daily Kos online diary.
Because of his opposition to Arizona’s new immigration enforcement law and his position as co-chair of the progressive caucus, Grijalva says Beck is targeting him in his election year — which Grijalva said will actually be good for him.
“Now he’s put us on the radar,” Grijalva said. “We’re not just running against a Republican in our district, we’re running against a philosophy. Glenn Beck has helped us. Now there’s nothing taken for granted. We have a major political public figure in opposition to us and it’s motivation for our campaign.”
Andrea Kelly Arizona Daily Star
Friday, September 3, 2010
U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva is defending his friendship with labor activist Dolores Huerta after cable news personality Glenn Beck highlighted them in a recent show.
Huerta made the news in Tucson in 2006 for a speech she gave at Tucson High Magnet School, in which she said “Republicans hate Latinos.” Beck calls attention to her role as co-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America and characterizes her as one of President Barack Obama’s “radical, 60s-type” friends.
Beck says she was at the high school because Grijalva brought her in to speak — and noted Grijalva is such a good friend of hers that he went to her birthday party.
Grijalva said he doesn’t agree with everything she said that day, and it was the Cesar Chavez Coalition that invited her, not him.
“Now, Glenn Beck is trying to use our friendship to destroy both our reputations,” Grijalva wrote on a Daily Kos online diary.
Because of his opposition to Arizona’s new immigration enforcement law and his position as co-chair of the progressive caucus, Grijalva says Beck is targeting him in his election year — which Grijalva said will actually be good for him.
“Now he’s put us on the radar,” Grijalva said. “We’re not just running against a Republican in our district, we’re running against a philosophy. Glenn Beck has helped us. Now there’s nothing taken for granted. We have a major political public figure in opposition to us and it’s motivation for our campaign.”
Andrea Kelly Arizona Daily Star
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Key Obama ally works with Socialists for global tax
Key Obama ally works with Socialists for global tax
Who is the ally working with socialists? So many socialists aligned with Obama to choose from and so little time - but Richard Trumka is the latest in a seemingly endless line of socialist radicals working for and with this President. Trumka is the President of the AFL-CIO and he's also an advocate for a global tax. Lovely.
Glenn has more on radio today ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip). Read the full story at
see the complete article: key obama ally works with socialists for global-tax
Who is the ally working with socialists? So many socialists aligned with Obama to choose from and so little time - but Richard Trumka is the latest in a seemingly endless line of socialist radicals working for and with this President. Trumka is the President of the AFL-CIO and he's also an advocate for a global tax. Lovely.
Glenn has more on radio today ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip). Read the full story at
see the complete article: key obama ally works with socialists for global-tax
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Buyer's remorse on Obama ?
Buyer's remorse on Obama ?
after watching his latest tv appearance, discussing the end of the Iraq war, I think people have regrets and are suffering from buyers remorse for putting Obama in office.
after watching his latest tv appearance, discussing the end of the Iraq war, I think people have regrets and are suffering from buyers remorse for putting Obama in office.
My Ishmael by dan quinn
In this sequel to Quinn's controversial best seller, Ishmael, the telepathic gorilla has another pupil intent on saving the world: 12-year-old Julie Gerchak.
This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
From Kirkus Reviews
Another irresistible rant from Quinn, a sequel to his Turner Tomorrow Fellowship winner, Ishmael (1992), concerning a great, telepathic ape who dispenses ecological wisdom about the possible doom of humankind. Once more, Quinn focuses on the Leavers and Takers, his terms for the two basic, warring kinds of human sensibility. The planet's original inhabitants, the Leavers, were nomadic people who did no harm to the earth. The Takers, who have generally overwhelmed them, began as aggressive farmers obsessed with growth, were the builders of cities and empires, and have now, in the late 20th century, largely run out of space to monopolize. Quinn's books have not featured many memorable characters, aside from Ishmael. This time out, though, he invents a lively figure, 12-year-old Julie Gerchak, who is tough and wise beyond her years, having had to deal with a self-destructive, alcoholic mother. Julie responds to Ishmael's ad seeking a pupil with an earnest desire to save the world (a conceit carried over from the earlier novel). Once again, the gentle ape shares his wisdom in a series of questions and answers that resemble, in method, a blend of the Socratic dialogues and programmed learning. Moving beyond his theories about Leavers and Takers, Ishmael presents a detailed critique of educational systems around the world, suggesting that their function is not to usefully educate but to regulate the flow of workers into a Taker society. This is all very well, but what does Ishmael/Quinn suggest be done to redeem the Takers, and to save the earth? Quinn seems to want to sketch out how change might come about, but it's never fully explored. Instead, the novel is increasingly taken up with the mysteries surrounding Ishmael's travels and fate. This is the weakest of Quinn's novels, but his ideas are as thought-provoking as ever, even so.
My Ishmael
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
Ishmael is a 1992 philosophical novel by Daniel Quinn. It examines mythology, its effect on ethics, and how that relates to sustainability. The novel uses a style of Socratic dialogue to deconstruct the notion that humans are the end product, the pinnacle of biological evolution. It posits that human supremacy is a cultural myth, and asserts that modern civilization is enacting that myth.
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit
Ishmael is a 1992 philosophical novel by Daniel Quinn. It examines mythology, its effect on ethics, and how that relates to sustainability. The novel uses a style of Socratic dialogue to deconstruct the notion that humans are the end product, the pinnacle of biological evolution. It posits that human supremacy is a cultural myth, and asserts that modern civilization is enacting that myth.
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit
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