Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Glenn Beck launches new web site : The Blaze

Glenn Beck is a new web site The Blaze

Launched Monday a news and opinion website called The Blaze that he says will be "a place where you can find breaking news, original reporting, insightful opinions and engaging videos about the stories that matter most."

"Too many times we see mainstream media outlets distorting facts to fit rigid agendas," he wrote on The Blaze. "Not that you've ever heard me complain about the media before. Okay, maybe once or twice. But there comes a time when you have to stop complaining and do something. And so we decided to hire some actual journalists to launch a new website."

Beck added that the website "will be about current news -- and more. It's not just politics and policy. It's looking for insight wherever we find it. We'll examine our culture, deal with matters of faith and family, and we won't be afraid of a history lesson."

How'd they come up with the name The Blaze?

"The image of flame is a powerful," he said. "It has long stood for a burning truth. A truth that is not consumed. The Blazewill pursue truth. Of course we will make mistakes. Honest mistakes. And we'll be quick with corrections. We intend to earn your trust and keep it day in and day out with hard work and a lot of transparency."

see thee new website The Blaze

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