Wednesday, July 28, 2010 web site for borders


The Legacy Foundation is 501(c)(3) organization based in Des Moines, Iowa. Its mission is to focus on state level policy matters, including constitutional and civil rights. The issues of immigration, border security, and illegal immigrants impacts all of the states across the country, and Legacy has a keen interest in making sure that the hands of state governments are not further tied by the Federal government as states step up to be the leader in this area.

see actual web site for border sheriffs

The Legacy Foundation is disappointed in the lawsuits brought by the ACLU and the US Department of Justice against Sheriffs Babeu, Dever and the state of Arizona. The Sheriffs needed financial resources to engage lawyers who believe in SB 1070 to make their best arguments for them. Legacy is happy to be able to provide this support, but needs donations from people passionate about the issue in order to do so. Your donation through Legacy's "" project will be used to pay for the legal defense of Sheriffs Babeu, Dever and SB 1070.

The Legacy Foundation is a non-partisan organization recognized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This organization does not support or endorse candidates for election. Contributions or gifts to The Legacy Foundation are tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes to the fullest extent permitted by law. You did not receive and good or service in exchange for any part of this contribution.

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