Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gergen at CNN picked up this story........Now the pig is dead

How did we get here, asked former U.S. Sen. Alan Simpson, the other co-chairman. For the past 60 years, politicians in Congress have been trained to bring home the bacon. "Now the pig is dead," he said. "There is no more bacon to bring home."

Clearly, we have some very tough choices ahead. The 18-member deficit commission-- two-thirds of it appointed by Congress, one-third by the president -- is working hard to come up with recommendations by early December. (No one in Washington wants them before the November elections.) It's too early to know where the commission will come out or how much influence it will have -- the co-chairmen themselves say chances of success are small -- but it is already clear that the commission will present the country with gut-wrenching decisions.

see more on this at CNN


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