Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Senator John "crash" Mccain still playing the war hero card?

Senator John Mccain still playing the war hero card? with all due repect?

He was captured by the enemy, to me that doesn't make him a hero
more of a victim.

He was a victim of the Vietnam war, that was the 5th plane he lost.

his fellow pilots gave him the nick name of "crash" that shows something,

He barely graduated from the Naval Academy, almost last in his class. Problaby
with a little nudge from the his admiral uncle.

While captured by the North Vietnamese he made tape recordings for them.

He would have been in the stockade after the war for his pow behavior,
but his admiral uncle had the rules changed to avoid imprisionment for him.

This has all been documented, but the media still treats him as a sort of
war hero/pilot.

Wish someone in the media pick up on past and shed a little light
on his real military career.

I am stumped as to why ?


more insight into Senator John Mccain

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