Monday, January 14, 2008

Building Momentum For Victory

To: McCain Team
From: Rick Davis, Campaign Manager
Date: January 11, 2008
Subject: Building Momentum For Victory

The confetti from the victory party is cleaned up, but the energy on the campaign trail is just as strong as it was on Tuesday night in New Hampshire. John McCain hit the ground running Wednesday with an early flight to Michigan for two exciting rallies before heading down to South Carolina.

I wanted to give you a quick update on our campaign's strategy as we head into these two important primaries -- Michigan on Tuesday and South Carolina on Saturday, January 19th. The momentum and energy from New Hampshire's victory is propelling us toward wins in these two states, but we all know we have much more work ahead of us.

We know our opponents are hungry for an early state win and are throwing their resources at these next two states. However, the good news is that John McCain is positioned to do very well in both contests.

John McCain won the Michigan primary in 2000, and eight years later we believe he's in a strong position in this state. We know that once voters hear John McCain, they respond. Michigan voters are starting to get the McCain message of improving our economy and keeping America safe in the struggle against radical Islamic extremism. Like New Hampshire, Michigan voters appreciate a candidate who is authentic and gives them straight talk on the issues, and we believe that momentum will continue to build in this important state. Moreover, New Hampshire exit polls confirm that John McCain does well with both Republican and Independent voters, and we believe broad-based appeal will play an important role in helping John McCain win in Michigan.

We're also focusing on building a strong team in South Carolina. Thanks to the efforts of our great South Carolina leadership, including Senator Lindsey Graham, Attorney General Henry McMaster, State House Speaker House Bobby Harrell and many others, we've built an enthusiastic base of support in the Palmetto State. One important group in South Carolina is a large coalition of veterans. If anyone understands the need to stand strong against radical Islamic extremists, it is our veterans, and so far reaction has been very positive and support is building for their fellow veteran, John McCain.

While some of our opponents are focusing exclusively on one state, we believe John McCain is prepared to have solid performances in both contests. We've already built strong networks of supporters in both states, and will spend the week ahead working hard to build on the momentum we gained in New Hampshire. Our campaign boasts strong organizations in these states and we have headquarters throughout each where supporters can come and be a part of the momentum on the ground. Our rallies are larger than ever with filled-to-capacity crowds coming to hear Senator McCain's authentic and straight talk on the issues that matter most.

In addition to these two states, we're working hard to build support in Florida. Florida's primary on January 29th represents the last chance to build support heading into "Super Tuesday" on February 5th. This is a large state, which is why we're beginning to organize support and build our Florida Victory Fund right away.

As John McCain reminded us on Tuesday night, our victory in New Hampshire is just the first step in this process - now we must begin again in Michigan, South Carolina and Florida. Early indications are good for our campaign, but that just means it's more important than ever to redouble our efforts to nominate the man we all know is uniquely prepared to be our next commander in chief - John McCain.

You can play an important role in these efforts by doing three simple things today:

First, forward this message to five of your friends to help us build our team. The McCain bandwagon is growing and we're always looking for more people to join our team! Tell them why you are supporting John McCain and invite them to become a part of this exciting campaign.
Next, sign up to make phone calls to Michigan and South Carolina voters to tell them why you support John McCain. You can make these calls right from your own home using our online phone bank tool. Click here to get started today with this important effort.

Finally, help us get our message out in Michigan, South Carolina and beyond by making an online contribution immediately. The great news about online donations is they can immediately be put to use and your donation will help us make important strategic decisions to continue our momentum and keep winning.

Keep up the great work and on to victory!

Rick Davis
Campaign Manager

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