Thursday, July 26, 2007

excerpt from OUTRAGE about the ACLU

OUTRAGE, Dick Morris' new book describes how illegal immigration, Congress, the UN, student lending companies, drug companies, insurance firms, big tobacco, the teachers union, and trade protection are all ripping us off....and what to do about it.

Read this excerpt from OUTRAGE about the ACLU:

"The ACLU is all for freedom of speech - as long as no one's talking about them...There are signs that the ACLU is, to put it mildly, acting in a way that's uncharacteristic for a civil liberties group...Surveillance of (ACLU) staff computers and emails by the ACLU? Are we missing something here? Compiling files on internal political enemies, attempting to stifle free speech that is critical of the organization or its staff, data mining for prospective donors, purging dissidents who dare to disagree...Is that what the ACLU has become? It sounds more like the Communist Party."

OUTRAGE names names and gives you all the facts about how members of Congress work little, take free trips, and enrich themselves and their family.

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