Monday, November 30, 2009

Lou Dobbs mulls White House bid

Lou Dobbs mulls White House bid

Former CNN host Lou Dobbs fueled already rampant speculation about his political future Monday,
sending the clearest signals yet that he's mulling a bid for president and leaving third-party political operatives salivating over the possibility of a celebrity recruit for the 2012 campaign.

Less than two weeks after announcing his departure from the cable network and after a series of interviews in which Dobbs encouraged speculation about his political plans — the anchorman known to fans
as "Mr. Independent" finally made his presidential ambitions explicit on former Sen. Fred Thompson's radio show Monday.

Asked if he might make a run at the White House in 2012,
Dobbs answered flatly: "Yes is the answer."

"I'm going to be talking some more with some folks who want me to
listen in the next few weeks," Dobbs told Thompson.
"Right now I'm fortunate to have a number of wonderful options."
By: Alexander Burns

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

take away Obama and company federal credit card?

take away Obama and company federal credit card?

that's the message i got from the election returns.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009



Dear Friend,

Please do not fall for the liberal propaganda that health care
"reform" is inevitable and will certainly pass! It can be defeated!

The key is to trigger the same backlash among under 30 voters that has already
materialized among the elderly.

We have produced a new 30 second ad that is aimed at the younger voters and need
funds to run it in all the swing states. We will then poll in each of these
states to show the Senators and Congress how strongly their constituents oppose
the Obama bill. We will also be all over the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, and
all forms of social Internet media pressing the message.

Our attack focuses on the fact that the uninsured will have to pay a tax of $1,000 each if they won't buy insurance and will have to pay 8-12 percent of their income to get the insurance. We also zero in on taxes on pacemakers and other medical equipment and on how the plan will force up family health insurance premiums by $1700 per family.

It is a great campaign, but we need funds to get it across.
We have raised $2.6 million so far and have used it to great
effect, moving seniors against the bill in huge numbers.
Now we need to put on a comparable campaign aimed at the young.

And we only have a few weeks before the bills will be voted
upon in each house.

Please give us funds now! As much as you can! $1,000 checks are
appreciated and, of course, anything smaller is welcome too.

Click here to watch the new ad and to make a donatation to help run it in
all swing states!

Your health care and mine is on the line. This is our last and best chance
to stop it from being eviscerated by Obama!


Dick Morris

Join me, Dick Morris, on the 2010 Newsmax Cruise. Click Here.