Sunday, June 11, 2006

Minutemen PRESS RELEASE (June 10, 2006)

PRESS RELEASE (June 10, 2006)


Help Stop McCain


Arizona citizens that passed legislation last election blocking taxpayer services to illegal aliens was long over due. Many applaud their efforts and endless work. The voters of Arizona sent the perfect message: Foreigners who break into the US illegally don't receive freebies from Arizona citizens. They will be reported and deported. The loud and clear message sent by Arizona taxpayers means the money in their wallets will no longer subsidize border jumpers. EVERY STATE in the country needs to implement their own initiative and send out a clear warning that their "Bank of Entitlements" will no longer fund illegal aliens. Simply put, American taxpayers are tired of footing the bill for illegal aliens breaking into the United States. That is why Minuteman Founder Jim Gilchrist and his Minutemen have started the "Minuteman Billboard Project". Our first target is Senator John McCain of Arizona.


The Minuteman Billboard Project is going national and state-by-state we will send a loud and clear message not only to the President, but to the 62 senators who are pushing SB 2611 AMNESTY for illegal alien invaders. Senator John McCain will be the first targeted recipient as he is one of the sponsors on the McCain/Kennedy Amnesty Bill and by far the most vocal and rude elected official voting and sponsoring legislation to give up America's sovereignty.

Currently, Senators Kennedy and McCain joined forces to "work" the illegal alien problem. We must expose government mismanagement and corruption. Unfortunately, career politicians prolong this national crisis. Greedy elected officials need to be reckoned with as they have been hijacked by lobbyists. We must get to the bottom of the cesspool since our federal government offers little, if any help. We must start at the local government level and manage "OUR" money.


It's time our elected officials represent us, "We the People." They swore on the Bible to uphold the Constitution and serve American citizens. Nowhere did it say they serve illegal aliens from other countries over American citizens. It's time they follow through on their sacred trust as a majority of Americans are "mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore."

Recently, MMP Founder Jim Gilchrist attended "Billboard Colorado's" unveiling of their first billboard and supported Congressman Tom Tancredo in Denver at this patriotic event. The citizens of Colorado donated their hard-earned money to have three billboards placed in strategic areas where citizens are able to view them. Go to Peter Boyles of 630 AM KHOW Radio was instrumental in starting this project.

Won't you please help, support and donate to the Minutemen Billboard Project? The opposition and open borders advocates receive funding from foundations such as The Ford Foundation, First Data/Western Union, Home Depot, etc. Jim Gilchrist and his soldiers of sovereignty are fighting for your AMERICA and spend their own time and their own time to save our beloved country.

Please join citizens throughout the country by sending your check or by making a donation on our "Billboard" page.

Thank you for your support at this crucial time in America.

Minuteman Founder,
Jim Gilchrist


Donate Now
We have to pay our bills!


Start a Minuteman Chapter
We are planning 500 new Minuteman Chapters from coast to coast by Christmas! It's easy, fun and it must be done!


Sign the Minuteman Pledge
We need people of good moral character and not afraid of being called a Patriot! Download, sign and fax to: 949-222-6607

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