Monday, July 12, 2010

America: Yeah, Barack's a socialist

America: Yeah, Barack's a socialist

A new poll out suggests that 55% of Americans would describe Barack Obama as a socialist. It's a high number, although the mountain of evidence suggesting he is at the very least a socialist should make it even higher. Newsweek even declared 'we're all socialists now' after Obama's election, so what else do you need? Glenn talks about the latest findings on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

The 4th hour: A big appearance today from Glenn Beck program veteran caller 'Wilfred' - as a listener called up wondering if he was still kicking. Sun City's own offers his unique perspective on the day’s events, as they were much much different when he was younger. Check out Stu & Pat on the 4th Hour with this FREE clip. Members can watch the full hour on demand as well as last week’s Czar-At-Large week in review.

TV Tonight: What are the Obama DOJ's top priorities? Glenn has the timeline of the issue and how quickly they respond - don't miss it tonight at 5pm, only on the Fox News Channel!

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